To The Moon with Kerr9000 - Episode 31

December 14, 2023 02:04:33
To The Moon with Kerr9000 - Episode 31
Pedz' Game Shack
To The Moon with Kerr9000 - Episode 31

Dec 14 2023 | 02:04:33


Show Notes

On the 31st episode of Pedz' Game Shack, we have returning guest Kerrr9000.

Currently Playing: The guys have both been trying out the new modes in Fortnite and Kerr has also been playing Mario RPG, Street Fighter 6 and more.

Top News: It's the time of year to chat about the game awards, so that's what the news is, the Game Awards.

We Play Together: The game of the episode is To The Moon. A Point and Click adventure that focuses on changing a dying man's memories so he has visited the moon. It's a game that has an interesting story and nice relaxing gameplay.

Saying Hello: 00:16

Currently Playing: 5:38

Top News: 26:25

We Play Together: 1:43:28

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:19] Speaker A: Of Pets's game shack. Today we have a returning guest, 9000, who may have heard previously on the podcast and also on pugsy crew reviews, where me and Kerr tend to talk about films. How are you doing, dude? [00:00:36] Speaker B: I'm all right, chap. How are you doing? [00:00:38] Speaker A: Yeah, I'm doing good. I'm doing good. Just chilling out, just had food. So I'm a bit late coming on to record. Well, I'm a couple of days late coming on to record. [00:00:47] Speaker B: Better late than Nevis. [00:00:48] Speaker A: Exactly. I'll try and get this edited today to send out, but it'd probably be tomorrow. So they've been up to much other than playing games. Been watching any cool films, shows? [00:01:04] Speaker B: Been watching a lot of a show called Killer Kids, which is obviously about kids that have killed people. [00:01:11] Speaker A: Like a true documentary stuff, like, yeah, true life stuff. [00:01:16] Speaker B: The kids that killed Jamie Ballger, there was an episode about them. And it's interesting, apart from the fact I usually watch a lot of true crime. And unfortunately, with it being killer kids, they set up like, who could have done it? And it's like, well, the show's called killer kids, so it's the kid in. [00:01:32] Speaker A: It, maybe in the background sometimes you never notice, but there's a little goat and it could be that. That's the only explanation I've got for you. Otherwise, yeah, if the show is called Killer kids, there's going to be a kid. Speaking of the true life stuff like that, me and the Mrs. Have been watching fear thy neighbor quite a bit. We've watched like five seasons or four seasons, and that's really good. It's about basically, if you haven't seen it, two neighbors who don't like each other, and then one of them ends up killing, or almost killing the other one. [00:02:10] Speaker B: Yeah, I've seen a bit of it. [00:02:12] Speaker A: It's good fun. It's not good fun because people actually did suffer. But. [00:02:20] Speaker B: Some of it's ever stupid shit in it, really. [00:02:24] Speaker A: Honestly, most of it comes down to noise. Most people just get fed up with like, someone's kids are playing outside and it's getting on their nerves. Someone got a dog that barks every so often. It gets on their nerves. Some of, like, it's mostly that, but some of them are a bit more sinister. Like, one of them I was watching, it was like this guy, he moved into his sister's apartment in New York, and then he got infatuated with a woman. Found out the woman was married to a guy older than her and was also the guy, like the guy who the intendant, or whatever they call him. The people who work around the thing, fixing things. The handyman, basically. I think he was. [00:03:05] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. [00:03:05] Speaker A: And he ended up killing both of them because he just became fucking insane. Wow. So, like I said, some of them are a lot more sinister. Most of the time it is someone's too noisy, someone's a bit messy. Like, the garden isn't as nice. Some people, it's literally they want their street to be a certain way. And if someone isn't, like, perfect to their standards, they end up arguing. It becomes a massive feud. And then after however long, they end up killing them. One of them I watched was a two parter, and that was awesome because it ended up with one family dying in one episode and another family dying in another episode. But it was spread over two episodes because it was two different houses that got burnt down. It was like, fuck. One of them. One family was like two elderly people. So at least they're at the end of their life, kind of thing. Yeah. It's not as bad as the second family, who were two adults. And I think it was seven kids. [00:04:08] Speaker B: Wow. [00:04:08] Speaker A: I think there was eight kids, but one of them was, like, a bit older and old enough to be working and was out working. It's the only reason why she survived. Fucking shocking stuff people will do just because they won their town or their street in a certain way. It's like, fucking get a grip, you crazy twat. [00:04:29] Speaker B: Yeah, it's mental how people just let infatuations or arguments or get a hold of them and sanity runs off, essentially. [00:04:40] Speaker A: Yeah, agreed. It's crazy. Anyway, let's get on with the podcast. For those who are new, we do three segments which are currently playing top news, and we play together. Currently playing is obviously talking about what we're currently playing. Top news is discussion about news in the gaming industry, usually. And thirdly, we play together is a game that is picked specifically for the episode that both me and Kerr, or me and the guest play, which today is to the moon, which is something we'll talk about soon. So as we're going to be talking about the game awards, we're probably going to be using that for the top news. We're probably going to have to keep the currently playing a little shorter, I would say. Or we can have a really long episode. Because there's a lot to talk about when it comes to the game awards, I suppose. So. Anyway, what are you currently playing, Kerr? [00:05:41] Speaker B: Well, it does tie in a little bit to the game awards. Because during the game awards, they showed all the new modes in Fortnite and I've been making my way through some of them. I've tried the Lego mode and the Rocket racing mode and the Fortnite Festival mode. [00:05:58] Speaker A: Yeah. Are you finding a man? How would you rate them? Battle royale? No, build rocket racing. Lego world or whatever it's called. Lego World is a different game. And then the dancing. Shit. I can't remember what you just said. [00:06:16] Speaker B: Well, the festival, one festival is basically guitar hero. [00:06:21] Speaker A: It is, yeah. Magnus, the guitar. Yeah. [00:06:26] Speaker B: It's enjoyable enough, but the buttons they've picked, I'd like it if they made it. So you could change the buttons because it's left and right. On the DPad are two of the. Because it's exactly the same as Guitar hero, where it's colored buttons going down a stream and you have to press the right one at the right time. [00:06:47] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:06:48] Speaker B: Left and right is one and then it's like x and a or something. And it really does cramped my hands on the switch. I enjoy it. It's decent. But if I could make it left and the r trigger and the right trigger and a or something, I'd be able to play more of it without feeling incredible cramp. [00:07:07] Speaker A: Yeah. I did play it once with one of the kids, damode, and we did a set list of four songs and I didn't mind, it was all right. I would rather play something like guitar hero rock band because it's harmonics. Who's done the mod harmonics behind the original. I think it was two tar heroes. And then they went on to make rock band. Yeah. [00:07:35] Speaker B: I mean, I love Beatles rock band. That'd be the one I'd return to if I was going to really want to play this sort of. [00:07:42] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. Well, rock band is something we do occasionally set up. We've got the stuff like under the stairs. So sometimes I will set it up and we'll all have a little jam. I tend to sing because no one else in the house was. Everyone else refuses to sing, so if someone does sing, it'd be me. And I cannot sing. If you've heard my twitch singing streams, I cannot sing. But my missus is like, no, I'm not singing. No one is hearing me sing. I will never sing. My kids are like, no, I'm not singing. And it's like, well, I'll have to do it then, or we'll just all play one instrument and deal with it. So there you go. How would you rate that out of the lowest? Is it the festival stuff? Worst of it. [00:08:21] Speaker B: Maybe. [00:08:24] Speaker A: I'm saying. You're saying it's bad. Just saying that it's not as good as the other modes. [00:08:28] Speaker B: No, it's something you'll go to occasionally to pass some time, but it's not something you'd like boot the game up for, really. [00:08:35] Speaker A: Yeah. Especially as they haven't really got my kind of music on there as well. I like Lady Gaga and whatever else is on there. I prefer Metallica. [00:08:47] Speaker B: I think the best thing I could find on there was that cake by the ocean, because I quite like that. But there's not a lot of stuff I like on it. [00:08:55] Speaker A: Yeah, it's got to appeal to a broad audience and that's the problem. Yeah, well, it's not the problem, but that's the problem as to why I don't like the music on it, because I like metal and stuff. Whereas on this more pop rap and stuff. [00:09:12] Speaker B: Yeah. More current stuff. I'd be 80s if I'd have made it. It'd be all like, aha. And stuff like that. [00:09:21] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:09:24] Speaker B: And then there's the Lego, which essentially is a Lego variant of minecraft. Really? [00:09:31] Speaker A: It is, yes. It's like, from what I remember, a little of Lego worlds, it's kind of like a stripped back. Not stripped back, but it's like a variant of that, which. That itself, I think, was like a variant on Minecraft. [00:09:47] Speaker B: Yeah. Apparently more people are playing that than battle royal at the moment, which I don't really see. Obviously it's just for the novelty, but, yeah, I've built a few asses and messed around a bit, but if I was going to play that sort of stuff, I'd recommend Dragon Quest builders. [00:10:05] Speaker A: Really? Yeah, Dragon Quest. I haven't played much of Dragon Quest builders, but that's very story based as well, isn't it? So there's a lot more building. I think that was one of my main issues with Minecraft. It's like, yeah, it's cool being creative, but if you're not very creative, like myself, having a nice story there actually helps. [00:10:24] Speaker B: Yeah. Dragon Quest Builders gives you a reason to build and that helps keep you coming back with Minecraft. You've got to be incredibly creative and sort of have visions in your head of what you want to achieve with no real reward for achieving them other than sort of being able to look at yourself and go, job well done. [00:10:41] Speaker A: Yeah. Little pat on your back of yourself. That's about it, really. [00:10:46] Speaker B: The new one I really like is the rocket racing. I think that's really playable. [00:10:52] Speaker A: Yeah, I liked it. What I played of it, but I will say it's nowhere near as good as Rocket League. [00:10:58] Speaker B: No, but it's a good distraction. [00:11:03] Speaker A: It's definitely a fun mode. But then it's psionics made thing, I believe. So you'd expect it to be good. [00:11:12] Speaker B: Yeah, that's the one I actually see myself returning to. I think I will play games of that between battle royals, whereas the other ones I'll probably play when they do something where you win a new backpack or a different skin, but other than that, probably won't bother too much. [00:11:30] Speaker A: No, it's understandable. I wouldn't say they bad, like I said, but they're just not as enjoyable as other games that do similar things. [00:11:43] Speaker B: I mean, whether they will get built. [00:11:44] Speaker A: Upon, they probably will know him with epic and the live service bollocks. But, yeah, battle Royale is still my main go to. Of the five modes, or however many it is, four modes. But I tend to go, no, build. I can't do building because me too. [00:12:02] Speaker B: I hate building. [00:12:04] Speaker A: In the beginning, I didn't mind building back in the day, 200 years ago when it first started Fortnite, because people weren't like. People would build stuff, but it wouldn't be like, all of a sudden you start shooting at someone, and all of a sudden there's a massive fucking sky fortress. Whereas before, people just build a couple of walls and maybe a couple of levels, and then you would do the same, and it'd be like a nice balance to it, whereas now it's just like. And all of a sudden you literally got a castle to fight against. And it's like, what? How am I going to get to the person? That's what I liked when I was playing the chapter three. I think it was chapter three season, something they added in flame bows. So when people started building with wood, you just set on fire, and when they block themselves in with metal, you just shoot it with a gas bow and they die from the stench. It was great. Bring them all back, I say. [00:13:01] Speaker B: That's what keeps it going, though, isn't it? The fact that they're always filtering different maps in, but they're always filtering guns in and out, and so you kind of find yourself pulled back to go, well, what's the current thing? [00:13:13] Speaker A: What guns are? [00:13:14] Speaker B: But I didn't like when it went to OG. Fortnite. [00:13:17] Speaker A: No, I really enjoyed Og. [00:13:20] Speaker B: I found it too basic. But I think it's probably because I was quite late on the Fortnite train, so I never saw the original. So I didn't sort of have the nostalgia for it. I was just like, well, this is a bit limited. See, I didn't mind getting cars and why can't I do this? [00:13:36] Speaker A: When I first played Fortnite, it was before all the season stuff. It was still in beta and all that sort of thing. When I first played it, it didn't have half the stuff around even in the OG seasons because it was before that. And I only played it like once or twice in season one and then I came back to it in season two, I think, or chapter two is when I came back to it. So I missed all the season one stuff and a chapter one stuff. God damn it. And I came back in like season two or three in chapter two, and then I've been playing it since. But I tend to only play with the kids or some people from Grkade on occasion on a Sunday, but we haven't done that for a while now, which is a shame because it was always good fun. [00:14:17] Speaker B: But yeah, I play it either with my nephews or sometimes with my daughter. But sort of when I enjoy it the most is when me and my missus play it because we are probably like the most communicative. We do work quite well in tandem. I'm the one that's killing people more, and she's the one that comes and saves me when I've got in over my head. She's good at hiding and retreating and grabbing your card and getting to a van. [00:14:46] Speaker A: Yeah, that's good for me and my kids. It's like we just shoot stuff until we die, which happens a lot. You've been enjoying the new chapter, then? [00:15:02] Speaker B: Yeah, I think it's a good map. I think the trains are. Know, Peter Griffin's funny in it. [00:15:13] Speaker A: I think it's funny that he's in there. Massively buff Peter Griffin. [00:15:19] Speaker B: I mean, he's been rumoured for ages, and apparently sprites have been found in the code before, so I'd give up hope that he was ever going to be in it. So it was quite a nice surprise because it had gone to the point where you're like, nah, they won't do it now. [00:15:32] Speaker A: I wonder what's next. The guy from american dad whose name I forgot. I was going to say Roger, but that's the alien. [00:15:38] Speaker B: Yeah, that is the alien. I'd like Stewie, but I think obviously because he's a tiny baby. [00:15:43] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:15:43] Speaker B: Remember the old captain commando game where you got the baby in a mech? [00:15:47] Speaker A: Yeah, Stewie. [00:15:50] Speaker B: Like that. So it's the little head and hands at the top and he's got a robot body that's like awesome. I think that'd be cool. [00:15:58] Speaker A: Kind of like Rick and Morty. Morty's got like a little robot suit, doesn't he, when you play his morty? Whereas Rick hasn't. Rick is just normal Rick. Have you been playing anything else? [00:16:15] Speaker B: I've been slowly making my way through paper Mario. Oh, no, it's not paper Mario is. It's Mario RPG. I'm jumping ahead the switch one, but I've been playing it in half hour chunks, so I kind of don't want to overly rush it. [00:16:31] Speaker A: Are you finding the game? [00:16:32] Speaker B: I like it. It's really good. I mean, I never played it when it first came out in the snares because I've got a feeling it didn't come out in England. I might be. [00:16:41] Speaker A: I didn't. I don't know if it even came outside of Japan. [00:16:45] Speaker B: I know it in America. [00:16:47] Speaker A: It didn't come to Europe then, maybe. [00:16:50] Speaker B: But I played it on emulators, like basically when the PlayStation and Dreamcast were a thing. I've not played it since then, so it's nice to play it again and I didn't remember that much of it. It's almost a new game to me. [00:17:08] Speaker A: Yeah, well, I played it, I think, on the WI eshop maybe originally, is when I first played it and I only played a little bit of it and then I stopped playing it because that's what I'm like sometimes I just play a game and then I move on, like way too quickly and it's. Why have I done that? I need to go back to it. I've, like, I would even games I've streamed, like, why have I not played this for ages? I need to go back to it then, I think too late to go back to it now. I can't remember it. I have to start again and I'm like, I can't bother to start again, so I'll just play a new game. So if I was to go to it, I'd probably. The majority of the game would be new to me. [00:17:50] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:17:53] Speaker A: Are you finding the combat now then? Because from what I remember, it's similar to paper Mario and Mario and Luigi with the timed button presses and that kind of stuff. Yeah. [00:18:06] Speaker B: You say what you're going to do and then you press to do it and then you hit the button just before you're going to hit the enemy to do more damage or there's things where you bounce and if you keep hitting the button at the right time, you'll bounce again. It's handled pretty well because I know that can make or break things like that, because if it feels like you're doing it and it's not acknowledging it, it will drive you up the wall. But this feels pretty good. The only thing I didn't like is there's a bit where you run at doors, right, and you're running alongside another character and you have to run perfectly in sync with them and press the button as they hit the door and, oh, God, they should remove that. It really pissed me off, I think. I had to run at the door about 30 times and I was nearly at the point of just going, oh, fuck this, I'll play somewhere else. [00:18:53] Speaker A: Damn, that's irritating. How does the visuals look on there, then? Because obviously it's a remake, like a full on remake of the original title. And the original title at the time looked really good, but when you look at it now, it's kind of a bit not great because of obviously it was like 3d rendered visuals on a Snez, which is obviously not going to be as good as later consoles, like, to be honest, PlayStation and N 64, not great looking nowadays, but like, PlayStation two onwards, I think it's fine. But how is this looking, then? Because obviously they've changed the visuals and stuff. Does it look nice? Does it still keep in with the theme of the original? Still have the same kind of style? [00:19:39] Speaker B: Yeah, it looks like what your mind would remember the original to look like before you really looked at it and went, oh, was it really like that? But you do get the feeling like this could have been managed on the three ds sort of thing. It's not cutting edge or anything. It's nice, but not this world. [00:20:04] Speaker A: It's just not nice enough. Des ingest, but, yeah. Have you been playing anything else before we move on to the game awards? [00:20:17] Speaker B: A little bit of Street Fighter six. Not much. That sort of slowed down as I started paper Mario. [00:20:24] Speaker A: I want to get Street Fighter six. I haven't got to it yet because I'm like, oh, I want to get it, but I want to get the ultimate edition. But it's like over 100 quid and I'm not spending that much. [00:20:35] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. I mean, I saw it when it originally came out and even the basic edition was 50 quid and I was like, no, I got it from game in the end when it was on offer, new for 1999, and I thought, at that sort of price, I'll play it. And then if they bring out a disc that's super ultra, extra fighters, extra cost. You don't feel so stung at buying that. [00:20:59] Speaker A: Yeah, I was only thinking, like, I want to get the ultimate one edition. It means that I don't have to worry about the stuff that comes out. I'll gare it for a while anyway. Because they always do. Like, season past one, season past two, season past three, season past four, and then by the first or second one, your ultimate thing is chucked in the bin and you have to start buying them anyway. Or you wait for the next version of the game, super Street Fighter six, and then maybe you'll have some of the extra characters or Ultra Street Fighter six and you'll get some more characters like Jesus Christ. [00:21:35] Speaker B: Like, I know people that are playing that Mortal Kombat one and it looks good, but I didn't get eleven until the sort of ultra version came out because. Yeah, and I think Mortal Kombat one, is there going to be an ultra version? Because if there is, I either want the normal version secondhand from somewhere on the cheap, or I want to wait and get the super duper one. [00:21:58] Speaker A: Exactly. And the problem with Mortal Kombat one, from the sounds of his microtransaction riddled up the ass really bad. I think there was Warner Brothers had a fatality that you paid ten pound for, I think. [00:22:14] Speaker B: Fatality, wow. [00:22:16] Speaker A: Fucking shock. [00:22:17] Speaker B: I know. People. People were messing with the clocks on their consoles because apparently if you'd missed something being gettable, if you messed with the clock, you could then get it and it'd be cheaper than waiting for it to roll around again. Also, I remember reading something about it and thinking, shit, that's a lot of messing about. [00:22:35] Speaker A: It's shocking that we've ended up in the position where companies, they've always been about money, clearly, but now it's got to the point where they're just taking so much advantage of people, especially people who have issues with the gambling, mechanics of loot boxes and stuff like that. It's just like, fuck off. [00:22:56] Speaker B: That's the thing. Yeah, Fortnite makes money out of you, but I'm like, at least Fortnite, the game's free. And then you pay for the skins you want and stuff, and you know what skin you're getting. You've decided, I want that terminator. I'm paying that. I've decided that's worth. Yeah, I don't like random loot because you might get stuff you think is a load of shit and I don't like. I'm like, pick a lane, don't have a game that you're paying 40, 50 quid for that then has season passes. [00:23:26] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:23:27] Speaker B: Either be free with season passes or be a full game where I spend whatever you ask for and I've got everything. [00:23:37] Speaker A: Yeah. And more makes it worse is when they go, yeah, we've already planned the DLC. I always wonder how much have they held back for DLC? Yeah. How much of it was part of the game. And they've gone, we keep it back. [00:23:52] Speaker B: I know in the past there's been some games where the DLC is literally on the fucking disk and what you are buying is a tiny piece of code that goes, yell at and play it. [00:24:01] Speaker A: That sucks, man. One thing I will say about the Fortnite store and similar games, that is a bit, is a way that they take advantage of people, in a way, is they'll put it up and they'll go, right, you've got this amount of time to buy it, and then people will be like, oh, shit, I want that. But if every skin was up all the time, then I don't think it would be so bad because it means that people are not rushing then to be like, fuck, I've only got an hour to buy this. I need to buy it now because it might never come back. And it's giving that Fomo then. [00:24:31] Speaker B: Yeah. And there's a weird thing where some stuff seems to repeatedly come back forever and then there's other stuff that you hardly ever see. [00:24:39] Speaker A: Exactly. [00:24:40] Speaker B: And you never know what the thing you want is going to be. You're like, oh, this dragon ball character is up. Is it going to be one of them where it'll come back up every month and I don't have to worry? Or is it going to be one of them where if I don't get it, it might be a year till it's up again or it might never come back. [00:24:55] Speaker A: Shit. In that regard. But I enjoy Fortnite, but some of the practices behind it are bitchy. And I think that's one of the things that Mortal Kombat one has done. Had the rotating store, so you've got to pay 70 pound and then have that shitty practice on top of it. It's not as bad when it's free, but it's still not exactly great. But again, not as bad. No. [00:25:25] Speaker B: And the Switch version looked fucking comical of Mortal Kombat. [00:25:30] Speaker A: Could you imagine paying 70 quid for that? [00:25:34] Speaker B: That game should have either been half the price of the Xbox, PlayStation one or just shouldn't have been released. [00:25:40] Speaker A: Yeah. And then you look at things like doom on the switch and you're like, how can that be so much better than. [00:25:48] Speaker B: Yeah, you don't barely know that doom's any different to play on the Xbox one. [00:25:54] Speaker A: Massive difference between them. [00:25:56] Speaker B: But you look at your mortal kombat and you're like, shit. That makes the switch look really weak. [00:26:03] Speaker A: It does. They do need to release a new console, though, because I want one. [00:26:08] Speaker B: Yeah, I do. [00:26:25] Speaker A: So we shall move on to the top news. And the top news. We're going to talk about the game awards. Would you like to go through the game awards first? The awards themselves or the games first? Because if we go through the game awards first, we can stop talk about the ones that we actually care about. [00:26:43] Speaker B: Yeah, sure, we'll go through the awards first. [00:26:46] Speaker A: So the first one you had, the first game award we had was for best family game award, which are Disney, Illusion Island, Party animals, Pikmin, four sonic superstars and Super Mario Wonder which the winner was. Super Mario Wonder which. From where I played, it's a really good game. I haven't played three of the games, but two of them are very good. The two I played is Sonic superstar super Mario Wonder. I would agree with. Good. [00:27:14] Speaker B: To me, Illusion island, something I was interested in and then I read stuff on it where apparently you don't actually attack any enemies. And I was like, oh, no. I wanted it to be like the old castle of Illusion and that jumping on stuff's head. So I was like, nah, I check out. [00:27:29] Speaker A: I think it's meant to be a Metroid venia, but you change between characters instead of just normal upgrades. But I'm not sure what exactly how it works. Don't quote me on that because I could very well be very wrong. But I'm not. I'm always right. Innovation in accessibility. Diablo four. Sorry. Forza Motorsport. Hi fi Rush, Marvel Spiderman two, Mortal Kombat one and Street Fighter six. Yeah. Innovation in accessibility by making you pay for even more shit than normal with Mortal Kombat one. Forza Motorsport. It's probably because they've got a lot of stuff like disabilities and stuff, as well as even the simple things like some games not having a colorblind option, shit like that. Because I know people who are colorblind. I'm looking at one right now in the mirror. You know what mean? Well, there you go. [00:28:24] Speaker B: I mean, Microsoft have got that cool adaptive controller as well, aren't? [00:28:27] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, they have the big massive thing which looks really know. If I needed it, then I would. [00:28:34] Speaker B: Aim for mean I don't need it. But, you know, if I ever saw 1 second hand on the cheap, I think I'd buy it just to fuck around with it because it's interesting, which says something. [00:28:46] Speaker A: Yeah. Best performance. This was a voice performance. Ben Star for Final Fantasy 16, Cameron Monaghan for Star Wars, Jedi survivor Idris Elba for cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty. Melanie Lebird I think it is for Alamake two, Neil Newbun for Boulders Gate three, and Yuri Lowenfall for Spiderman. As in Marvel Spiderman two. Neil Newbun won that for Baldas Gate three. And while I haven't finished Baldar's Gate three, it is fucking awesome. Honestly, I haven't played all these games, but all the fucking characters that I've met in Baldas Gate three should be nominated for this because they're all fucking brilliant. Really good. Everything about it is great. [00:29:42] Speaker B: I've not played it, but I went and looked up some footage of the actor talking in character because I wanted to see the performance and having seen it. Yeah, fair copy. Seems like he's done a really good job. [00:29:55] Speaker A: Yeah, fucking brilliant. Got to be honest, really enjoyed it. And the narrator is great. All the characters are really good. The only person who isn't really well voiced is you, a character, because I don't think they speak. Everyone else speaks. Best narrative. You've got Alan Wake two, Baldas Gate three, Cyberpunk 2077, Phantom Liberty, Final Fantasy 16, Marvel Spiderman two. And the winner was. Alan Wick two. Have you played Alamick two? [00:30:26] Speaker B: No, I played the first one, but I've never touched the second one. [00:30:29] Speaker A: Yeah, the second one I started and I was like, oh, this seems interesting, but I didn't really enjoy the first Alamic. But I've heard so many things about this one being better, so I'm hoping that is the case because I want to enjoy it. Best debut indie game dredge, pizza Tower, Venba viewfinder, and Cocoon. Cocoon was the winner. It is nothing to do with the film cocoon. [00:30:59] Speaker B: I did wonder that when they were announcing it, I had to go and look what it was. [00:31:04] Speaker A: Yeah, I don't think I played any of those games. I've never heard of Pizza Tower to be overview find. I don't think no. Dredge I've heard of and vember and Cocoon. Cocoon I've got downloaded ready to play. I think I have with Venber as well. If it's on Game pass or might be thinking of something else. You interested in any of them from what you saw of them. [00:31:28] Speaker B: Not overly. [00:31:30] Speaker A: Fair enough. Best action game armor called six fires of Rubicon, Dead island two, ghost runners two, hi fi Rush, remnant two. One thing I've noticed with this year's game awards, there's a lot of something, something two, something, something two, something four, something six, something 16. There's a lot of sequels or remasters in you remakes, that kind of thing. It's like with all the fucking new inventive, imaginative games. Yeah. [00:32:05] Speaker B: It is a problem in it if everything's a sequel or feels like everything's a sequel. [00:32:10] Speaker A: Yeah. Next up, you have best art direction with Alan Wake two. If I rush, lies of P, Super Mario Bros. Wonder and the Legend of Zelda, tears of the kingdom alum. Wake two again was the winner there. Again, I've only played a little bit of it. You haven't played it? You plan on playing it? [00:32:35] Speaker B: Probably not. It's not something that's appealed to me. [00:32:39] Speaker A: That's fair enough. I really enjoyed control, which was the last game they made remedies, so I thought I'd give it a bash because there was a lot of things to like about Alan Wake, but I just found the gameplay a little boring, whereas this one seems to have more to it. So I'm hoping that will be the case all the way through. Best Vra Grand Tourismo seven humanity Horizon, call of the mountain, Resident Evil village and synapse, or synapse, I think they said it as. And Resi Village was the winner of that. I have yet to play Resident Evil Seven in full Resident Evil village at all. [00:33:25] Speaker B: I've only briefly played it and I've certainly not played it in VR. I've not touched much VR stuff, to be honest. [00:33:31] Speaker A: I've got Resident Evil Seven in VR on PlayStation four. Maybe I should set it up and play and be like, oh, I'm scared. And then everyone will laugh at me because I'll do it on stream. Best mobile game you had. Fun fantasy seven ever. Crisis, honky, Star Rail, hello Kitty Adventure island. Sorry. Hello Kitty Adventure Island, Monster Hunter now and Terra Nil. And the winner of that was Starrail. Haven't played it. I've barely touched Genshin impact by the same company, but I haven't really. [00:34:14] Speaker B: It looks alright, but I didn't like, so. And I don't really like mobile phone games. [00:34:20] Speaker A: Yeah, well, it's mobile phone game. That looks fucking amazing, to be fair. But it's on PlayStation four and five as well, I think. [00:34:29] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:34:30] Speaker A: And that's what I would play it on, is the PlayStation instead of the phone because fuck that. [00:34:36] Speaker B: Yeah, I don't see much point in playing games on the phone. I usually carry around like a little retro playing console, like a POW kitty sort of thing. [00:34:46] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:34:47] Speaker B: And I'd be playing that if I'm at. [00:34:50] Speaker A: I know I'm in. [00:34:50] Speaker B: I'd be playing the switch or the Xbox or the PS four or something. [00:34:55] Speaker A: Yeah. Best audio design. Alan Wake two, headspace hi fi Rush, Spiderman two, Resident Evil four. The winner was hi fi rush. And it's one of the few games I'm looking at on these lists that it's fucking like a new inventive, fun looking game. I haven't played it again. I've downloaded it, ready to play. Just haven't got around to it because there's too many fucking games. [00:35:19] Speaker B: I've briefly played some and I like the art style and I think it's got good audio. So a fair winner, I think. [00:35:26] Speaker A: Yeah. Games for impact, a space for the unbound. I can't read my own writing. Chance of Sinar. I think that says goodbye Volcano High. Chia, which I thought was pronounced Chia, but it's actually Chia, Terra Nil and Venba. And Chia won that. Again, that's a game I think that's on Game pass I need to play, but I just haven't got around to it because there's too many games. [00:35:56] Speaker B: I mean, that one looks decent. [00:35:58] Speaker A: Yeah. Another game I was interested in playing was that goodbye Volcano High, because it kind of gave me a similar kind of vibe as another game that came out that I'm trying to stall to remember the name of, but I can't all of a sudden. And I fucking really loved that game and I know Jawa did as well. It was the one where he plays a cat. Can't remember his name. Oh, well. But it was really good. [00:36:28] Speaker B: The only cat thing I can think of is that stray. [00:36:31] Speaker A: No, you play as like a cat, humanoid cat. It's like a kind of like 2d. [00:36:43] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:36:44] Speaker A: I can't remember the name of it all of a sudden. Don't know why, considering I really, really enjoyed it. It'll come to me probably after the podcast and I'll have to edit it in, even though I'm not going to do that because I can't be bothered. Best score and music you have alamake two baldas, gate three, Final Fantasy 16, hi fi rush and Tears of the Kingdom and Final Fantasy 16 one there, which is surprising because of the audio. You would think the audio design and the best score music would kind of come together, but I guess audio design and the actual just music of it different. It is different, but you'd still think. [00:37:26] Speaker B: You'd think if one's good, they're both good sort of thing. [00:37:29] Speaker A: Really. Yeah. [00:37:30] Speaker B: I'd expected Zelda to win it, but I think that's because I'm partial to Zelda's sort of style of music. [00:37:36] Speaker A: Yeah, I do allure of Mazilda. Best indie game Cocoon, Dave the diver, Dredge, Sea of Stars and Viewfinder. Sea of Stars was the winner. It's a game that I want to play. I haven't played it yet. I want to play because I actually backed the game in Kickstarter. I had it so that I had a copy for the PlayStation five, the Xbox, and I think I've got another physical copy coming. But what's annoying is I backed it to get it on the PlayStation five and the Xbox because that's the package I went for. Mainly for the physical edition. But you've got a copy of whatever digital as well. And what's annoying is as soon as it was before it even came out, it was announced to be coming to PlayStation plus and Xbox Game Pass. I was like, fuck sake. [00:38:33] Speaker B: Yeah, that is a pain. It looks brilliant though. [00:38:37] Speaker A: It does. Awesome. I need to get to it like fast. Got so many games I've backed that I haven't even got around to playing. Like Beacon Pines is another one. Been out for a few months now. Still haven't played it back there. Look. What's wrong with me? Best community support, Baldas Gate three, Cyberpunk 2077, Destiny two, Final Fantasy 14 and no man's Sky. I think it's 14. Anyway. I did write 16 down with a second. Was it 1414? It was bold as gate ₩3 that I don't know what the community sport is. It's probably helping the community. But I not followed on what has happened in the community stuff with anything. I just play my games, talk about my games and that's about it. Like, I don't follow that kind of side of things. [00:39:25] Speaker B: I kind of thought no man's sky had win because yeah, it released in a mess. But that game has had so much done to it since it came out. I think all pretty much been free and it's just been a never ending train of them giving you updates and extra stuff. But maybe Boulders Gate three has done something. I don't know because I've not followed that game that much. [00:39:51] Speaker A: It's definitely worth picking up. It's on the Xbox now as well. If you haven't got a PlayStation or PC that's capable of playing it. I only know because it came out on the night of game awards, I think. [00:40:04] Speaker B: Cool. [00:40:04] Speaker A: Think so? Anyway, best fighting game, gods of rock or God of rock? Mortal Kombat one, Nickelodeon All Stars brawl two, pocket bravery and final fancy. Final Fantasy. Final Fantasy six. Street Fighter Six was the winner. Street Fighter six is out of them games is the one I would want to play personally. [00:40:30] Speaker B: Yeah, I've enjoyed it. I think it's a good game. I really like it. It's something I've played enough to review. Yeah, I'd never heard of that God of rock. I've since watched videos and stuff. It's a weird guitar hero meets Street Fighter sort of thing. [00:40:47] Speaker A: Something I wouldn't mind having a look at myself, but I just know that Street Fighter is going to have good combat. The only issue I have with games like that is I'm really bad at them. [00:40:56] Speaker B: I'm not too bad. Years ago I'd have said I was good. I entered an art of fighting two tournament and came fourth. And there was like prizes of money from one to three. So I was a bit knocked at the time. But I think as I've got older, I've played less of them and more like fire emblem and stuff, so probably a bit rusty by comparison to what. [00:41:19] Speaker A: I used to be. Lost your edge like. [00:41:22] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:41:24] Speaker A: Most anticipated game Final Fantasy Seven rebirth. Hades two. Like a dragon infinite wealth, Star wars, outlaws and tech. And I thought it would have been between like a dragon or Hades two. But the actual winner was Final Fantasy seven rebirth. Because I forgot it's a Final Fantasy seven thing. For some reason everyone chows down on Final Fantasy Seven's cock. I don't know why you're so fucking loved. [00:41:48] Speaker B: My most anticipated is like a dragon infinite wealth. [00:41:52] Speaker A: Yeah, I played. [00:41:55] Speaker B: Yeah, I played the last one starring Ichiban from start to finish. Couldn't put it down. Had to keep going back to it. I've even replayed parts of it. And the day, like a dragon's going out, I go on holiday, so. [00:42:12] Speaker A: I. [00:42:13] Speaker B: Won'T even play it for about a week after it comes out. [00:42:16] Speaker A: That sucks, man. You're going to have to just like take it with her. Take your xbox with her. Best ongoing game. Another one I thought that no Man sky would have been winner for, but it wasn't even included. You have Apex Legends, Cyberpunk 2077, Final Fantasy 14, Fortnite and Genshin or Genshin Impact. I think it's Genshin myself, but some people say genshin, the winner of that was Cyberpunk 2077. I can understand why because that game also released no huge, huge mess. Yeah, but I don't know, I've never played it. I played a little bit of it. I did one stream where I played it for like two or 3 hours and it seemed all right, but I was like, I'm playing so many games and this is going to be a massive game, I'm going to spend loads of time playing. And I don't tend to do that with games now because I know I'll end up spend too much time doing it if I do it by streaming like two or 3 hours a day. And that's not every day, that's just the days I stream it. And like I've done it with breath, not breath of wild teaser the kingdom. And apart from playing games with Cumberdanes, I've pretty much streamed nothing else. And it's like it's getting on my nerves now. Not the game itself, that. The stream. [00:43:33] Speaker B: No, the stream. [00:43:35] Speaker A: I don't like playing. A lot of people will be like, oh well, I'll do grinding offline, I'll do this offline. But I'm like, no, if I'm playing the game on stream, I'm playing all of it on fucking stream. I'm not playing some of it on stream because it may as well not bother playing on stream at all. [00:43:49] Speaker B: No, I get what you mean. [00:43:54] Speaker A: You had best adaption next, which was games adapted into other media. Well, shows or films. Castlevania nocturne, I haven't seen it. I really need to. Grand Tourismo, I have no interest in it. Last of us, I haven't seen it, but I don't know if I really need to. From what I think it follows the game pretty closely. Super Mario Brothers movie and Twisted Metal, which twisted metal I want to check out just because I think it'd be fun. The window was obviously last of us because it's last of us and everyone sucks that one's dick too. I like the last of us. I think it's really good actually. [00:44:28] Speaker B: The show looks good, but it's not been available on anything I'd got. And when I've seen it for sale, it was loads. And I'm like, well, it'll come somewhere. You can watch it on the cheap at some point. [00:44:39] Speaker A: Yeah, I think it's on Paramount plus, isn't it? Or was it on Sky Atlantic or something? I'm not sure. [00:44:45] Speaker B: Yeah, I used up my free trial of Paramount. Plus I think it was to watch. [00:44:50] Speaker A: Do it again with a different email, something. Yeah, maybe just have the misses do it. Best action adventure, Alan Wake two, Spudoman two, Resident Evil four Star Wars Jedi survivor, the Legend of Zelda, teaser the kingdom, which was actually the winner. And out of those games, I would put that one on the top because it's the only one I've played 80 plus hours of. Yeah, night in the woods is the game I was thinking of with the cat. [00:45:20] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. [00:45:21] Speaker A: Do you know how I remembered that? Because Jasm, a fellow friend who's yet to appear on the podcast but appeared on the GRK Twitch cast, has been on a lot of my streams. He literally just went on the game and my steam thing popped up in the corner saying, jasm is currently playing night in the woods. And I'm like, that's what it was called. What a fucking coincidence that was. The powers that be guided me to the correct answer for the name of the game. I meant to say, or something. Have you got any interest in Spiderman two, Resident Evil four, Star Wars Jedi? [00:46:03] Speaker B: I was going to get Resident Evil four at one point, in fact, when I went into game and ended up coming out with Street Fighter six. I'd gone in for Resident Evil four. So it's a bit weird in it, but. [00:46:17] Speaker A: Happy. [00:46:20] Speaker B: I haven't finished a resident evil in ages. I used to finish all of them, like one through to sort of five and zero and Veronica. I did all of them start to end, multiple playthroughs. Oh, even the first revelations. But then some of the later ones, six, seven, I've just like bounced off. [00:46:44] Speaker A: Fair enough. They're quite different to what they were, but I think remake two is really good. I didn't finish remake three. Oh, well. Best RBG, baldas, gate three, Final Fantasy 16, lies of p see of stars Starfield. And I enjoyed Starfield, but I don't think it belongs in a best of anything fucking list. Baldas, gate three one. I enjoyed it and I enjoyed it, but there was issues with that game. I know it's daft, but it's so archaic in so many ways. It's like fucking Morrowind, but in space. It plays like those games. It shouldn't be in a best of anything fucking list in my opinion. Obviously other people are entitled to their own opinions and can tell me to fuck off, but I don't think it belongs there. Especially when you got games like fucking baldas. Gate three included in it. [00:47:40] Speaker B: You know what you're getting with the Bethesda games, don't you? If you enjoyed oblivion? Every game since Oblivion has been oblivion, but it's been oblivion post apocalyptic edition and now Oblivion Space edition. [00:47:53] Speaker A: Exactly. And I think that's one of the big issues with it. Bethesda need to pull their fingers out a little and actually innovate. [00:48:02] Speaker B: Yeah, I mean, I could play Starfield now for 100 hours and enjoy it, but I could equally go back and play through Oblivion again. My original save on Oblivion was 180 hours, so it scratches that itch. But I do recognize when people say it's basically not changed because it hasn't. Playing a new Bethesda game is exactly the same to me as when I stick on the original XCOM and play it. It is playing something that I enjoy that meets a pattern. I enjoy that I always have. [00:48:34] Speaker A: Yeah, I think that's a completely fair, like I said, I really enjoyed it, but with the issues it had with bugs and all that. But to be fair, it's a massive game with the various issues it had, the way it was portrayed originally as being you can travel anywhere. It made me think of no man's sky and that's how it came across. It was never confirmed to be that, but it was kind of implied, I think, and it never turned out to be. That was like, you just click loads of maps and stuff, which is not very fucking fun. So it's like, I think it's very fun, but at the same time I can look at there objectively and think, no, fuck that. [00:49:18] Speaker B: Yeah, well, there you go. [00:49:21] Speaker A: That's just me. [00:49:22] Speaker B: It doesn't move games forward. [00:49:24] Speaker A: That's the thing, isn't it? It doesn't at all. [00:49:26] Speaker B: You're looking for video games in the awards where you can go, oh my God, this changes the landscape of gaming now we've had this, this raises the bar. It's a jumping off point. I want to see things next year that build on that and shock me even more. Darfield is just treading water. [00:49:44] Speaker A: Yeah, I think that's the good way of putting it, really. Treading water. Best sim strategy advanced wars one and two reboot camp city skylines two. Company of, Company of Heroes three fire Emblem Engage Pikmin four. And the winner was Pikmin four. I haven't played it. Oh, I love it. [00:50:06] Speaker B: I'm about three fifths of the way through Pikmin four, but I just stopped playing it because other stuff got released I wanted to play. I will go back to it. It's just when. [00:50:16] Speaker A: Yeah, they need to stop releasing. So many games, man. So it can be like when I was a kid, so that I only can play games on occasion and that means I actually can play some to the end, which I never used to do as a kid because I used to go out and play a lot as well as staying and play games. I'm not like kids nowadays who sit in and just do nothing. Kids these. Sorry, I wanted to do an old man rant. Best sports racing game EA Sports FC 24 F 123 Fortz Motorsport Hot Wheels unleashed two turbocharged the crew motor fest and the winner was motorsport, as in Forza Motorsport. And I bought the edition that when you've got Game pass you can buy like the upgraded edition for cheap in comparison to if you bought it full price. And I've done like an hour on it or so and I'm just like, this is just nowhere near as fun as Forza Horizon. Why'd I bother? Still on my hard drive and it takes up like 130gb of data and I'm like, I might just delete it. [00:51:25] Speaker B: I briefly played it, but I hadn't finished the one before and I thought, I'm not starting a new one, I'll just play the one before. Because otherwise you end up constantly starting a new one and being 5 hours into the new one and then going, oh, I'll start the new new one. [00:51:42] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:51:48] Speaker B: It'S a big time sink. I think you've got to be very into your racing. [00:51:51] Speaker A: Yeah, I agree with that. And I'm not. I can't even drive because it's just something I've never wanted to do and I legally can't. Anyway, now due to DVLA take my license off me due to disabilities and medications. [00:52:08] Speaker B: Yeah, I mean, I'm epileptic, so I'll never drive. [00:52:11] Speaker A: But best multiplayer baldas, gate three, diablo four. Don't know why I put Diablo. Why? Party game party animals Street Fighter six and Super Mario brothers Wonder Bulldogs gate ₩3. That one. I'll give you a little story. Right, this is going to be spoilers for anyone for boulders. Gate three. It's not a major spoiler. It's about a squirrel. Me and people from America play DNd on a Saturday night at 12:00 a.m. Our time about one week. Most of the group couldn't make it, but two other people could. So instead we decided to play ball dazzle gate three together. And two of the people who were playing, one of them hosted the game and we all jumped in and we all met this squirrel that was being nasty and attacked of one of the players and you could talk to the squirrel if you have speak with animals as an ability spell and they did speak to it and it was really nasty, but I think you can talk to it. Id but me and one of the guys convinced her to do the opposite of that and just kick the squirrel. And of course she clicked kick the squirrel and the norm decided to sprint as fast as it could and boot the squirrel, fly it at a rock. And then I was literally laughing for about 20 minutes. I literally thought I was going to die from a heart attack from the laughing I'd done after that because I did not expect that I thought it was going to jump out the way or something. It didn't. And then every so often the other guy was with us. He took the squirrel and would just put it in places and we were searching so that she just find the dead squirrel in the fucking box and she feels bad about killing the squirrel to this day. [00:54:04] Speaker B: Oh, wow. [00:54:06] Speaker A: Yes. It's a really good game. It really is a good game. Player's voice. This is one way just the players, the gamers, the voters get involved and none of the behind the scenes people like the editors of games magazines and I get involved. Wolverine's gate three, Cyberpunk 2077, Phantom Lib, as I put it, because I couldn't be bothered, right liberty because I was bored. Genshin impact, Marvel Spiderman two, and Zelda Tease of the kingdom. And the winner was. Butler's gate three deserving winner bets game direction, Alan Wick two, Baldwin's Gate three, Marvel Spidey two, Super Mario, wonder, teaser the kingdom, Alan wake ₩2 that game of the year. So this is the final one. Alan Wake two, Baldas Gate three, Super Mario brothers, wonder, resident Evil four, legend of Zelda tease the kingdom, and Spiderman two. The winner was Baldasgate three. Again, I think it's a deserving winner out of those games. I've only played three of them out of the six, and two of them I would be struggling against, which would be tears of the kingdom and Baldwar's gate three. They the two that I'd be like, oh, I don't know which one I would pose. Game of the year, Super Mario brothers wonders the other one. And I wouldn't put that as my game of the year, even though it is fantastic. [00:55:34] Speaker B: Thing is, when you look at it, this thing really was a big win for boulders. Gate three and Alan. Wait, two. Because they're the two names you hear all the way through this. [00:55:44] Speaker A: Yeah, I can't really disagree with it there, man. [00:55:48] Speaker B: And if you were part of the team that made either of those games, this would be a night where you would just be over the moon, basically. Your work being recognized. [00:55:57] Speaker A: Exactly. We'll move on to the announcements, shall we? [00:56:01] Speaker B: Yeah. I watched all the trailers in the show and I made quick notes on all of them. Well, I say quick notes. In total, I made 202,642 words of notes on this shocking show. [00:56:17] Speaker A: Yeah. I have no idea how many I wrote on paper because it's easier to write. [00:56:22] Speaker B: I did them on computer, so it tells you. [00:56:25] Speaker A: But 1234. Yeah, I'm not doing that. So the first game announced was leaked, but it was brothers a tale of two sons remake. Yeah. Now, my opinion is I'm not a massive fan of remakes and remasters and stuff in general. I don't think they are needed when you can. If it's all the time. I understand when it's like something like Super Mario RPG then, or like the original Silent Hill or Silent Hill two or three where they remastered them. Unfortunately, they were shit remasters. [00:57:04] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:57:04] Speaker A: But I can understand why you would remaster something that's difficult to get right. Yeah, completely understandable. When you're remastering a game that you can play on your PlayStation five and your Xbox. What's the fucking point? [00:57:16] Speaker B: No, I think ten years. You want at least between a game being remade. [00:57:24] Speaker A: I'm not sure how long ago it was made. It might have been near that long ago, to be honest. [00:57:29] Speaker B: It don't feel it, and it feels about four. [00:57:32] Speaker A: Yeah, but the thing is, you can play on your PlayStation three and your Xbox 360. You can play it on your PlayStation four and your Xbox one, you can play it on your PlayStation five and your Series X. What's the fucking. Why do you need a remake if everything keeps going back with. [00:57:49] Speaker B: It's a simple game, it's accessible, there's nothing I can really see that it benefit from. It plays perfectly fine still. It's actually a game that I've played and finished twice, so. Too soon. Not needed. [00:58:05] Speaker A: Agreed. We've got next up. We've got my writings awfully. I actually thought that was Dead island two panda, but it's Pony island two panda circus. [00:58:20] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, we'll be getting that one. We'll be doing a whole episode on that, I'm sure. [00:58:25] Speaker A: Yeah, definitely. I never played Pony island properly, but it's fucking weird and I need to. Pony island two looks even more fucking weird, though, because when it first came up, I was like, okay, this is what the hell is this? Because it didn't come up with the name at first. Like, what the hell is this? It's like a puzzle game, but also first person and weird. And I was like, oh, my God, it looks bonkers. Oh, my God, it's Paul the island. Dude. I wonder, is bonkers. Yeah. We'll continue through the games. Right. I was thinking, but anything that if you want to stop to talk about one specifically, that'd be great. But only because not every game either us are going to give two shits about and we'll just go, yeah, don't like our game, don't like all of it. And it's kind of a bit less there. You know what I mean? That's all I'm thinking. The next was the rise of the golden idol. And all I thought is it looks like a puzzle game. Because it didn't really give a lot of anything. [00:59:25] Speaker B: No, I didn't go away from it thinking much. [00:59:30] Speaker A: Yeah, it was just like puzzle game. Okay. An usual June. I've got written down action game with a mystery. It looks all right. It looked all right again. Some of these trailers were a bit like, not enough shown or it was just CGI. And I'm like, yeah, cool, CGI. Yeah. [00:59:55] Speaker B: You kind of think, oh, that's some generated stuff. When the real trailer drops, I'll care. [01:00:00] Speaker A: Yeah, exactly. Arc, Knight's Enfield. I thought it was Hong Kai Star rail at one point, but I think it's not. I think it's got anything to do with it, but I thought it was something to do with that. But it was just like a JRPG like thing, I think. [01:00:16] Speaker B: Yeah, I can see where you're coming from. [01:00:20] Speaker A: Yeah. Any thoughts? No. The matchless kung fu, I think that's what that says. And I said, looks like a city builder game with action and shit. Looks okay. [01:00:38] Speaker B: Yeah, it looks like it could be good. Depend. It's one of them things in it where it's a mix of stuff and it depends on how it mixes. [01:00:44] Speaker A: Yeah. How they blend it all together and how good the parts are. Because a game where you have different gameplay styles, they all need to be decent, like, for it to be really good. [01:00:57] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:00:58] Speaker A: If you got one bad gameplay style that's not in it, a game once or twice compared to the rest of the game, and it's not so bad. But if everything's a bit mediocre, then you're going to end up with a pretty bad game because it'll just feel like a fucking slog. Yeah. [01:01:13] Speaker B: It pulls it down Warhammer 40K, rogue trader. [01:01:19] Speaker A: And I was like, oh, that looks all right. [01:01:22] Speaker B: Yeah, that looked decent. [01:01:25] Speaker A: It looked kind of like XCOM or something, didn't they? With the tomb based practical stuff? [01:01:32] Speaker B: The only thing that worried me a bit is I've got another 40k game on the switch that I got on the cheap. I can't remember what it is. It's with Space marines. And that looked XCommy, and that's a bit crap, actually. So I was like, well, let this one at least not be as bad as that. And I can't remember the name of that one now, but it was like reduced to 139 in a sale or something. So I probably should have seen the writing on the wall with that. [01:01:56] Speaker A: Yeah, jasmine will come online with it. Next up was AC Assassin's Creed Nexus VR game, which I actually thought looked really cool. Yeah. Like visually it wasn't amazing or anything, but it looked like a fun little Assassin's Creed game where you're in VR stabbing people in the dicks. Can that not all be fun? [01:02:20] Speaker B: I have really loved some of the Assassin's Creed games. They've been a bit hit and miss, but number four I absolutely loved. [01:02:27] Speaker A: Yeah, I really enjoyed. Right. The thing is, with Assassin's Creed, I think I've been through this before a few times. I really enjoyed the first game's main assassination missions. The rest of the game was a bit of a chore, but the main assassinations were great. Assassin's Creed two, the Etsyo three. The three Etio games after that, then. So two. And whatever the other ones were called, I can't remember. Brotherhood and revelations. Revelations, yeah, they I enjoyed. Three I didn't like very much. Four I thought was amazing. Rogue I didn't really get on with. And then unity I finished and thought was. And then I never finished one after that. I think I got burnt out. And then they changed the style even more. And it's like when they change it to the origin style, I'm like, I played a bit of it. I was like, no, this isn't right. When I assassinate someone, they should die. And I'll just turn around and go, fight me, mate. [01:03:29] Speaker B: I started playing Valhalloran, was really enjoying that one and then just stopped because something else came out. [01:03:35] Speaker A: Yeah, mirage is the one I want to try most out of the newer ones. It seems to be old school ac, which is, for me, more interesting. [01:03:46] Speaker B: There you go. [01:03:49] Speaker A: Harmonium, the musical. I thought it looked interesting. It's about a deaf girl who is trying to like. She enjoys music. But obviously with her being deaf, it's a bit difficult. So I think the game is trying to revolve around that and it looked interesting. [01:04:10] Speaker B: It's an interesting concept, isn't it? I mean, I've seen where there's like deaf people will put their hands on a speaker because they enjoy feeling the pattern of vibrations and that's how they sort of experience music. [01:04:23] Speaker A: Yeah. So it'd be cool to see how that one pans out. I'll keep my eye on that one. I believe. Well, no, I don't believe I will. Windblown, isometric, rogue like mystery, I think. I can't really read my writing by that. I like the look of the trailer. I think it says, yeah. [01:04:47] Speaker B: The thing is, I don't know when some of the early rogue games came out, I was quite into them, but I get a bit fed up of it. It just seems like an overbattered genre. [01:04:57] Speaker A: It does at the moment, don't I? Yeah, you get that from time to time. Don't know, like the space marine thing and the brown games in 360 era. [01:05:06] Speaker B: Oh yeah. Where everything brown and gray, gray and. [01:05:08] Speaker A: Brown and fucking miserable and. Or in the fun way of miserable, like the darkness. Next up, I put thrasher down and this is literally my note. No clue what to make of that. I can't even remember what it was. [01:05:29] Speaker B: You got me thinking, nurse. That obviously went out my head. [01:05:33] Speaker A: The thing is, some of these games that pop up are doing ad breaks and it's hard to tell if it's part of the show or not. I'm like, is this an ad or not? With some of them I've done that. [01:05:44] Speaker B: I was skipping around because when you're suddenly going to have fire dancing or people doing a concert, I'm like, no. [01:05:50] Speaker A: Yeah, I skipped one of the. I skipped them all but one of them. I skipped specifically the old gods of Asgard because the songs that tend to be in remedy games, like there's one in control that's by the band who played live there. And I was liKe, well, if I want to hear the song, I want to hear in the game first because the one in control is at a certain part of the game and it's fucking awesome. [01:06:15] Speaker B: Yeah, you don't want to ruin the context of it. [01:06:18] Speaker A: EXACTLY. So I just skipped that and then I skipped the other as well because I just wanted to get through it. Persona three reloaded or reload is just Persona three, but nicer. [01:06:29] Speaker B: Yeah, I mean, the Persona games are cool, so it's going to be good by default. Really? [01:06:34] Speaker A: Yeah. My exact words were looks like Persona because it was Persona. Dave the diver dredge was the next one up, which I was like, oh, it looks like a spooky version of Dave the diver, but it's a crossover between the dredge and dave the diver. Next up was nice to see world of goo two. [01:07:03] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. [01:07:03] Speaker A: I was like, oh, cool, man. I haven't played world of goo for a long time. And it was like, oh, I was ashamed they didn't make these another one of these or something like that. And I was like, oh, it's the little kids from the fire game. Little inferno. [01:07:17] Speaker B: Oh, LITTLE inferno. [01:07:18] Speaker A: Yeah. It looks like the kids from obsessed with that. It was AWesome. So I don't blame her. I wrote down, LIKe, SOmething LIKE, man shao or something. And I was LiKE, okay, there's no note. It's just circled. So I must have wrote down main show and my writing is that bad because it looks like I put A-M-A-N-S-A-S-H-O-A. But it's actually main show, to be honest. [01:07:49] Speaker B: The notes I've made are full of where it puts the Reddit line underneath stuff. Because it don't make sense because I think I was typing it so fast. [01:07:56] Speaker A: EXACTLY. Yeah. And I'm writing, looking at the screen, looking at the page because I don't like pausing every time because it'd take even longer to get through. Yeah, you'd be as it is, EXODUS. I said, looks okay. Sounds interesting. [01:08:13] Speaker B: Dead spacey, mass effect alien vibes. Then with the powers, it made me think of saints, row four. It looks like it could be really good, but it also looks like they could drop the ball. It's got potential. [01:08:25] Speaker A: Yeah. They could do an anthem with it. [01:08:28] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:08:30] Speaker A: God of war, Ragnarok, Valhalla. That should be out now already. By the time this episode is released, it should be out and it's free. If you've got go to War Ragnarokosphere. [01:08:41] Speaker B: Which you can't really beat that, can you? [01:08:44] Speaker A: No. [01:08:44] Speaker B: Free stuff. [01:08:45] Speaker A: Exactly. I agree. Big walk. That's by the people who did untitled Goose. Goose. [01:08:55] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:08:55] Speaker A: Untitled Goose game was awesome. I know a lot of people are like, oh, it's a meme game. It's a meme game. But when I played it, I didn't give a fuck about the memes. I just played it on the day it came out and fucking enjoyed it. I'm going to give fuck about anyone else and all the fucking memes. Yeah, I get the honk. Thing was a meme for a while, but that was like kind of after the game come out, the whole honking thing started. It was there beforehand, but after the game came out, it was worse. But the game was really fucking fun. Really simplistic, but really fun. [01:09:22] Speaker B: I've got a note on this one. This was a trailer for a game called Big Wart that looked like the creator of Morph, the little animated dude of the painting kids show got high on shrooms and codas, tries to put his brain on screen. It didn't appeal to me, but I'm sure there's a segment of the indie market that we wanking like crazy over it. [01:09:43] Speaker A: Yeah. I think I would give it a try because I enjoyed the last game. I'm willing to give this one a bash, especially as it seems to be like a co op game that'll be fun to play with a group of friends. I didn't put much of it looks a bit od with the character. The characters against the realistic background because they're obviously like caricatures instead of. [01:10:08] Speaker B: Doesn't really gel, does it? [01:10:10] Speaker A: Yeah. It's like two different art styles that don't really meld very well in my opinion. But I think it may end up being good. But who knows? The only way to find out is by playing it. Yeah. Or reading all the reviews and then disagreeing with them playing it anyway. Prince of Persia, the last crown. I said, I genuinely think that looks pretty good. [01:10:38] Speaker B: Yeah, I do. [01:10:40] Speaker A: I just like my exact notes were looks good. Shame is made by Ubisoft. [01:10:45] Speaker B: Wow. [01:10:47] Speaker A: Shame is made by the sexual fucking predator people. That's not what I wrote. That's what I'm saying right now. [01:10:56] Speaker B: Yeah. Come out boogie as well. It'll come out full of bugs. [01:11:03] Speaker A: Yeah. More than likely Fortnite Lego came up, but it was a trailer I'd already seen. [01:11:11] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:11:13] Speaker A: Senoir's saga hellblade two. I think it looks really impressive visually. But I need to play the first game. So this game is on my radar for after I play senoir's sacrifice. [01:11:27] Speaker B: Yeah, I've got the first one, but not really got into it. [01:11:32] Speaker A: Supposed to be really good in a game that's really best played with earphones on. [01:11:36] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:11:36] Speaker A: So you can hear all the stuff going on. I don't know much about the game other than that it's meant to be quite short as well. Like really short. Maybe there'll be an episode in the future. Hell blow. Yeah. Next up was Kamuri. Kamuri. It looked nice. Yeah. It's made by the people who made ori. So should be all right. No, that's a different game. That's no rest for the wicked. [01:12:13] Speaker B: This one just looks. [01:12:14] Speaker A: I remember Kimuri. It's called like K-E-M-U ostrophe r I kimuri. Yeah, I remember liking. Look at that. It looked visually nice. Most of the things. If it looks nice, I'll say yeah, it looks nice but where's the gameplay? Where's the blah blah blah? [01:12:33] Speaker B: Yeah, you've got to see enough to know about it, aren't you? [01:12:36] Speaker A: Yeah. Or seen up and not anything that will spoil the game at the same time. So they've got to be careful what they show. [01:12:43] Speaker B: That no rest for the wicked looked really good. [01:12:45] Speaker A: I thought it did. Yeah, it did look good. And it's quite different gameplay style to Ari as well. It's like isometric rogue like I think. [01:12:52] Speaker B: As well I couldn't quite work out. There was bits of it that looked like a fast prince of Persia Diablo cross. It was really hard to work out what the gameplay was. [01:13:03] Speaker A: I think that's what it kind of is like a cross between those. Next up was he was talking about Sega and it showed Jetset Radio, shinobi, golden Axe, streets of rage, crazy taxi and it showed like much better visual. Not better then, but more modern visuals and stuff. And they saying that they're rebooting those series. Well, bringing them back then. Jetset radio, like I said, shinobi, golden Axe, streets of rage which I thought was already back, crazy taxi and more woohoo. All a time to be alive. More fucking Sega. [01:13:47] Speaker B: I know, I loved that. I think shinobi is the one to me that really looks like the standout so far. [01:13:52] Speaker A: Yeah, I like the art style of that. [01:13:54] Speaker B: It's got a lovely art style. It looks two d. I think some. [01:13:59] Speaker A: Of this 3d didn't. [01:14:01] Speaker B: Yeah, so did Streets of Rage, which I think that's sometimes where Sega's dropped a bollock is when they've took a 2d game into three d and messed up the gameplay. That golden Axe Beast Riders was pretty pants. Really? [01:14:14] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:14:15] Speaker B: Whereas Shinobi just looks like a modern shinobi. Yeah. [01:14:23] Speaker A: I know this is going to sound mean, but cassonic. Yeah. Two d to three d. It's a problem when you have characters got to go fast. The next up was Dragon Ball sparking zero. And I said I will get it. I don't know what the gameplay is going to be like. I don't know much about it but I'm going to get it because I like Dragon Ball Z. I've heard that. [01:14:48] Speaker B: It'S supposed to be like a new version of that Dragon Ball Buddha kai that was on PS two and GameCube and stuff. [01:14:56] Speaker A: Oh, well, I'll be playing that then, definitely. [01:15:01] Speaker B: I mean, I loved all of those, and I love burst limit and all that. The one I've not played that I really need to play, and this made me think of, is that Kakarat RPG fair? [01:15:10] Speaker A: Kakarot is awesome. I've played through it. I bought the edition where you get the dlcs for free, but I haven't actually played the DLC, so that's something I need to get my. Again, pull my finger out my ass and get to it. Because there's three of them, I think. I haven't played. Definitely something worth playing, man. It's really fucking good. You like Dragon Ball Z especially? [01:15:31] Speaker B: Oh, I love Dragon Ball Z. Back in the SNES days, there was a japanese dragon Ball RPG, and I remember downloading a translated rom for it and playing it on pc, and I'm like, why could this have not come out ever here? [01:15:44] Speaker A: I remember doing that with the one and it had, like, cards in it. [01:15:48] Speaker B: Yeah, that's it. That was a great game. [01:15:52] Speaker A: Yeah, it was. And I think it was. The one I had was translated from a french rom because it was really popular in France, Dragon Ball Z, for some reason. And they released games in France and not in other countries in Europe. Shite. Like the casting of Frank Stone and I put, these are my notes. These are literally my notes. No clue. Yeah. What must we say about that? Like, isn't it something to do with. [01:16:26] Speaker B: That dead by daylight, or have I. [01:16:28] Speaker A: It is. Yeah. I think it's like supermassive games are working with the people from Dead by Daylight to make a full on single player story game. It's not going to be. It's kind of like League of Legends has got a League of Legends story, and they've got different games now. And the Netflix show, I think that's what they're doing with that. It's a dead by daylight story, basically. I think that's what they're going for. [01:16:52] Speaker B: Which could be good, because I've played some limited dead by daylight and not really liked it because I'm not a massive fan of a lot of online stuff. [01:16:59] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:17:00] Speaker B: So there's potential there to take that engine and craft a solid single player, I think. [01:17:09] Speaker A: Don't quote me on. Isn't supermassive games the people behind, like, until dawn and Man of Madan and that kind of game? [01:17:19] Speaker B: I'm not sure if it is. [01:17:20] Speaker A: It'll probably like that. I might be wrong. Oh, someone's ringing the doorbell. Give me a second. Next up, we had visions of Manor and I thought it looked really nice. [01:17:42] Speaker B: Oh, I liked it. [01:17:44] Speaker A: Yeah. Like, visually, it was sexy. [01:17:49] Speaker B: The only thing I hope it comes to switch or switch to, because it's something I think I'd love to play handheld. [01:17:58] Speaker A: Yeah. The thing is, I'm not really sure on that front. But then again, I haven't really played all the secret of Mana games. Like, I played Secret of Mana one, but not a lot. And then Legend of Mana, or Mana, whichever, what the hell ever is called because Mana is meant to be the pronunciation. I'm not sure if it's secret of mana. A secret of mana. Some games say mana, so Secret of mana is the only one I've played and I think it's like four of them, isn't it? With this new one coming out. [01:18:35] Speaker B: Yeah, it's weird in it because there's like Game Boy ones and whatever. Yeah, Mana's actually number two. [01:18:46] Speaker A: All right. [01:18:50] Speaker B: It's very strange series because obviously I think some of it was Japan only. [01:18:54] Speaker A: And stuff that helps bloody people not bloody releasing their games everywhere. How dare they make us suffer? But, yeah, that's something I'm interested in keeping my eye on. But again, it's going to be dependent on if I get to the earlier games first. I don't want to play a newer game and then go back and then be like, oh, missing certain quality of life features that I would like to have. I know. [01:19:24] Speaker B: There's like a mana collection, isn't there? Yeah, I think so. Tales of mana or something. [01:19:30] Speaker A: Or I'll have to have a look where it's on. Yes, I shall do that, then look for a price. [01:19:38] Speaker B: I know the PS four got a remake of mana, but I know people kind of crapped all over it. [01:19:44] Speaker A: Nah, right. That sucks. [01:19:46] Speaker B: Apparently it's good graphically, but the game hasn't changed in the slightest from the original. It's like graphically tarted up, but plays identical or something like that. I remember there being a controversy around. [01:19:58] Speaker A: The issue you've got there is you can't win in some ways because some people will be like, yeah, they've changed the visuals, but the gameplay is the same. And then other people will mourn if they change the gameplay. Where do you go from there? [01:20:11] Speaker B: Well, yeah, I mean, I know you can get that one, the PS four one, off that game collection website, for about eight quid. So when it was 40 quid, that was a problem, but I'd probably get a punt at eight quid. [01:20:23] Speaker A: Yeah, seems worth it. Raise of the ronin. I said, looks like a co op. Souls, like, looks very typical. [01:20:36] Speaker B: Yeah. It's Kai tecmo game in it. So the Dynasty warriors people. It's also a PlayStation exclusive. [01:20:42] Speaker A: I didn't notice that. Yeah, that's something I can play, but it just looks a bit. I think the problem with a lot of souls born game. Souls like games nowadays is they're all. I know it sounds staffed because it's not a genre that's been around for too long. And it's also like they've been around for longer than fucking souls. But I think what's popularized them. But the very specific way they've done is kind of by the numbers now, if that makes sense. It's just a bit like. We'll see. Co op one sounds fun, though, if it's proper co op. Kind of like this remnant from the ashes and playing become a danes. It's the same kind of thing. It's like a shooty souls like game, but cool. Yeah, that's all right then. You had outlast trials. I think that was a. I wasn't sure if that was a trailer or not, because I'm not sure if it's out or not. [01:21:39] Speaker B: I'm not sure. [01:21:41] Speaker A: But I wrote that down, outlast trials and I said, looks fun. Looks like Outlast OD, which was the Kojima thing. And I wrote down hyperbole and cock. Sucking. Hyperbole and cock. That's literally what I wrote because I was like, jesus Christ. The way they wank off. Kojima's unfucking. [01:22:11] Speaker B: He's done some good stuff, but he's overly hero worship. The only thing that makes me stand up and take notice of this is that it's a co production between him and Jordan Peele. And I'm a big fan of Jordan Peele's horror films. Us and get out. I think they're brilliant. [01:22:29] Speaker A: Nice. I haven't seen them, so I'll have to get on that. [01:22:32] Speaker B: Oh, fantastic. I can't tell you that much about him because it had ruined them, sort of thing. Yeah, don't read about him. Don't imdb them. Just watch them. [01:22:43] Speaker A: Cold Asun ghetto. All right, we'll do black myth wukong again. It looks like a typical souls, like. [01:22:55] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:22:56] Speaker A: But it has a journey to the west, inspirations to it, but it does look quite nice at times. Yeah. [01:23:04] Speaker B: I mean, journey to the west or what we saw as the tv show monkey. [01:23:10] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:23:11] Speaker B: I think a lot of people like it. I mean, Dragon Ball is limitedly based off that to an extent. [01:23:18] Speaker A: Yeah. The original Dragon Ball. Yeah. [01:23:20] Speaker B: But we had that game, if you remember, enslaved, odyssey to the west. [01:23:24] Speaker A: Yeah. That was based on it as well. [01:23:26] Speaker B: And that was cracking, but it didn't really take hold. Nobody had played it. I was like, oh, I'm playing this in slavery. [01:23:35] Speaker A: What's that? I enjoyed it, but I thought it never ended properly and found out that there was supposed to be DLC that ended the game properly. [01:23:44] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:23:45] Speaker A: Which I didn't know about. So it's something I need to look into. I can finish the game so I can finish the fight and, like, master chief next, we had suicide squad kill the Justice League. And I think it looks all right. Like, it looks very, very different to the Arkham games, which I guess is what they're going for. But it's been so long since they made a game, it seems like Arkham Knight come out like 70 years ago. [01:24:12] Speaker B: Least it's one of them where it looks good, but you need to play it to know. [01:24:19] Speaker A: Yeah. Another thing is, with games that are like that, they are definitely meant for co op. And I don't think playing it without another three friends is going to be as enjoyable as playing it with three friends. I think playing it on your own or playing with randoms is not going to be as. Anywhere near as fun as going, hey, guys, let's jump into a game together. That's my thoughts anyway. [01:24:48] Speaker B: Yeah, sounds fair. It's certainly looking that way. [01:24:54] Speaker A: Yeah. Warframe. I haven't really played much of Warframe. I played it when it first came out on the PlayStation four. I think I played it for like an hour and I was like. And I left it. But it looks a lot more interesting now than it did, so maybe it actually is. I don't know. [01:25:13] Speaker B: Yeah, I thought that when it came at Warframe, I was like, I tried that ages ago. It's crap. And then they started showing stuff and I was like, oh, actually, doesn't look too bad. [01:25:22] Speaker A: Doesn't. I agree. Might have to have a look into it again. Tales of Kanzara Zhao I thought it looked pretty cool and the. I think it's pronounced Zhao Z-A-U-I thought it looked pretty cool. And, like, the. The whole thing behind it, the story behind it is obviously like an homage to the guy's father who's working on the game. Good story from the heart. [01:25:58] Speaker B: Looked very Metroidvania sort of thing. And it also kind of black Panther Hollow knight kind of vibes to me. [01:26:07] Speaker A: But, yeah. [01:26:10] Speaker B: That guy's speech did touch me. It's one of the few speeches where I didn't go, shut up and forward past it. You could tell he was speaking sort of from the real depths. And you're like, yeah, man, everybody's lost someone, and you can tell it was a genuine speech from him. [01:26:29] Speaker A: Yeah, I got to agree with you there, man. Lost records, blooming rage. That's what was up next. And it didn't really show anything. [01:26:50] Speaker B: No. It's from the life of strange people, isn't it? And it gave me sort of Stephen King it vibes because you saw young characters, and then it said 30 years later, and I was like, is this kind of Stephen King it sort of life is strange game? Because if so, that could be all right. [01:27:10] Speaker A: Yeah, I really, really enjoyed life is strange, but I haven't played life is strange, two life is strange, true colors and life is strange something else before the storm. And the other life is strange, but I need to get to them because, like I said, I really enjoyed the very first one. There you go. The first Burke Kazan. Another souls, like. Looks okay. Yeah. [01:27:32] Speaker B: It sort of made me think of vampires and Castlevania, lords of shadows. For some reason, the blood and the way the characters looked, I didn't even. [01:27:42] Speaker A: Think of that game. I never finished Lords of Shadow. I like Castlevania. There you get it. Wasn't really Castlevania, was. It was more God of war. Castlevania skin, pretty much. Epeck X Final Fantasy seven rebirth. Yay. Yeah. [01:28:09] Speaker B: It's just another case in it of one of those, like, seasonal games going, let's get in tight with something people care about. [01:28:18] Speaker A: Yeah. It's not something that I gave a shit about. Honkai, Starrail, Peniconi, I think it was called. And I was like. And that was my notes, because what did it show? Did it show any gameplay? I can't remember. It's just like loaded bollocks chatting, from what I remember. Yeah. [01:28:39] Speaker B: It all started to go on to sort of mobiley games at this point, didn't it? [01:28:43] Speaker A: Yeah. Well, for definite. Yeah. But the next game was a game that I'm sure will be absolutely fucking amazing. Right. And I guarantee you will be really, really good, because the games made by Arcane Leon are really, really good. The issue is I can never get into them because I always feel like I need to play it a certain way instead of playing in my own way, which is stupid. With these kind of games, they are meant to be. You play your own way, when you hear, oh, you get a certain thing for doing this and that, it's like, I want to do it that way. And then I feel like I'm missing out on screwing up. But Blade, Marvel's blade by Arcane Leon, I can't see that being, you know. [01:29:24] Speaker B: It was a trailer that showed us absolutely nothing. Really? [01:29:27] Speaker A: Yeah. And it was still one of the best things in there because it was like, fucking Blade. [01:29:32] Speaker B: Yeah. I love Blade. I was a massive fan of the original Wesley Snipes film. It's a fan of the old comic books. [01:29:40] Speaker A: Yeah, Blade's cool, man. Yeah, I'm looking forward to that. I am going to get. I'm going to give some arcane games a go again and just play them how I want to play them and not worry about it. Last sentinel, that was the one by ex rockstar devs. Dev guy, wasn't it? And I was like, nice trailer, I guess because it literally showed fucking nothing. [01:30:12] Speaker B: Literally nothing weird, though, because it was started out looking sort of like feudal Japan, and then all of a sudden it's killer robots and synthetic blade Runner style people and gunfights. And it interested me because it seemed to like 360 out of thin air into somewhat completely different to what I thought. But then the game could be crap and that could just be really good marketing. [01:30:38] Speaker A: Yeah. Could just be a cool video with nothing else. The thing, it didn't show anything gameplay wise or anything like that. [01:30:44] Speaker B: No. [01:30:47] Speaker A: The first descendant. Again, a nice trailer, I guess. [01:30:52] Speaker B: Yeah, it looked interesting. A bit vanquishy, a bit mass effecty. Shadow of colossus, a little bit of piano three, but not enough to draw any conclusions. [01:31:04] Speaker A: Yeah, that's the problem with trailers that have a lot like dialogue. It's like, well, you don't know any of the context for all this bullshit. They say, who gives a fuck? Who gives a fuck? Because I fucking don't. Next up then was Zenless Zone Zero, which I thought looked like Genshin impact or Hong Kai Star Rail. And I think it is actually one of their newer games. So it's like the third game they've done that's similar kind of thing. So it looks like that, just with a different setting, I guess. Like Genshin is to Hong Kong Star Rail. [01:31:49] Speaker B: All I wrote was shooting swords, bright colors, japanese neon, colorful. Yeah, I didn't even write a sentence. [01:31:59] Speaker A: Yeah, after that was mecha break. Looked fucking hectic, man. The game looked really hectic. [01:32:06] Speaker B: And I. Oh, yeah. [01:32:07] Speaker A: I genuinely, genuinely thought that it was a Gundam wing game or Gundam game because one of the gundams is very recognizable in a few of the series. In the one I saw, which was Gundam Wing, there was a character called Hero and he had the Gundam that looked like the fucking mech in the trailer that this woman was sitting in. So to me I was like, oh, cool. This Gundam game looks really awesome. And then it's not a Gundam game. It's called mecha break. I was like, what? [01:32:39] Speaker B: Yeah, very cool. If you're into Gundam or Transformers, then this will be up your alley. [01:32:46] Speaker A: I thought it looked really cool, to be honest. Then we have Den of Wolves, which is a Sci-Fi heist style game. I've not really played heist, so I don't really have anything to go with on that. [01:33:06] Speaker B: I've briefly played payday. [01:33:11] Speaker A: And it just. [01:33:12] Speaker B: Looks like a futuristic version of that. And I think it's the same. Yeah, yeah, it's going to be cyberpunky version of that. Really? [01:33:21] Speaker A: I think, yeah, it seems our way. Exor born another CGI trailer again. Yay. Cool. I guess. Yeah. [01:33:32] Speaker B: It's made by the people that made the division, isn't it? [01:33:36] Speaker A: Yeah, I don't think it's the same company. It's like people who worked on the division that worked on that. So it should be good because division was good. The first division I really enjoyed. Second one I didn't finish and I wish I had now, but I didn't, so tough shit, really. Asgard's wrath two looks fun. Looks fun. [01:34:00] Speaker B: Yeah, sort of Skyrim me. But it's a metaquest game in it, and I don't own a metaquest. [01:34:07] Speaker A: I was mentioning it to the Mrs. Yes. I was like, oh, I should get a metaquest just for some wireless VR until I get like a really good setup and a nice sexy VR for the pc and the Mrs. Like, no, fair enough. Fallout TV series. I saw the trailer for that during the game awards. That was all right. Look. And it looks like Fallout. Yeah, it's going to pan out, though, because the thing is, it could be a procedural show where you go one or two episodes where your main character is doing a quest while they're on a main quest to do something like they sometimes do. They have little, like every episode apart from not every episode, but a lot of the episodes could be they help someone along the way. And that's what it could be because that's what fall of fucking is. Unless you evil like, you just kill everyone in fucking the wasteland light no fire looked pretty good, but I'm a little worried after no man's guy. [01:35:13] Speaker B: The thing is, I think it is going to be a really groundbreaking game that moves the world of games forward, but it's probably going to come out broken as fuck and take years to get to that place. [01:35:31] Speaker A: Yeah, agreed. [01:35:34] Speaker B: Because that's exactly what no man's sky was, wasn't it? It was an amazing idea with some amazing implementation that came out half assed and then eventually got fixed into summit that broke new ground. [01:35:50] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:35:52] Speaker B: They're a small studio, aren't they? And I think really, no man's sky. [01:35:56] Speaker A: Was something that shouldn't have been made and announced for years till after it was much more in development and stuff. All they should have said, it's going to come out in a certain thing and these are things that are going to be added over time instead of saying all this shit's going to be there, and then it never was. They should have been a bit more upfront about the way they were going to do things. [01:36:16] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:36:17] Speaker A: Stormgate. I thought it looked okay. That's what I've written down. But I didn't have a real big opinion on anything either way. [01:36:27] Speaker B: No, same here. [01:36:31] Speaker A: Echoes of the fallen. Something tidal is what I've written down. Echoes of the fallen. Yeah. It was the rising tide. That's what it is. Echoes of the fallen. The rising tide. I thought, oh, relate to Final Fantasy six maybe in some way, because they kept talking about Maggie armor. Yeah. But it was actually Final Fantasy 16 and it's set before the final battle or something. You like Final Fantasy 16? You got more. [01:37:10] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:37:12] Speaker A: The finals. It kind of reminded me of the Ubisoft game that came out called hyperscape. It had a similar kind of look to it, but gameplay wise it looked a bit different. And it had like really cool, indestructible environments. Like you could smash down entire buildings and stuff. [01:37:30] Speaker B: I always like destructible environments. It's just a neat feature. [01:37:34] Speaker A: Yeah. But it's a three v three shooter. I think there's something I might try with one. My oldest and maybe my second oldest if he's in the mood for it. Then I think there is only one more game that was shown. Let me just double check. And that was Monster Hunter Wilds. I don't think actually showed anything, did it? [01:38:05] Speaker B: No, not really. [01:38:06] Speaker A: I don't think it was just CGI trailer. And I think that's one of the big issues with things like the game awards and various other bollocks, is they do too many CGI trailers. I think for an original initial announcement, they should do a CGI trailer like they've done, but I don't know about doing it. An event like the game awards where it's like a major advertising thing, it should be before, like get the trailer ready, the CGI trailer ready, like a couple of months before Gary Shown say, oh, look, keep your eye out on the game awards for gameplay reveal or something, and then show like some fucking genuine shit instead of just CGI trailer that literally shows you fuck all. You know what I mean? [01:38:57] Speaker B: They think it'll excite people, but it doesn't really excite me to see CGI. [01:39:03] Speaker A: No, it just bugs me. [01:39:04] Speaker B: And I have to admit, monster Hunter, I've brought countless ones of them and I've wanted to get into them, but I never have. [01:39:15] Speaker A: I enjoyed the one on wi u because I played it in co op online with a friend or two. That was fun. I think it's a bit different. Certain games are just more suited to co op play, I think. [01:39:25] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:39:26] Speaker A: And that's one of them. [01:39:27] Speaker B: It's got to the point where I don't know why I buy them because. [01:39:31] Speaker A: I don't know why I buy them anymore because I bought the last, like three or something and I haven't played them. They're just there unplayed. One on wi, one on fucking, two on the Xbox. It's like, why do I buy them? [01:39:45] Speaker B: Tried them and just bounced off within an hour. And I'm like, why are you trying it again? [01:39:50] Speaker A: They're good games. You need to give them more time, I think. But I also think playing them with people is a lot more enjoyable than playing them solo. So that's my opinion anyway. [01:40:01] Speaker B: It's weird, though, in it to think we're watching this. Oh, I'll talking about this after watching. [01:40:06] Speaker A: It just at the point where e. [01:40:08] Speaker B: Three has been announced that it's canceled forever. [01:40:11] Speaker A: Yeah, speaking of news, that used to. [01:40:14] Speaker B: Be the game awards show to sort of watch. That was where things like killer instinct and Donkey Kong country and that were first announced and big deal. Sort of my childhood. [01:40:26] Speaker A: Yeah, definitely. I used to enjoy watching e three. Used to enjoy getting a magazine back in the day and reading what it was or having, buying a magazine for the GameCube or whatever the fuck it was at the time and getting a little disc and putting her in and be like, oh, look at this cool shit. And then it all became live on the Internet and so you just watch it there instead. But it kind of died years ago, didn't it? [01:40:54] Speaker B: Yeah, it's been zombified, carrying along since dragging its corpse around. [01:40:59] Speaker A: Yeah. It's unfortunate because it's just the way the Internet have gone. News is so up to date. You don't really need big events. You don't even need the fucking game awards. [01:41:07] Speaker B: No, I think a lot of the game awards is like a celebratory circle jerk. More than a show showing games, really. [01:41:18] Speaker A: Yeah. Well, it's meant to be like the oscars of the gaming world, but because of the way it's done where they have to show ads all the time, there's constant announcements. It's not really that. It's more of an advertisement. [01:41:32] Speaker B: Yeah, it isn't. It's like a giant ad for the games in general. [01:41:37] Speaker A: Yeah. Because if it was just game awards, it'd probably last half. Not even half. They're like quarter of the time and you just get to have that kind of thing. Whereas because of all the different. I don't believe you have lords of ads. Well, you would have ads, but it'd be normal tv ads during the Oscars and that wouldn't. They wouldn't be. If it was on the BBC, for example, it probably wouldn't have any ads. It would just be done. [01:42:08] Speaker B: Like, I think they need to go the way of getting, like, I'm not saying Ricky Gervais, but, you know, like the way he did the Golden Globes. [01:42:16] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:42:17] Speaker B: And hosted it by taking the piss out of everyone. [01:42:20] Speaker A: You need someone with a bit more fucking charisma and fucking chops, like, and bit of. I mean, funniness comedian. [01:42:29] Speaker B: When Christopher judge, the guy that voices Kratos, was on, and he turned around and said that everyone had been taking the piss out of his long speech, but that his speech was longer than the latest Call of Duty campaign. And I thought, yeah, that's kind of true. [01:42:46] Speaker A: I haven't played the latest Call of Duty because I haven't played them for years. But I laughed at that. Some of the faces of people, some of them looked fucking like were laughing. Some of them looked pissed off. [01:42:56] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. Definitely split the room into. [01:42:59] Speaker A: Yeah. Me, I was like, yeah, that's fucking brilliant. Yeah, that's just good fun. Like a crack. [01:43:05] Speaker B: But that's what I'd like to see. Take the piss out of some of the games a bit and be a bit light hearted. [01:43:11] Speaker A: Yeah, it does seem a bit overly serious most of the time. It moving on to we play together. The game we played this week, as I said previously, was to the moon, which I knew nothing about. I knew it was to the moon and that was about it. I knew it was a game. I didn't realize it's like a point and click kind of game. Well, that's how I played it. You can use the keyboard and mouse or pad, I guess, but I used the mouse to just click stuff when I was able to. There were one or two bits where you couldn't. Anyway, I'm talking, again, off track to the moon is a game about a guy who's dying and you have to give him different memories so he dies with his memories of him going to the moon. That's basically, to sum it up in the basis form. What did you think of to the moon, dude? [01:44:24] Speaker B: I think it's a really good premise. It's a great story. The fact that you play these two science technicians, or I suppose I call death technicians, who use a machine to give someone another chance to live their life again from the beginning, but only in their heads. It's not the kind of story you hear every day from a game. [01:44:49] Speaker A: No, it's not. [01:44:51] Speaker B: And the weird thing is, it's a sort of old style pc point and click game, but it's got graphics that sort of more what I'd call a 16 bit rpg type of graphic. [01:45:03] Speaker A: Yeah, I would agree with that completely. Yeah. [01:45:07] Speaker B: It's not really my sort of game because other than the early leisure suit Larry games and the Discworld games, I'm not a massive point and click fan. [01:45:18] Speaker A: Okay. [01:45:20] Speaker B: But the premise did keep me going for a while. [01:45:24] Speaker A: Yeah, I actually rather enjoyed it. I do like some point and clicks, especially if they got a good sense of humor. And this did have a good sense of humor. And it also had a lot of silly references to things which I thought was great. [01:45:39] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. Like when he has to open the portals between different memories and he does a hadookin and a hulk smashing things. [01:45:47] Speaker A: Yeah. And a kami hamiha. And then he's like, you don't cock block a kami hamiha. And also, when they talk about Doctor who, they speak about how did they get up the grand piano upstairs? They must have used a Tardis. And they said, well, they couldn't have used a Tardis because it wouldn't fit through the door. And they said they stopped for a bit and they said something like, they could make a full episode about that. And then it goes, dot dot dot dot dot dot. They look each other. Yeah. I could do with watching an episode of Dot who is as the premise. And I'm like, that would be pretty good, actually. But, yeah, it's a lot of references of stuff and stuff like that. And it's not just brought up, doesn't seem to be brought up for the sake of it. It seems to reference something in a way apart from like the Hadookin and stuff when just breaking the things that's just more a bit of fun, like. But a lot of the other stuff stuff does. Like you said, you're not a massive fan of point and clicks. How did you find the story of the game then? Because like I said, I rather enjoyed the entire game. I like a point and click. It wasn't too taxing either with the puzzles that you had to do. They were decent enough. Like. [01:47:09] Speaker B: Yeah, it wasn't too hard with the know, some of the old leisure suit Larry's and stuff were much harder and stuff was quite obvious because obviously when you play the disc world games, some of the logic in those and like the old Monkey island games, some of the stuff's really obscure and weird whereas a lot of the solutions to this seem quite like straightforward. Yeah, I completely agree. [01:47:39] Speaker A: No it's not. At the end of the day it's not very taxing and you get to play something as well as enjoy a nice story. What did you think of the actual story then? Because I rather enjoyed it. It was a bit like cheesy as the game says itself. Oh, it was just cheese fest. Quite repeated quite a few times. It says that. [01:47:58] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:47:59] Speaker A: But what do you think of it? Because I was thinking throughout, I was like pretty sure that River's autistic and it turns out she was Asperger's. I think it was at the time, but now it's just ASD and it all comes under a spectrum for those who are unaware, at least in the UK, I'm assuming the rest of the world as well that has autism, that uses the scale like, I assume most places just use the ASD instead of going, you've got Asperger's, you've got autism because they're the same thing. It's just different. [01:48:37] Speaker B: I know, level, I guess. [01:48:39] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:48:40] Speaker B: They've gone a lot from saying Asperger's to high and low functioning autistic. Yeah, but even people don't tend to like that. It's strange because some people will like being called high functioning autistic and some people are. They say it's weird because you're not just high and low, it's certain things are hard or easy for certain people. Yeah, I mean, I'm sure I've mentioned this before, I'm autistic. I personally call myself high functioning and not care because it's like easy firsthand for can managing life without too much help, if you know what I mean. But some people see it as kind of an insult. But then there's a whole weird thing where you've got. They call them ASPI supremacists who are people who actually think by being highly autistic or having Asperger's, you're the next stage in evolution of mankind and you're better than normal people. Yeah, it's really weird. [01:49:52] Speaker A: Yeah. I don't think you're better or worse without having autism. You're just, you just a person who has a disorder that makes things a little different. It's not bad or good, it's just different. [01:50:10] Speaker B: You've got a slightly different brain that deals with things in a slightly different way, which can help some people be creative and do great things, but it can also make things difficult for people. It's something you learn to deal with, and how good or bad it is depends on the other things in your personality and how you manage it. [01:50:32] Speaker A: Yeah. One of my children has autism. He was diagnosed when he was younger, so that was a good thing because it means he got help he needed for certain things. Whereas obviously people who weren't diagnosed till they were older have probably struggled more with certain aspects of life than they really needed to, because if they knew when they were younger, they could have had the help they needed to deal with those things that they couldn't have dealt with as easily, but with help, they would have and that kind of thing. But he was diagnosed as, like, high functioning, mid range high functioning, which to me means not much. It just means that he has ASD and he is more capable than someone with low functioning ASD. That's all I can think of. I don't mean more capable than he can do things. I think he can handle certain things better. That's what I mean by that. [01:51:41] Speaker B: Same as I'd sort of say it's how easily you can sort of work your way through life. And, yeah, people tend to think I'm eccentric, not autistic. I'm quite happy with that. If people think that and they just. And they're all right with it, you just. Yeah, whatever you tell people, you really know. [01:52:10] Speaker A: But, yeah, there have been times where you've had to tell, like, strangers and stuff. Because my son is like, he literally has no filter. And some of the stuff he've said to people, I'm like, I'm really sorry. He's got ASD. He has no real filter. And even then, it's like, I shouldn't really be making excuses for him because it's the way he is. But at the same time, when he's offending people, it's kind of like he needs to not to do that. Yeah, but he doesn't care the amount of arguments he's had with teachers in school. There's been times where the teacher have come out and said, this have happened in school, and he will turn around and say, you're lying. That didn't happen. This is what happened. And he'll say it to the face like, you're a liar. It's like, whoa, calm down. [01:52:59] Speaker B: Yeah, that's pretty familiar for me. I was doing that back in my day, but obviously, without knowing why. [01:53:07] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:53:08] Speaker B: But I do find quite a few people that are autistic have a massive sense of the truth. And you do get really wound up when you think people are lying or if someone accuses you of doing something and you haven't done it, you do get really, like. I suppose aggressive is the wrong word, but invested in, like. [01:53:35] Speaker A: Yeah, I get you. I get that. Completely understand. Well, I understand what you're saying from an outside perspective. [01:53:44] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:53:48] Speaker A: So do you think the portrayal was any good, then? [01:53:52] Speaker B: Yeah, I mean, the whole thing with. [01:53:55] Speaker A: Obviously, I want to say in advance now, but I'm not saying that you speak on behalf of everyone with autism. [01:54:04] Speaker B: I mean, that's the difficult thing. You want to give your opinion. You've got the issue in question, but obviously you're not a spokesperson for everyone with it, because it is a spectrum and everyone's got a different opinion. But something I did notice, they keep going about, is it Anya or whatever at the start? Because the game's a little bit backwards, isn't it? Because obviously, you start at the end of his life and you're working backwards. [01:54:31] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:54:31] Speaker B: So you're learning the answers to things before you've learned the question, almost. [01:54:36] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:54:36] Speaker B: They keep going on about that, Anya. And you're like, well, who is she? And it turns out that she's a lighthouse. [01:54:45] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:54:46] Speaker B: And River's obsessed with a lighthouse. And there is a sort of autistic trait to humanize things. Lots of autistic people will have, like, teddy bears and treat them really as if they're real. [01:55:02] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:55:03] Speaker B: And I've done that to some extent because you've seen where I've got the things with that Dwayne raccoon, and I know he's not real, but it's very easy for me to fake him being real and attribute him more personality than he's really got. When I used to work with children, I've always been very used puppets a lot and I rarely get a stupid level of motivation into it. Like it's a monkey. But he's got an entire backstory and. [01:55:36] Speaker A: Name and nothing wrong with that, man. Yeah, but obviously it's going to be different for different people. But I enjoyed that aspect because it did kind of show that with her, with river. It showed that, yeah, she has autism. Yeah, she has her eccentricities, but she does love the guy and so on. And just because she doesn't show emotions as other people do doesn't mean the emotions are not there. [01:56:19] Speaker B: And I mean, it's just got to help in general, showing different types of people. Yeah, definitely games. [01:56:26] Speaker A: Yeah, definitely. I looked up this after I played it and there's actually a few other games in this. Like in a follow on from it. [01:56:35] Speaker B: Yeah, I mean, I didn't even know I own this till you said, shall we play this? And I've got that many games in steam from buying like various humble bundles and things because it's often cheaper to buy them to get the one game you want than it is to buy the game you want. [01:56:51] Speaker A: Yeah, exactly. [01:56:53] Speaker B: And I was like, oh, I've got it. And it says there's extra chapters for it. I've got. And I don't remember buying any of that. [01:56:59] Speaker A: Yeah, I need to have a look at the extra chapters because I haven't. And I was also going to look into maybe the other games as well because I think it's like another two or three ones coming out this year. Has come out this year. And then there was another one. Once I finished the game, it showed another two, but I think there's another one again now. I think one of them is called something Bird, bird song songbird, something like that. [01:57:23] Speaker B: All right. [01:57:25] Speaker A: So it's worth looking into. But yeah, I really enjoyed the game. I thought the story was really good and finding out little things as it went back. As you said, you'd have the answer before the question, so you didn't know what you were looking at until the question was said earlier on and I liked that. And obviously you did have the question answer the normal way around as certain things were happening. Really good. Yeah. [01:57:51] Speaker B: It's an interesting way of telling a story because it does chain you into it because you're always learning something and you're always finding out this thing you learned earlier actually means this and. [01:58:08] Speaker A: It'S. [01:58:08] Speaker B: A good narrative to keep you going because you're pondering, what is it with these rabbits? What's it with this? What do they mean when they talk about that? [01:58:17] Speaker A: Yeah, exactly. And you don't find out what the rabbits are about to like right near the end, really. But it keeps you engaged by giving you the answer, as you said. So then you have the question, or you think you have what the question would be. So you play in jeopardy and you say, what is a moon? And the answer will be, something fucking completely different. You're like, oh, my God. I didn't think that would turn out that way. That the reason that they're in that situation in that specific spot is because of what happened previously, because I expected something different to happen. Yeah. [01:58:59] Speaker B: I mean, I think the story, and it's so good, you could obviously make, like, a made for Amazon or Netflix tv show out of it. [01:59:07] Speaker A: Yeah, I would agree with that. I think it's really well done as well. [01:59:19] Speaker B: I did laugh this thing about the olives where the guy had to keep eating olives even though he didn't like them, pretending he liked them. [01:59:28] Speaker A: Yeah. And it's weird how we end up really liking olives, considering he didn't like olives when he was younger. He's like, disgusting. And then when you rejig the memories, he's like, disgusting. It's weird because he shouldn't have. But what do I know? I'm not a writer of stories. I'm a pleb. [01:59:53] Speaker B: I think some of your taste buds are in your head, aren't they? [01:59:57] Speaker A: Because technically speaking, yes, because they're in your mouth. [02:00:04] Speaker B: But experiences dictate what you think about food. I always remember being given tongue before knowing what it was. [02:00:14] Speaker A: Right. [02:00:15] Speaker B: And I was given it by my uncle, and I was halfway through eating it, and I wasn't really enjoying it. I was thinking, this is a bit weird. And then he told me what it was while it was still in my mouth. [02:00:26] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:00:28] Speaker B: And I've never completely. [02:00:30] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:00:32] Speaker B: I've ate things like liver and kidney and never bothered. I always liked them, but I didn't know what they were when I originally ate them. And I got into a pattern of liking them before knowing what they were. [02:00:46] Speaker A: It's like that with foods. And the thing is, you can train yourself to enjoy different foods. If you eat deer on a regular basis, even though you don't like it, you'll end up enjoying. It's weird how your brain works. Yeah. [02:00:58] Speaker B: There's all sorts I'll eat now that I didn't used to I mean, I'll eat olives. I'm not wild for them, but it used to be if they were on a pizza, oh, don't pass at me. But now I'll eat them. I'll eat them on their own, even if it's on top of a salad or something. They're not something I'd run out and buy, but they've gone from a won't touch to a yeah, all right. [02:01:19] Speaker A: Yeah, I'm still in the won't touch phase with olives. Disgusting little things, but yeah. Before we end, would you like to say anything else upon the game? [02:01:39] Speaker B: No, just that I think if you want to play something with a story that's different from the norm, it's worth it. If you're into point and clicks, you'll probably get more out of it than I will. But to say they're not a type of game I play much anymore and it still hooked me quite well, you know, bravo to them. They did a good job with it. [02:02:04] Speaker A: Yeah, I would agree. It's a very enjoyable game. The story is actually very intriguing. Yes, it is a bit of a cheese fest, as said in the game, but it's really enjoyable and a lot of fun. And there's some funny stuff in there as well. As. Well as like the emotional side of things and the serious side of things. There's genuine comedy in there, in my opinion anyway, which is obvious because it's Misera. But, yeah, I think if you've got access to it or you're getting a bundle, definitely give it a try. It's worth a go. Right, before we go, is there anything you would like to plug Kerr? [02:02:49] Speaker B: Just obviously my YouTube channel, which Kerr 9000, is Doctor who horror, all sorts on there. And I just say I'm working on a big special that all, fingers crossed, go up like 11:00 New Year's Eve ish. So fingers crossed I can get some people watching that because it's a heck of an effort. [02:03:12] Speaker A: Yeah. For those wondering what it is, it's actually a striptease. It's not a striptease, guys. It might be. I don't know what's in there. [02:03:28] Speaker B: So look back at the year we've had, mostly with comedy and some shitting on the government and the royals really is probably the best way. If you like the royal family, don't watch it. That's probably the safest warning. [02:03:45] Speaker A: Fair enough. So most of the people in the UK will watch it, select who won't. That is going to be us, then. Thank you for everyone who's tuned in. We'll be back in approximately a fortnight because this is running late. I shall be back on the Wednesday as normal, and next week there'll be a Pugsley crew reviews. I'm not sure what the film is. I have asked someone to join, but they were unavailable, so we'll have to look at something else. I will let Kerr know as soon as I know because Kerr tends to be there, as I said earlier in the pod cast. But, yeah, take care and have a good one, everyone. Bye.

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