Game of the Year - Episode 32

January 10, 2024 01:54:14
Game of the Year - Episode 32
Pedz' Game Shack
Game of the Year - Episode 32

Jan 10 2024 | 01:54:14


Show Notes

On the 32nd episode of Pedz' Game Shack, we have returning guests Cumberdanes, Doomed Prinny, Jeffyard and Kerrr9000. This episode discusses our games of the year, which we jokingly decided are the Pedzys. There are a few topics of discussion, not just Game of the Year, but Worst Game of the Year, Best Game released before 2023 and Most Overlooked Game. Some games may be surprises, some may be pretty predictable, and some may even be decided during the podcast.

Saying Hello: 00:15

Worst Game of the Year: 6:03

Best Non-2023 Game Played: 26:11

Most Overlooked Game: 46:59

Game of the Year: 01:20:55

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:19] Speaker A: Game shack. Today we're going to be discussing the game of the year. Her I have with me doomed printy Jeff yard. Hello, Ker 9000. Hi. And lastly, Cumberdanes. How is everyone doing today? [00:00:42] Speaker B: Good, thanks, man. How are you? [00:00:44] Speaker A: Yeah, I'm well. Just eating some sweets. [00:00:50] Speaker C: What sweets are you eating, Ted? [00:00:53] Speaker A: Candied bacon, candy bacon, whatever comer called it candy bacon. [00:00:59] Speaker D: I'm a little tired, but I just sampled the new menu at McDonald's and it was tasty. [00:01:03] Speaker A: My missus had something from McDonald's the other day. It was a steakhouse burger with peppercorn sauce. [00:01:09] Speaker D: I had the steakhouse stack and the Fajita chicken wrap. They were both very tasty. [00:01:15] Speaker A: I didn't know they were doing a Fajita chicken wrap. I'll have to try that when I go there next. I prefer Burger King food to McDonald's. [00:01:22] Speaker B: But they don't deliver you more filling in it. Burger King. [00:01:26] Speaker D: They do deliver on my way, but they're too expensive. [00:01:29] Speaker A: That is another problem with Burger King. It's like I end up five burgers. [00:01:34] Speaker D: At Mackie's for the price of one at Burger King. [00:01:36] Speaker B: When you get the Burger King app, though, you get some good deals. [00:01:40] Speaker D: Yeah, I might look into that. [00:01:44] Speaker B: Knocks a fair bit of money off, makes it a lot more reasonable. [00:01:51] Speaker A: Speaking of unreasonableness, in my opinion, places like Pizza Hut and Domino's are a fucking con. They pizzas, like, they 13 inch pizzas, like 20 od quid. That's ridiculous. When you could make one bigger than that for cheaper and like, local shops that do kebabs and pizzas and burgers and stuff. There's one near me that does buy one, get one free on pizzas. You can get 16 inch pizzas for something like 13 quid and you can get another one free. And it is fucking lovely when you. [00:02:29] Speaker D: Eat in the restaurant. But for takeaway, it's really, meh. [00:02:33] Speaker B: Certainly worth it when there's, like, big deals on, like, spend 50 quid, get half off and that sort of thing. Normal. It's just not worth it. We've got a local one called Sergio's and for about 28 pounds you can get a giant pizza, whatever you want. [00:02:47] Speaker A: On chips with cheese. [00:02:51] Speaker B: Cheese kebab, meat, chicken, meat salad. And you won't get half the food for 28 quid from Domino's or pizza hut. And this is nicer. [00:03:00] Speaker A: That's fair enough. I used to enjoy going to pizza Hut on a weekday and just getting, like, all you can eat, just munching on as much pizza you wanted for. [00:03:09] Speaker D: Like, there's good value if you can put your food back. [00:03:13] Speaker A: I'm a fat bastard, so of course I can. [00:03:15] Speaker D: Well, yeah, exactly. [00:03:18] Speaker A: It's funny when you see like news articles. Blah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah was banned from an all you can eat buffet for eating too much. And it's like, well, it's an all you can eat. What do you expect? [00:03:29] Speaker B: At the age of 15, I was given vouchers and I still leave pizza Hut for eating too much during their all you can eat time, which worked out quite well for me because I was just about full when they said, if we give you some vouchers, will you leave? [00:03:46] Speaker A: That's brilliant. [00:03:47] Speaker D: Someone I used to work with once posted on Facebook how they were going to, it was their birthday and they were going to eat their weight in food. And I was like, big deal, you're a skinny bastard. Try eating my weight in food. [00:04:00] Speaker B: Oh, I watched a video the other day and it was a guy that must have been about twelve stone, and he ate the daily diet of the world's largest woman. And it was a woman that was about 90 stone. And it was four meals. And each meal was four plates. And the first meal, one plate had five giant ice donuts, another was an entire pack of bacon, another was a twelve egg omelet. And I worked the calories out. And here in this one day, what I'd eat in 15 days, fucking L. [00:04:32] Speaker E: Wow, that's like heart attack. [00:04:38] Speaker A: And the next day the video is uploaded at his funeral. [00:04:44] Speaker D: Guys on the Internet, is he called Nicocado avocado? [00:04:50] Speaker A: I'm not sure. [00:04:51] Speaker C: Never. [00:04:51] Speaker D: He got famous doing like mukbang videos, but he used to be like really slim and then just doing crazy mukbang videos, just snapping food down. But now he's like skinny again. [00:05:02] Speaker A: That's bad. A lot of exercise in between the fucking munchies. [00:05:06] Speaker D: Like, I think he just stopped doing the eating videos and just like got healthy again. [00:05:11] Speaker A: Yeah, I can't be bothered with that. I just rather eat what I enjoy. [00:05:15] Speaker D: Just stuff me face. It's easy to buy new clothes when your old clothes don't fit. [00:05:20] Speaker A: Exactly. Nothing wrong with that. So we're going to start discussing the game of the year awards. I don't know what you're going to call them. The Pedzis. No, that doesn't sound right. Anyway, we're going to start off with one of four categories. There's not going to be a lot of categories because last year I think the podcast went on a bit long at two and a half hours ish. So we're going to try and do four categories. Keep it down a little bit time, and go from there. And the first category is worst game of 2023. So we'll start that with doomed printy. What is the worst game you played in 2023 that was released in 2023? [00:06:19] Speaker E: I've forgotten. [00:06:21] Speaker A: So bad you can't even remember what it's called. Come back to. Okay. [00:06:26] Speaker E: There's been so many good releases, I've forgotten. So come back to me. [00:06:30] Speaker A: Okay, we'll move over to Jeff. Jeff Yard. What was the worst game you played in 2023? [00:06:38] Speaker C: I don't know whether I played too many games in 2023 that were released in 2023. I was just scrolling through now when you mentioned those two. [00:06:57] Speaker A: Maybe. [00:07:00] Speaker C: I don't think that's either 2023 either. Sorry. [00:07:07] Speaker A: This is a good start, guys. No one's played any games. [00:07:11] Speaker B: I can think of three stinkers that I've only played a bit of. [00:07:15] Speaker C: I've got three stinkers, Golem, King Kong, and the day before. [00:07:24] Speaker A: Golem was released in 2023. [00:07:27] Speaker C: Yeah, I mean, I never played Golem. [00:07:31] Speaker A: All right, well, that doesn't help Jeff. [00:07:33] Speaker B: I've played these three. I know, but not a lot. [00:07:37] Speaker A: Okay, we'll move to kerm. We'll come back to Jeff and Prinny. What's the worst game you played in 2023? [00:07:47] Speaker B: It's a toss up between gargoyles remastered. [00:07:51] Speaker A: It's not meant to be good, though. [00:07:53] Speaker B: Gargoyles, the original was, but I just think this is a prep remaster. Wasn't needed. Doesn't make it better. In fact, I'd say makes it worse. The other bad ones, flashback, too. They waited far too long. And I just think it's a bit of a piss poor effort. And then probably the one which I imagine had the highest budget and ultimately is boring. Crime boss, Rocket City. I don't know if you've heard of that one. [00:08:25] Speaker A: I've not heard of. [00:08:29] Speaker D: Danny Trejo and stuff in it. [00:08:31] Speaker B: Yeah, it's a new ip. It's got Danny Trejo, Michael Madison, Chuck Norris, Kim Basinger, Danny Glover, Michael Rooker. [00:08:40] Speaker A: Yeah, all of them in it. [00:08:44] Speaker B: It's a crap payday sort of thing. Really. I've got vanilla ice in it as well. Know why not? It's a first person heist shooter where you get four people and make a gang that's going to complete missions in a fictitious city that's like an Miami. [00:09:01] Speaker E: Do they rap in it? [00:09:03] Speaker B: Not that I saw, but I didn't play much of it. I was at a friend's house and they chucked it on and I was just like, this is shit. It's just a bad payday. You'd be better off playing any of the payday games. [00:09:22] Speaker A: When it was shown. When it was originally shown, I thought it looked pretty cool. But at the same time, I also didn't think it'd just be payday. I thought it'd be more to it. [00:09:32] Speaker B: I was expecting grand Theft Auto y for it. [00:09:34] Speaker D: I assume like Grand Theft Auto, but. [00:09:36] Speaker A: With like, real actors in think, you. [00:09:39] Speaker B: Know, if you'd give those actors and that premise to the team that did Saints Row or something and gone make a stupid as fuck grand theft auto style game where you've got like, danny Treo pulling out knives and Michael Rorke shooting people, it could have been really fun. Could have been daft over the top. And I just think it's really wasted. [00:10:02] Speaker A: And I remember it coming out to. [00:10:06] Speaker B: Massive announcements and then just literally everybody. [00:10:08] Speaker A: Going, this is shit that's going. It looked, like, interesting. [00:10:16] Speaker B: Yeah, I think they did a good job of publicizing it, building up to its release. But it's probably not the worst game. But I think when you're boring and you don't deliver what you promised. Yeah, kind of worse. At least if it's really crap, you can just have a laugh as people. [00:10:33] Speaker A: Glitch through walls and things go wrong. [00:10:37] Speaker B: But being boring is sort of the worst crime possible by game. [00:10:42] Speaker A: Yeah. Any media, if it's just boring, it's kind of like you don't really want to pour any effort into doing anything with it either. Nothing worse than mediocrity in my eyes. [00:10:56] Speaker C: Sorry. [00:11:00] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:11:00] Speaker D: Jeff. [00:11:03] Speaker A: Why about you cover danes? What's the worst game you've played in 2023? [00:11:06] Speaker D: It pains me to say it because I put a lot of hours into. [00:11:10] Speaker A: This game, but Starfield, no, I'm not surprised. [00:11:18] Speaker D: I'm not saying I didn't enjoy it because I did. [00:11:22] Speaker A: But that said, I love it. [00:11:27] Speaker D: I think it's still the most meh, new game that I played in 2023. [00:11:34] Speaker A: I think the reason why I don't think it's the worst game I played in 2023, but I can see why you would say that because it's literally just fucking morrow wind with the new fucking skin. [00:11:47] Speaker D: I was so hyped for that game because I like Bethesda games as a rule. [00:11:51] Speaker A: Yeah, I put in a lot of time into it, but at the same time, it's kind of like Bethesda need to actually do something and need you something new. [00:12:00] Speaker D: Seriously, you're better off. If someone said to me they were going to play Starfield, I'd probably say, go and play out of worlds instead. [00:12:09] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:12:11] Speaker D: It's a better game with a similar premise. It's a lot more fun. When it's good, it's good. I can't say otherwise, but for the most part, it's just like. It's a slog. [00:12:24] Speaker A: Yeah. I think another thing that didn't help is the constant. [00:12:29] Speaker D: Many too many menus. [00:12:30] Speaker A: I know they're different games, but no man's sky. You can take off, fly off to another planet, go. Oh, you see that over there? You can fly to it and you literally can. Todd Howard's. Oh, look at that. You can go to it. See that moon? You can go to it. It's literally, you go to menu and click on moon. It's not the same thing. [00:12:48] Speaker D: So many levels to the menu just to get. Just to a healing item or something. Unless you had a hotkey then. Could just use the hotkey. [00:12:56] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:12:57] Speaker D: I click through so many different screens just to get to pages of the inventory. [00:13:00] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:13:03] Speaker D: The map. Don't get me started on the map. When you land on a planet, and I know it's like a randomly generated and whatnot, but the map screen was horrific. [00:13:13] Speaker A: Yeah. The thing is, showed nothing. I get that with the randomly generated planets, but when it comes to the planets with, like, where you're in a town, even they were Bollocks. [00:13:26] Speaker D: Yeah. For the towns and stuff like that, or cities and all that kind of jazz, there should be at least a proper map for them. [00:13:32] Speaker A: Yeah. And another thing that kind of bugged me is, like, you go to a planet where people have settled there for hundreds of years, they've got this space age fucking technology, and yet they've got one little city and some mining things around an entire planet. It's like, come on. [00:13:47] Speaker D: Yeah, that's a bit shit. That wild west kind of planets like that. Well, every planet's like that. Everywhere you go, there's one big city on the whole planet and the rest is just wasteland. [00:13:58] Speaker A: Yeah. It's like fallout on a bigger scale. [00:14:03] Speaker D: Yeah. What I thought was quite cool, it was like the earth monuments. Until I realized I'd missed one and couldn't get them all. [00:14:13] Speaker A: You could have got it on another playthrough. [00:14:15] Speaker D: Couldn't be asked again. That's fair enough. [00:14:18] Speaker A: I did actually play through it twice. It's much, much quicker on the second playthrough. [00:14:24] Speaker D: Yeah, I've heard it because you can skip a lot of the shit, can't you? [00:14:28] Speaker A: Yeah, you can you just skip through. [00:14:31] Speaker D: The story quest or something? [00:14:32] Speaker A: Yeah, pretty much. [00:14:34] Speaker B: I think there's a lot of little tweaks they could have made to it that would have really helped. It's like, I love building the ships in it, but sometimes it won't let you have the ship because it says something's not right. [00:14:48] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:14:49] Speaker B: And they could make a little thing where it'll self correct it for you. Yeah. Make a bit of an easy build so that you can be more creative because sometimes you put loads of different bits together and then it'll just go, no, doesn't work. Something's not connected to something or. [00:15:08] Speaker D: And you're like, yeah, I never got my hair around the shipbuilding thing. I just use premade ships. [00:15:14] Speaker B: I spent loads of time building ships. But it was annoying. If you'd gone the whole step of building something and then something wasn't, it would say, like, the docking bay wasn't connected right to the bridge. [00:15:26] Speaker D: There's a bit in the story then when you've got to put some gadgets on the ship to get through, like an electrical storm or something. [00:15:32] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:15:32] Speaker D: And it kept saying, no, that's not connected properly. You can't put it there. And I'm like, well, why is it letting me put it there then? [00:15:40] Speaker B: I mean, that would have been easy, wouldn't it? A bit of coding that had just like, smart connect things for you. Just solved the issues with it. Even if it charged you a few. [00:15:47] Speaker A: Credits or some of the most part. [00:15:50] Speaker D: I just stuck with the ships I was given, mainly the one that I got from that Mantis quest. [00:15:55] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, that was a cool ship. [00:15:57] Speaker A: Basically, I used the main ship that you get given by, added on a couple of cargo holds to carry more stuff. Then I got a mantis ship and I used that for a little bit and then went back the other one because they had more storage and they could do more things because of the storage and stuff upon. I could do more, but it just wasn't quite as good in combat. Then I got another ship, which I preferred again, and used that it was the one for the Rangers quests. And then I got another wall right at the end and I was like, oh, cool. And then I used it for, like, the one jump to get to the end of the game, pretty much. And it's like, okay, I spent 400,000 credits to use a fucking ship once. [00:16:40] Speaker D: That was, I would say, definitely my worst new game of the year. [00:16:44] Speaker B: That's another thing that would be good on it. A credit free mode so you could peer around with building ships without any limitations. [00:16:52] Speaker A: Could do like, but who knows if Bethesda would be willing to do that. I think the biggest issue really is Bethesda just haven't moved on at all. It's like they're just treading water and resting on their laurels now with no real drive. [00:17:11] Speaker D: I'm almost looking forward to avowed now more than. Yeah, I think avowed will probably be a better game. [00:17:20] Speaker A: That's by obsidian, so it should be. [00:17:23] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:17:26] Speaker A: Prinny, what about you? Have you thought of the worst game you played in 2023? Oh, you got it. Noise. [00:17:34] Speaker E: Yeah, it's infinity strash. It's the Dragon quest game. [00:17:38] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. [00:17:39] Speaker A: Terrible. [00:17:40] Speaker E: Yeah. So basically, if you do a little bit of research, but I'll explain why I particularly didn't like it. But it's basically the retelling of the original anime. [00:17:51] Speaker A: You would think it's the worst game of the year because it's got a stupid fucking name. [00:17:57] Speaker E: Yeah, nobody understood it. And it wasn't even Dragon Quest. Infinity Strash. It's Infinity strash. Dragon Quest, adventures of die. Because it's just trying to detach from the canon main series. So it's just an offshoot one, basically, yeah. It's a retelling of the anime because I actually watched the original anime today in Japanese on vhs. And it's not actually done by Akira Torima, completely different artist. So they redid it all, which is great because you can't get the anime now because it's all very old and they never remastered it. But it's like every time I did some gameplay, the gameplay was fine. I streamed it a few times. It was quite fun. But every time you got to a point, it was like massive cutscene or really long tutorial or long fmv. I'm just sitting there like, if I wanted to watch the anime, I'd just watch the anime. None of this is anything new. It was just exactly copy and paste. [00:19:04] Speaker D: Static images as well, though with the. [00:19:06] Speaker E: Text, it just really broke up the gameplay. So that was really hard for me to get into because I was trying to learn how to play it and stuff. And you learn moves and you get different characters and it's quite fun. But it's hard for me to, like, if I wanted to play Persona, I know what I'm asking for. But for this game, I was like, oh, come on, man. I'm actually getting into this. But that was another bloody massive anime cut scene and then another massive tutorial I can't get out of. You can't skip. That was another issue. So I was playing that on PlayStation. [00:19:44] Speaker D: And an Xbox. [00:19:45] Speaker E: Yeah, I think it's on everything steam as well. [00:19:48] Speaker A: Maybe. [00:19:50] Speaker D: Someone from square complain. When I said that, the name sounded like Infinity's trash, which it literally does. It literally says Infinity's trash. [00:20:02] Speaker E: It's easy to get that mistake, especially if you're dyslexic as well. [00:20:06] Speaker D: Why don't you try reading it again? I don't think you're getting what I'm saying, mate. Yeah, I'm playing other games with a ridiculously shit name. [00:20:14] Speaker E: But it's a shame though, because the anime is really nice, the music's amazing. They've done a really good job remastering it. It's just the way they've put it together. I don't think it's a good match. And if you look around, nobody's really talking about it. I think everyone was intrigued when it first came out and then it died out so quick. [00:20:31] Speaker D: Wasn't that the same with another dragon Quest game last year? There was a spin off to drag quest eleven that got a bit of hype and then actually treasures. [00:20:38] Speaker A: That's the one that got quite a. [00:20:41] Speaker D: Lot of initial hype and then when they came out people were like, actually, yeah, it's a bit shit. [00:20:46] Speaker E: It's a shame, isn't it? These are spin offs aren't doing very well. [00:20:52] Speaker B: I love builders though. They could make dragon Quest Builders till. [00:20:55] Speaker D: The end of the recently, I don't think I'm nearing the end of the first chapter. That's a lot of fun. [00:21:02] Speaker E: Oh, there you go. [00:21:03] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:21:06] Speaker D: I don't think I would like builders because I've never really got on with Minecraft, but builders is fun. [00:21:10] Speaker A: I think from what little I've played of builders is one thing that he has advantage of in comparison to Minecraft, he has a goal, whereas Minecraft. [00:21:20] Speaker D: Yeah, I was going to say the. It's got a fixed campaign. [00:21:23] Speaker A: There's a point to it. [00:21:24] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:21:26] Speaker A: I haven't really played much of Dragon Quest, but if I ever make a dragon quest game, I'll do the adventures of die because it's spelt the same as die, as in die Katana and adventures of die, but it's die. So his name is David, but he's die from the valleys and he'll be like, oh no, I dropped my sheep. I don't even think that was a welsh accent because I was trying to do a stronger welsh accent and sounded fucking something else. I don't know what, but you know what I mean. Adventures of die from the valleys. He is. He likes to shag his sheep. [00:22:06] Speaker D: Whose soul does that? Claymore. [00:22:13] Speaker A: Oh, you've got to kill the. [00:22:14] Speaker D: You've. [00:22:15] Speaker A: Oh, you've got to kill a boss. You'll be here in a minute. [00:22:18] Speaker D: Now where do you find him? Over by there. [00:22:27] Speaker A: Funnel. I could take the piss out of my own country. What about Jeff? Has Jeff got a worst game of 2023? [00:22:39] Speaker C: Give me 2 seconds. I just bought a game called Lost Princess Darkness on Steam as released on 20 eigth of December, 2023. I'm just loading it up now. [00:22:51] Speaker D: He's bought a random ship game. [00:22:53] Speaker C: Yeah, it's a walking simulator. [00:22:56] Speaker A: Walking simulators are not necessarily bad. What's it, Edith Finch. That's really good. That's fucking cragging. And gone home is good as well. [00:23:07] Speaker D: Firewatch is really good as well. [00:23:09] Speaker C: And Firewatch, it got two reviews on it. One says it's all that because it can be beaten in 45 minutes. The other one's gone home, tending to be a crow, just going car as this game ruining my graphics card. The menu looks nice. [00:23:37] Speaker A: Jeff gone home is you're a woman. You're returning home from a trip around, like America. I'm pretty sure you go to America, Mexico, Europe, and then you return home, and for some reason, no one is in your home. And then you have to work out why. Stuff like that. [00:24:04] Speaker D: Everyone's gone to the rough chair. [00:24:06] Speaker A: Yeah, I guess I'd not played that, but it's not as sinister as that. And it's more of not so much sinister, but it's not as sad, I guess. Yeah. [00:24:16] Speaker D: I would highly recommend what remains of Eth Finch. [00:24:20] Speaker A: Yeah. What remains of vintage. Great. I think I played that this year. [00:24:24] Speaker D: Actually, I played a couple of years ago. I think I only played it because. [00:24:26] Speaker A: I heard it was short and I. [00:24:29] Speaker D: Fancy just something that I quickly just ratled through. [00:24:33] Speaker A: Dice, streamed there. I was just like, I'll just play a game. I'll play that. [00:24:36] Speaker D: Every chapter had a different art style. That was cool. Yeah, actually, the chapter about the basement. [00:24:44] Speaker A: I remember really enjoying it. [00:24:47] Speaker D: I'm not going to say anything because everyone wants to play it because it'll kind of ruin it. But there's a chapter where you have to go to the basement for some reason, and that chapter is really cool. [00:24:57] Speaker A: So what's Jeff's worst game of the year then? [00:25:01] Speaker C: Well, it literally was lost princess Darkness. [00:25:05] Speaker A: So why was this bad then? Jeff, it's just walking. [00:25:10] Speaker C: It did look nice. All right. But of the free games that I played that were released in 2023. [00:25:21] Speaker A: All right, Jeff, you're a funny guy. Literally. I'll buy one quickly. Now, the quick goal, fair play. [00:25:40] Speaker C: It's on. Called like girlfriend simulator. But that's released in 2024. [00:25:46] Speaker A: We can't use our. Then. Yeah, maybe next year. Maybe next year. [00:25:53] Speaker C: For next year's podcast and I create my little PED scale. [00:26:14] Speaker A: Game. Did you enjoy most that wasn't released in 2023? Previously to 2023? [00:26:21] Speaker C: Well, I've just bought this new game called the girlfriend simulator that's released in 2024. I did play Ratchet Clank on PS five, rift apart. [00:26:33] Speaker A: Okay. [00:26:35] Speaker C: I think that one would be up there for me. [00:26:38] Speaker A: Why is that then? Technical achievements, fun gameplay, good story, all. [00:26:47] Speaker C: Of that and more. I've always been a big fan of the Ratchet Clank series, so it's being the game that I wanted to get to. Got PS five this year, so finally able to get to it and had a blast with it. [00:27:07] Speaker A: Shenmu three. [00:27:12] Speaker C: I'd recommend it. [00:27:14] Speaker A: Well, Shenmue three. [00:27:17] Speaker C: Well, Shanmu three. [00:27:21] Speaker A: How does it compare to the older Ratchet and Clank games, then? Because I've not played much of any of the ratchet and Clank games. I've played a little bit of like one on the PlayStation three and I think that's it. How does it compare to previous titles then? Is it as good as them? Because obviously I think the focus changed. Weren't they more platforming than there is now? And now it's more action and platforming? Or is they kind of shaken it up a bit and gone a bit more middling? [00:27:50] Speaker C: Yeah, they're quite narrative focused. I suppose it's quite more linear. So you're always pointed out where you need to go, which the older ones didn't or not so much. And yeah, as you say, Ratchet Clank one was sort of more platforming with shooting elements, whereas this is more action with platform elements. So it's evolved. I've enjoyed it all, but it was just something about the earlier ratchets that I really dig. It's quite a short title as well. Probably do it in. [00:28:34] Speaker A: Maybe. [00:28:34] Speaker C: It took me about 15 hours, so you could probably do it. [00:28:38] Speaker A: That's not short. I can complete. My name is Mayo in less than an hour. There you go. [00:28:45] Speaker C: You can paint. Complete lost princess what's her face. [00:28:51] Speaker A: Princess what's her face. No, it's your worst game of the year. [00:28:58] Speaker C: So bad. I forgot about it forgot its title. [00:29:03] Speaker A: What about you? What was your favorite game? That wasn't. Which was released previous to 2023. I have to add previous in now because of Jeff. [00:29:15] Speaker B: Has to be yakuza. Like a dragon. Oh, nice. I love that game. I played it and finished it when it first came out, and I've just kept going back to it. And I think the fact that, like a dragon, infinite wealth is out at. [00:29:30] Speaker A: The end of this month, and I've. [00:29:33] Speaker B: Known that's coming, just made me go back to the last one. I just love the fact that it's an rpg that's not like Space age or monsters, the fact it's modern day and gangsters, but it's also Sega related and nutty. I just love it. I love the mini games in it because there's like a Mario Kart ripoff. [00:29:55] Speaker A: But then there's a business ankle acting as well. [00:29:59] Speaker B: Yeah. And there's a business simulation in it where you run sweet shops, which is surprisingly really good that I'd play a spin off game of it on its own. [00:30:11] Speaker A: All right. That was the arcade in like, a dragon. Yeah. [00:30:19] Speaker B: I know there's arcades in it, but. [00:30:21] Speaker A: I can't remember what games, because obviously, like the older Yakuza game, Space Harriers one. Space Harriers classic. [00:30:31] Speaker D: The new one's going to have. Is it spike out final edition? [00:30:35] Speaker B: I think so, yeah. [00:30:37] Speaker D: Which is like arcade beat mode that never made it out of the arcade. I think it was meant to get a dreamcast port at some point, but never did. [00:30:44] Speaker B: People say it's weird in it because they keep tucking away some of these arcade games. Never been released, much just in the background of Yakuza, or as they call them now, like a dragon games. And it's like, if you made a compilation cart or disc, people would eat this shit. [00:30:58] Speaker D: Definitely. [00:31:00] Speaker A: Why have they changed the name to, like, a dragon now, then? [00:31:02] Speaker D: That's what it's always been called in Japan. [00:31:04] Speaker B: Yeah, effectively, yeah. The japanese name translates as, like, a dragon, but for some reason they call the is. [00:31:15] Speaker A: I didn't know that, but now I do. I just assumed it was called Jacuzza. I didn't think it was an Eggman robotnik thing. I still prefer Robotnik to Eggman. [00:31:29] Speaker D: Mustache Phil, that's his name. No one gets that reference, but that's what I call. [00:31:36] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. Whenever I think of Phil, I think of Uncle Phil from fucking fresh prince. [00:31:43] Speaker D: Bella, a youtuber I like, calls him Mustache Phil. And I just think it sounds funny. So I started calling him that as. [00:31:49] Speaker A: Well, how does like a dragon compare then? Because obviously it's an rpg with turnbased battles, I believe. Isn't it like a dragon compared to the other ones where you play as I can't remember his name. The other guy, it's Kiru. He's a punchy kicky. Like you press buttons to punch and kick instead of selecting something to punch and kick. [00:32:18] Speaker B: I really like the selecting in this because I'm a big rpg fan, so it appeals to me probably more. Yeah, I like the old ones well enough. They're good. But to me this style is perfect. And like I said, because it's an rpg that's modern day and not like fantasy, it's a bit different to other things. [00:32:43] Speaker A: There you go. The adventures of die is going to be set in the modern day. Fucking perfect. [00:32:52] Speaker E: It's like a dragon and it pokes fun at it. It's trying to be dragon Quest and the main character, Ichiban, talks about it all the time. It's quite I same as care. I picked up like a dragon purely because it was turn based and that's the style I like. And it's everything you like in Yakuza, but I think even better. So I'm looking forward to the next one as well. [00:33:23] Speaker D: VG, where the mission is just to go to the shop and buy 20 tubs. That's the grand quest. Some blog, trying to get to the corner shop to buy a pack of 20 tubs. [00:33:35] Speaker E: Got to be done, guys. [00:33:36] Speaker A: Yeah, well, I don't smoke and I'm glad I don't because the prices of cigarettes nowadays is fucking pistach, I should say. [00:33:44] Speaker D: Tabs is cigarettes. [00:33:47] Speaker A: Yeah. You have to take out a fucking loan just to buy a pack. 20. Nowadays you own a house. Well, remortgage that fucking thing and you can get a pack of 20. Benny hedgehogs. That's Benson and edges, by the way. Cumberdanes. What game did you enjoy most? That was not released in 2023. But you played in 2023? [00:34:15] Speaker D: I don't know if it's on the PS two. It's an old JRPG that I started back when it first came out. I think it was in like 2000. 2001 maybe, but got right to the end and never finished. And I've always wanted to go back and finish it, but it's getting up in price now, so I haven't been able to play it because it's too expensive to buy. And what I got in your computer, I could emulate it. So yeah, I emulated it. And it's really pretty good. [00:34:44] Speaker A: Did you finish this? I can't remember. [00:34:46] Speaker D: Yeah, I finished it on stream. What makes it different from most rpgs is, first of all, if it's set in the real world, it's like, it's not in some crazy fantasy realm or whatever. It is still like monsters and demons, but it plays a lot on asian mythology, so it's like creatures from japanese mythology, like kappas, that kind of thing. Oni. And it's set, like, just before World War one. So it's not only in the real world, it's like a real point in time. It's like just before World War I breaks out. And what makes it interesting as well is the villains aren't, like, straight up, ha, I'm the bad guy. They've got real motives. [00:35:30] Speaker A: They like bad guys who think they're doing something not necessarily bad, but that is, like, noble. [00:35:38] Speaker D: They've actually got noble goals. Like one guy, the main villain of the game, his main thing is he's seen that World War one is coming and he wants to stop World War I ever happening. But it's just the way he's going about it. [00:35:55] Speaker A: That'S interesting. [00:35:57] Speaker D: It plays a lot on the idea of gods, of the humans perception of gods, I feel with Stargate. [00:36:08] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:36:09] Speaker D: You know how the gods in Stargate are just really powerful aliens? Yeah, it's kind of like that. The way the game puts it is imagine like an ant compared to a human, and that's what a God is compared to a human. They're just beings like we are, but infinitely more powerful than we are. [00:36:30] Speaker A: Yeah, I get that. [00:36:32] Speaker D: It's a really cool game. [00:36:35] Speaker A: Shadowheart is a sequel to Kudolka, isn't it? I think that's how you pronounce it is, yes. [00:36:40] Speaker D: It's a sequel to the bad ending of a. [00:36:44] Speaker A: How does it compare gameplay wise? [00:36:46] Speaker D: I've never actually played Kudelka, but from what I understand, the gameplay is nothing like that. It's more of a standard GRPG with some timing based attacks, like in say, like pay Mario. [00:37:00] Speaker A: All right, because I've played a little bit of that. [00:37:02] Speaker D: Timing doesn't just come into the combat, it comes into the shops as well. If you get your timing right on the spinning wheel thing, you can get, like, massive discounts on buying and selling in the shops as well. [00:37:12] Speaker A: That's cool. That's cool, because, like I was saying, I've played a little bit of that Cadalka or whatever it's called, and that is kind of like an rpg, but with like a weird system of movement and stuff. Like move around a little. [00:37:28] Speaker D: One. [00:37:29] Speaker A: I've only played a little bit and it's set in Aberistwith. [00:37:32] Speaker D: Yeah, you go back to where Kudelka is set in Shadow Hearts. [00:37:36] Speaker A: That's cool. I'll have to get around to them. I first heard of Shadow Hearts, not the previous game, through a Kickstarter being done of the guy who all people who were behind Shadow hearts were doing a Kickstarter for a new game. [00:37:51] Speaker D: It's a double thing. They're making like kind of a new shadow hearts and a sort of a new wild arms. [00:37:56] Speaker A: Yeah, I played a little bit of wild arms on PlayStation. Plus. [00:38:00] Speaker D: Wild Arms is good. [00:38:02] Speaker A: I'd done that kind of looks like. [00:38:04] Speaker D: It should have been a Snez game. It makes me wonder if it was maybe planned as a Snez game. Very possible, because it's mostly top down, apart from the battle scenes, which kind of go into three d. It makes me wonder if maybe it was planned for the Snez CD the same way that Secret of Manor was. [00:38:24] Speaker A: Highly possible. I wouldn't have a clue with all myself. So, yeah. Prinny, what about you? 2023, what did you play? [00:38:35] Speaker E: Game that I played that didn't come out that year. Definitely it's going to have to be live a life. So that was remastered onto, I think, every console and pc. So I was playing it on PS four and it's amazing because it shows you kind of the map of how they've then gone and made octopuff traveler. I've never played the original, never heard of it until this year. And it's an awesome rpg where you play so many different characters and how they all cross each other at the end. I haven't completely finished it yet, so please, no spoilers. But that was probably like maybe my third most played game. 2023. I think I spent far too long playing it. Certain chapters, like two or three times. [00:39:40] Speaker A: That's cool. [00:39:40] Speaker E: To see if I would get a different outcome or if I'd unlock different things. Like for example, there was one chapter, you play as a ninja, and there's two ways of playing it. You either play aggressively and kill everyone, or you play stealthily and don't harm anyone and both give you completely different. Well, I mean, same outcomes, but two different changes. So yeah, I invest a lot of time in that. I really enjoyed it. It's supposed to be a very short game. And yeah, I think, again, what was that? Maybe Snez. No, even before Snez. [00:40:14] Speaker A: Snez original Snez. Yeah. [00:40:15] Speaker E: Oh, it was. Yeah. Oh my God. It was fantastic. And obviously they'd redone the graphics, made it look amazing. The music, I already knew the music was absolute bop because I was playing the music on Final Fantasy theater rhythm. It's DLC there. So I was hearing the tracks and I was like, my God, these tracks are iconic, like Megalomania and things like that. So yeah, that was one I played and it just blew me away. [00:40:45] Speaker A: See, I haven't played it, but I knew of the game because Cumberdane's brother, still alive, has mentioned it in Cumberdane's chat. [00:40:56] Speaker D: He's pretty obsessed with it. [00:40:57] Speaker A: Yeah, he's finished it like 500 times. The original version as well. [00:41:05] Speaker E: There's really quirky things you can unlock in conversations as well. And that's the kind of thing I liked when I used to play jrpgs, like on the Sega Saturn. So I think maybe that's why I've got such an affinity with this game. It just reminds me of every aspect that I like in a JRPG. [00:41:21] Speaker A: Yeah, it's definitely worth checking out. It's something that I want to check out even. Definitely worth checking. I haven't fucking played it, but it sounds interesting and I think it'd be worth checking out for that reason. Also, like I said, still alive. I've mentioned it a few times and he's made it sound interesting as well. But I like the sound of the whole different stories. And then it all combining at the end somehow. I don't know how, but I think it does. [00:41:50] Speaker E: Yeah, but they're all set in different time periods as well. So past, present, future, distant future, Edo period. So each chapter is very different. Some chapters are like 1 hour long. Some chapters are like 10 hours long. And the gameplay on each chapter is different. One is literally base. Yeah, that one. It's like a fighting tournament. It's so cool. And it's just like, what? I didn't see this coming. What's going on here? And there's certain bits you can't even save. You have to rely on the auto save because there's no option to. So you have to play it smart as well. So yeah, it keeps you on your feet. You're not going to get bored. Whereas if it's just a standard set alone game, there's a different feel for it. Whereas this, you're kind of like, oh, I can't just pick up and drop this because I don't know what's going to happen in the next chapter. Or I had the one chapter which I spent so long on, the ninja one, because it was so complex. I picked the stealth route, and I think I've spent probably the majority of my 35 hours so far just on that level. But it really does depend on if you play it blind or if you want to be that person who kind of googles all the different faqs and goes through it that way. [00:43:09] Speaker A: Yeah, I'm not jazz. I'm. I'll play her. I'll play it myself. Yeah, throw shade at jazz. Because he uses guides a lot. I don't know if he does. Cumberdains does as well. Don't he use guides for, like, playing certain games? [00:43:22] Speaker D: I'm not above using a guide. [00:43:24] Speaker A: Yeah, I'm not above using a guide. I just try and not use a guide to see how I fare. If I need to use a guide, I will use it to find out. [00:43:33] Speaker D: If there's stuff that I'm going to miss. [00:43:35] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:43:37] Speaker D: If there's stuff that I can miss, I like to know about it beforehand because I probably won't play the game again. [00:43:41] Speaker A: I won't play a game again unless. [00:43:44] Speaker D: I remember the shadow hearts. I had to restart Shadowhearts 15 hours in when I realized I'd missed, like, a missable dungeon. [00:43:51] Speaker A: Yeah, I remember you saying about that, you, 15 hours, and I restarted it. I was like, you fucking nuts? Start it again. What is wrong with you? And you're like, I missed a dungeon? And I'm like, yeah, dude. The problem with me is if I had missed something important, I'd be like, oh, I've missed that. Now I'll probably just stop playing the game. And then I wouldn't play it because I'm fucking pathetic. Jeff, what about you, jeff? Did I ask jeff? I can't remember who asked you? [00:44:23] Speaker C: Did. I chose Matt jane Clank. [00:44:26] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. What about draw? I didn't even mention my worst game of the year. [00:44:36] Speaker D: Are you asking yourself these questions? I just thought of that. [00:44:39] Speaker A: I'm not going to bother with the game that I most enjoyed because it wasn't in 2023, because I can't be asked now. But my worst game of the year for 2023 was actually golem. The reason why is cricken, on Twitter when I used to use it, said, oh, because I was unwell. And he's like, oh, I can't wait for your review of Golem. I'll fucking show you. So I got the game and reviewed it, and I fucking did not like it. It was shit. Don't get me wrong, it had some points that were okay, like when Gollum drowned or something, but other than that, the game wasn't very good. [00:45:17] Speaker D: The biscuit was when he died. [00:45:21] Speaker A: It was janky as fuck, man. [00:45:24] Speaker D: Doesn't that like, kill its developer? [00:45:25] Speaker A: I think it did, yeah. So some fucking, right. Sending out fucking shit, like, more companies need to be held to account for bad fucking practices and bad games and releasing shitty stuff. [00:45:38] Speaker E: If you look up the reviews for Gollum, there's so many trolls writing how amazing it is and how it's better than Spider man. And so you can't blame the companies for the bad press because everyone's trolling. [00:45:54] Speaker A: It is a very bad game. I don't want to say much in it because like I said, I've done a review on it. So if you want to check that out, go to peds reviews on YouTube and then you can. [00:46:04] Speaker D: I don't know if anyone's ever played vampire, the masquerade, bloodlines, but the developer of that went bust before the game ever came out. So it was released like slightly unfinished. And that's a fantastic game. [00:46:16] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:46:17] Speaker D: So a game killing up its developer isn't always a bad thing. [00:46:23] Speaker A: Yeah, sometimes it's not their fault, but this was their fault. It's a shame when companies close down and stuff, because a lot of the time the people working on it are not the issue. It's the people higher up who are like, do this or crack you with my whip even more. You know what I mean? Yeah. Right. We'll ask her. What is the game you think is most overlooked for 2023? [00:47:07] Speaker B: Well, going back to one we've talked about before, I'd say coffee talk, episode two, hibiscus and butterfly, because I actually thought it was a cracking game. Both of them are, and I think both of them should be played by more people. But obviously the second one is the only one that came out in the year we're on about. [00:47:33] Speaker A: But it's just the fact one didn't. [00:47:36] Speaker E: Know it was out. Like, it was hardly advertised. [00:47:39] Speaker B: Yeah. Number one seemed to have a lot of talk about it before it came out, and two just seemed to drop. So I think there's definitely a fault there somewhere with them not sort of getting the info out enough. [00:47:53] Speaker A: Yeah, I don't remember much being said about it. I only knew of both of them through game pass, I believe, and that's how I end up playing them. And obviously because of the podcast, but I think about it, I didn't finish the second one. I'm going to have to get back to that because I was really enjoying it. And obviously with the new characters added to the second game, you still see some of the older characters, but you get some new characters, so you kind of get to see how people are progressing in the world of the game. [00:48:28] Speaker B: Yeah, it kept a good mix of old and new. There was enough new to be interesting, but you got enough old faces to sort of keep it carrying on. From the first one, I thought it was a great game and for whatever reason, maybe lack of hype around it. [00:48:44] Speaker A: It just didn't get the attention it deserves. Yeah, I would agree with that. I would agree that it's definitely an overlooked game, especially as it adds in extra ingredients for your coffees and teas so you can make even more varieties of lovely hot water gumadanes. You man. [00:49:09] Speaker D: Most overlooked game of 2023 for me, probably wo long. [00:49:16] Speaker A: I was expecting to say Starfield as a joke. No, Warlong. Warlong. [00:49:22] Speaker D: Because I remember at the time it was like, reviewed really well when it first came out with a lot of sources saying it was like an early game of the year candidate and then it just sort of died off. I wonder if maybe on Game pass sort of heard it a little bit because it's a Souls type game, so it's really hard. And I wonder if a lot of people, because I think in the first week it launched, it was like in the top few games played on game pass for that week and I'm wondering if loads of people, but I'll give that a try. [00:49:55] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:49:56] Speaker D: And then it was hard and went out. It's hard because the first boss in it is really fucking hard. [00:49:59] Speaker A: Yeah, it was. [00:50:00] Speaker D: Anyone who's played it, they'll know what I'm talking about. The first boss is ridiculously hard, even by Souls game standards. And it's not a trick. Boss, like, you're not meant to die to it. You have to beat it to move to the main game. So I'm wondering if a lot of people just tried that one boss and went, nah, fuck this, I'm done. [00:50:17] Speaker A: I'm wondering if a lot of people, like, there will be a little bit of a spoiler here. I wonder if a lot of people struggled like, fuck, finally killed him for them to get a second form and be like, you're like, oh, really? Nah, fuck this shit. Because I was like, finally I've killed him. [00:50:33] Speaker D: And then he does have a second form. Yeah. [00:50:36] Speaker A: And then he gets a second form. First fucking boss of the game. Two forms. Yeah, he's about to die. He goes, this is even my final form. And then he becomes died off. [00:50:46] Speaker D: But if you actually get persist with it, it's a really good game. [00:50:49] Speaker A: It is a fun game, but. [00:50:53] Speaker D: The first boss is really hard. Then it gets easier for a while, then it gets really tough in the middle and then the end is actually surprisingly easy. It's weirdly paced with its difficulty. [00:51:06] Speaker E: Do you think it was the timing that it came out too close to like Elden Ring or something? [00:51:11] Speaker D: Elder Ring was last year. That was 2022. [00:51:17] Speaker E: No. [00:51:19] Speaker D: Warlong was an early 23 game though. It was March 23. [00:51:24] Speaker E: Do you know what? I think I expected Wulong to come out a lot later, but it came out again, I think like coffee talk too. It flew past me because I actually really wanted to get this game that. [00:51:35] Speaker D: Was about a year after Elden Ring, because Elden Ring was February 22. [00:51:40] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:51:41] Speaker E: Okay. I heard about it at Gamescom and I played the demo and it was fantastic. But I don't know, again, they released it and then I missed it. And then I was like, yeah, I'll wait for it to get on sale. [00:51:57] Speaker D: And then what annoyed me was because toward the end, when some bits of it were getting more difficult, I was wanting to get summon people in to. [00:52:07] Speaker A: Help for co op, but getting co. [00:52:11] Speaker D: Op partners was just impossible. [00:52:13] Speaker E: Yeah, you have to play online. Yeah. [00:52:16] Speaker D: You could only use the AI summons and they were just useless. They would die as soon as the boss fight starts. They were just pathetic. [00:52:24] Speaker E: I'm getting flashbacks for a stranger of paradise. [00:52:31] Speaker D: And die. [00:52:35] Speaker A: That sounds very helpful, very beneficial to summon in something prinny. Most overlooked game of 2023. [00:52:48] Speaker E: It will be in stars and time. I'm not sure if a lot of people still know about this game, but it's an indie made game. It's made in the style of like a Pokemon type game. It's in black and white and it's rpg. It's really, really cute. It's got eight bit music, and it's all about you play a character who, it just starts off with him in a town, and you have to find the rest of his party members and sickly rallied. Recruited, sorry. To help them save the world. Go to this castle and break this kind of time warp they're stuck in. And now every time you kind of go to do something, you'll die and then you will respawn at the beginning. So it's like Groundhog Day and it's just a very charming game, especially for indie. No massive backing and it just looks beautiful. Cheaply done, but done very well. And it's just very. Even with the writing, it's very modern, lot of fun little pop culture references. And they have kind of kept it quite open. It will appeal to most people with LGBT, plus a bit of everything in the story. So it will appeal to someone in some way. Yeah, it's very cute game. [00:54:22] Speaker A: Yeah, I'm just looking at the trailer for it now because I don't remember even hearing about this game. [00:54:29] Speaker E: Yeah, because Indy, they didn't have money to promote, but yeah, I think a lot of people reviewed it and played it because it's quite cheap and were amazed by it. [00:54:38] Speaker A: Yeah, I've stuck it on my wish list for now. I'll definitely grab that down the line. But it looks really nice. [00:54:47] Speaker E: Adorable. [00:54:48] Speaker A: It is looking. It is an adorable looking game. [00:54:52] Speaker E: So that is something, if you like, eight bit as well. The soundtrack is amazing. [00:54:56] Speaker A: Yeah. Also, I think. [00:55:00] Speaker B: More indie devs need to reach out to their fans more and work interesting ways of promotion. [00:55:08] Speaker E: So the indie dev for this game actually did reach out to ask them to write reviews if anyone did buy it or review it, I think, on the Steam page. And also it started getting votes for I can't remember which award, but loads of people have been helping to big up this game. So I think they are doing well. But if they had more resources, it would have been a big thing like the. Well, I don't really want to compare it to other indie games, but, yeah, if it had a bit of help, it would have. [00:55:42] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:55:43] Speaker E: I wouldn't be the only one in this chat talking about it. [00:55:46] Speaker A: Yeah. The only one of us to even know what it is at the moment. Jeff Yard, what is your most overlooked game of 2023? I've got. [00:56:09] Speaker C: I was thinking of which games I played in 20 20ft. Has anybody heard of cassette Beast? [00:56:15] Speaker A: Yeah. Cassette Beast? Yeah. [00:56:19] Speaker C: I'm not that then. [00:56:21] Speaker A: Just because we've heard of it doesn't mean that a lot of other people have heard of it. [00:56:25] Speaker E: Yeah, I think more people need to know about cassette beasts. I think you should talk about it. [00:56:29] Speaker A: Yeah. I only know a cassette piece because I saw it was coming and I thought, ooh, that's a Pokemon like game. How about I ask Doomspoon to play that with me and we discuss it on the podcast? [00:56:41] Speaker E: Yeah, I think you're the reason Jeff played it. [00:56:45] Speaker A: See, Jeff, I'm an influencer now. [00:56:51] Speaker C: So. Yeah, it's just like a Pokemon game. It's a pretty cool story and you can combine all of the beasts together. Yeah, definitely worth grabbing if you can very insightful, Jeff. [00:57:11] Speaker D: You're not really selling it to me. [00:57:16] Speaker E: It's very weird. Like, you don't really know where you are. Like, the setting, isn't it, Jeff? [00:57:24] Speaker C: Yeah, the setting is quite. Don't know, I've been like some sort of purgatory or something like that. And it's quite 80s inspired as well, the music, and it's just a really good Pokemon clone. And although I can't recall much of a story at the moment, I do remember enjoying it. [00:58:00] Speaker E: To join your team, that's the most important thing. [00:58:03] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:58:03] Speaker C: Dandelion the dog. [00:58:09] Speaker A: Have you finished it, Jeff? I have. [00:58:12] Speaker C: I've not done the DLC, but I've finished main game. [00:58:18] Speaker A: Oh, nice. I haven't finished the main game. Even my son keeps nagging at me to hurry up and carry on with her because he wants to talk to me about certain things, but I haven't seen them yet. And it's like, I'll get around to it when I get around to it. I've got too much to play and too much to watch and too much to know. [00:58:33] Speaker D: It's only for you kids working, shit to do. [00:58:38] Speaker A: Yeah. You just go to school. Yeah, school sucks. [00:58:43] Speaker C: Final bosses fail. [00:58:44] Speaker A: Be good. [00:58:47] Speaker D: They're after like, do laundry and the chores and shit that they just sit around doing nothing all day. [00:58:53] Speaker A: Exactly. Lazy bastards. How dare they? [00:58:58] Speaker D: To get jobs. Go right down the mine. [00:59:01] Speaker A: Yeah, down the mines. [00:59:05] Speaker D: I'll go to the workhouse. [00:59:10] Speaker A: Yeah. I think all the mines around you have flooded, so if they try and go there, they need a fucking. [00:59:17] Speaker D: One of the mines. One of the mines around my way. I think it was called elamore collary. That was like one of the last working coal mines in England. [00:59:28] Speaker A: Yeah, I don't think there's any in fucking Wales coal mines. [00:59:31] Speaker D: Anyway, it's gone now, but I think it closed when I was in secondary school. So, like, what, 25 ish year ago maybe. [00:59:41] Speaker A: Good old Maggie closed all our minds. She doesn't like us welsh people. [00:59:47] Speaker D: Maggie Thatcher. [00:59:51] Speaker B: Fuck the Tories. [00:59:56] Speaker A: Fuck the Tories, indeed. Jeff's not a Tory, thankfully. Are you, Jeff? [01:00:08] Speaker C: Right now? [01:00:13] Speaker D: Voip. A monster Raven loony party. Jeff probably has good old screaming Lord such. Although he's dead now. [01:00:22] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:00:26] Speaker D: I don't even know if they're still going there. The monster Raven loony party. [01:00:30] Speaker A: No idea. [01:00:31] Speaker B: I know they went after his passing, but I'm not sure if they're still going. [01:00:36] Speaker A: Find out is an action next year or this year. [01:00:42] Speaker D: Yeah, but even if they were still going, would they have a candidate in your area? [01:00:47] Speaker A: Probably not in my area, no. Yeah, I know. [01:00:50] Speaker B: We had a candidate for the piracy party near me at one point. [01:00:56] Speaker A: Is that piracy of as in they want to do pirating or piracy as. [01:01:01] Speaker B: In downloading, as in films and games and stuff? [01:01:06] Speaker D: I want to work with a guy. [01:01:07] Speaker B: They want to abolish copyright. [01:01:10] Speaker D: I want to work with the guy who had a criminal record for piracy on the high sea. That is really funny. Do you know what he actually did? He stole a pedal from a Bolton lake and took it out on the sea. [01:01:24] Speaker B: Oh, wow. [01:01:26] Speaker D: And the police didn't know what to charge him with, so they went with piracy on the high seas. [01:01:32] Speaker A: Why not just theft of a pedal? [01:01:37] Speaker D: Just thought, I don't know, maybe it sounded funny. Piracy on the high seas. [01:01:43] Speaker A: Brilliant. Well, something I asked about. Most overlooked game before we carry on yourself, I think. Don't worry about me. We just move on to game of the year. We last come with danes. What is your game of the year for 2023, Liza P. The Pinocchio game where you murder shit. Yes. [01:02:34] Speaker D: I thoroughly enjoyed that, and I would probably say it's the best souls game I've played that's not made by fromsoft. [01:02:41] Speaker A: That's pretty surprising because obviously there's warlong neo ninja blade, which was made by fromsoft and is nothing like a kin. [01:02:52] Speaker D: Blood of the fallen is kind of. [01:02:53] Speaker A: A lot of the Fallen as well. [01:02:56] Speaker D: Yeah, the Sci-Fi one, the surge. [01:03:01] Speaker A: That's the one. I heard the surge two is supposed to be really good, but it's very short. Right. [01:03:08] Speaker D: And the bosses are a little cheap. Other than that, it's a really good game. [01:03:10] Speaker A: Remnant. [01:03:13] Speaker D: Yeah, that's kind of soulsish, I guess. [01:03:15] Speaker A: It's souls with a gun, so you. [01:03:17] Speaker D: Don'T have to get when you die, do you, though? [01:03:20] Speaker A: No, that's true. That's true. [01:03:21] Speaker D: But it is similar to souls where, like, the enemies all respawn when you die, that sort of thing. But, yeah, Eliza P. Is really, really good. It takes a good sort of dark turn on, like the Pinocchio sort of story. It's similar to, say, what's that film with? Is it. No, no, not Jude law. It's not AI. What's the other robot movie? Irobot, the one with Will Smith? It sort of goes down that route where it's all about Asimov's laws of where robots can't harm humans and stuff like that. In this, it's puppets, but it's really, really similar. That's all they hear about puppets used to just be like basically robot servants for humans. And then some sort of event happens where the puppets all rebel and turn on the humans. And now all the surviving humans are holed up in various parts of this city. And the character you play, he's never actually referred to as Pinocchio. I don't think he's ever actually named until right at the end. But he's like a very special puppet who can behave like a human because he can lie. Yeah, that's one of the other laws of puppets. Like, puppets can't tell lies, but this one puppet has been made with the ability to tell lies, and that sort of helps you through various stages throughout the game. And there's like a bit of a morality sort of system in it that determines which ending you're going to get as well. [01:04:53] Speaker A: All right. [01:04:54] Speaker D: It's got some really cool bosses in it. The combat system is really fun, some frustrating parts, but that's kind of part of the course for a source type game, particularly near the end. The last two bosses did have me sort of tearing my hair out a little bit. And it's got a really good ending. There's a good cliffhanger in the ending for a potential sequel or maybe DLC. I don't know. It's going to be taking a different sort of children's story. [01:05:26] Speaker A: All right. [01:05:28] Speaker D: Which is quite interesting. [01:05:32] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:05:32] Speaker D: I really recommend anyone. If you like Souls games, give it a try. If you don't still give it a go, it's definitely worth playing. [01:05:42] Speaker A: I have installed it a few times, but then I've wanted to install something else, so I've ended up deleting this. So I haven't actually got around to it. I've installed this before it came out because with sub games you can preload them. [01:05:54] Speaker D: That reminds me, brother mentioned there's an update for that I think I see on twitter it's getting taken down soon. There's a Christmas update for it with some aesthetic items. [01:06:05] Speaker A: That's cool. [01:06:06] Speaker D: Like Christmas outfits for you, dude. [01:06:09] Speaker A: You should jump on and get them, man. Yeah, should pretty a lot of fun. Yeah, I will get around to it at some point. Maybe. Probably. It depends because a lot of people compare it to Bloodborne and I got bored of Bloodborne. So the only from games I finished was Souls games then is Dark Souls and Elden ring. [01:06:39] Speaker D: But you got bought a bloodbought because of farming for health items. There's no real farming for health items in Liza P. I'll have to check it out then. [01:06:47] Speaker A: Definitely. [01:06:50] Speaker D: You're pretty much always moving forward. Really? [01:06:53] Speaker A: That's cool. Definitely worth checking out. Prinny, what was your game of the year? [01:07:03] Speaker E: For me, it would definitely have to be Descaya seven. The reason why, obviously you're probably thinking, oh yeah, pretty. Of course she likes Descaya, but Descaya six really disappointed a lot of fans. Just roughly, to give you an idea, just because it was the first ever 3d game in the franchise and it tried to embark on loads of different features, loads of different story tropes to kind of attract a new fan base because Nissa were kind of struggling to keep the company afloat. Well, the good news is they succeeded and the company's still going. That game is probably the least favorite out of all the seven so far. But seven did. They really made a comeback with seven. So I think they've struggled to maybe get a better reception for seven because I think a lot of people have just looked at it and gone, nah, not touching that. But as a big dusker fan, I've played it and it's kind of reawakened my love for the franchise again. And I hadn't been feeling this hype for it since maybe fall. [01:08:18] Speaker A: It's been a while then. [01:08:19] Speaker E: Yeah, honestly. So they improved the. They added more like cell shading. They went back to the original style of portraits, little features, like even in the menus, the voice acting has always been fantastic. They've just taken out. They've maybe kept a few of the nice quality of life features, but they've calmed down some of the ridiculous things. They put in six, like they put an auto AI mode, which kind of takes out the whole point of playing the game, because it's a dungeon crawler, it's supposed to be grindy, but if you've put AI in it just to do auto battles, then what's the point of even playing the game? Where's the feel of self achievement? So you can use it, but not the way you could before unlimited, you have to redeem a special item. And if you've got like five of those items, you can do auto battle five times and you can literally just leave it there, let do its thing, come back and your fight's over. And they've introduced loads of different character classes and things like that. I don't have to go too much into it, but also the story. They've decided to stick to one theme rather than a hundred. So it's kind of Edo Japan style. So if you're into that, I think you'll like it. And the games, I don't know, the characters are just so relatable in this one. I'm quite excited to do each chapter. But again, the story is so easy to get through because that's the whole point of the skate. You kind of play over and over to unlock different endings, unlock different features, unlock the hard mode and then the super hard mode, and then you could be playing this game like 300, 400 hours if you want. [01:10:01] Speaker A: I needed to just. Quite sure. [01:10:04] Speaker E: All the special items. Yeah, exactly. But I don't know, six, I kind of just stopped playing it and the story was good. And I'm thinking behind the scenes I might offline play the story and then decide if I want to do extra stuff after. Or I just might just invest all that time that I would have done game plus with six, but just do it on seven because just really enjoying seven a lot. [01:10:32] Speaker A: That's cool. I've only played a little bit of the first one and I would like to play more of them because I don't mind. Is it tactical rpg? [01:10:44] Speaker E: Yes, that's it. [01:10:48] Speaker A: But I want to play the first one. But I know that this guy d two and I'd rather play d two because it follows on from the first game, but I can't find it anywhere. So it's kind of like, until I can get both, I'll wait. I think you were saying the other day in your stream when I was there, there's a third one as well, which follows on the same story. See, it's annoying. [01:11:19] Speaker E: Yeah, because all the other games have all different characters, but then you do get DLC with all the original characters coming in. But yeah, the original disgayer had, I think, probably the favorite cast of Lahore, Flaun and Aetna, and people do tend to go for that one. And that was the only one that had several games of it. [01:11:37] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:11:38] Speaker D: It does have a modern console pop, though. [01:11:40] Speaker A: Which one? [01:11:40] Speaker D: Skyer one? [01:11:42] Speaker A: Yeah, I've got that one. It's more d two. And what was it? Something of darkness. [01:11:51] Speaker E: Afternoon of darkness. [01:11:52] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:11:53] Speaker D: It's just the PsP port of two, isn't it? [01:11:56] Speaker A: Is it? I wouldn't know. [01:12:00] Speaker E: Oh, you might be able to get that then, pets. [01:12:02] Speaker A: Yeah. So I could play the two games proper. [01:12:07] Speaker D: There's two on the PsP that are just ports of the first two ps two games with extra content. [01:12:16] Speaker B: Vita three and four are like that as well. The ones there, they're like the PS three versions with more tact on and slightly different names. [01:12:24] Speaker D: I think the version of the disguise one on PSP is called hour of Darkness or something. And then the port of disguise two is called afternoon of darkness. I could be wrong there, but they are just ports. The only PSP game that's not a port is Disguya Infinity. But that's a visual novel, I believe. [01:12:44] Speaker A: Never heard of it. [01:12:45] Speaker E: Not play that one. [01:12:46] Speaker D: That's what it's called. It might not be infinity, but there is a visual novel one on the PSP. Other than that, they're just ports. Tactical games. I've never finished many. Three. I think I've only ever finished three. Jean Dark from Mission three and arc the lad. But Jean Dark is one of my favorite games of all time. [01:13:17] Speaker A: There you go. [01:13:19] Speaker D: Which is weird because I don't normally. [01:13:21] Speaker A: Like strategy games, but there's some good ones out there. [01:13:27] Speaker D: It's because it's like history meets Power Rangers. [01:13:29] Speaker A: It's great. History meets Power Rangers. [01:13:33] Speaker D: Seriously. It's this game about the real story of Joan of Arc. But it's got Power Rangers. [01:13:40] Speaker A: I didn't know it had Power Rangers. I knew it was based on Joan of Arc. [01:13:43] Speaker D: It's got like Orcs and Goblins and shit and Power Rangers morphin devices. They've got these magical bracelets that turn them into Power Rangers. [01:13:58] Speaker A: That sounds cool. [01:14:00] Speaker D: I really hope that comes to PS plus. [01:14:05] Speaker A: Has that ever been remastered? [01:14:07] Speaker D: No, it's stuck on the PSP and only in America. The only way to get it digitally is on the US PSP store. [01:14:14] Speaker A: Are you serious? [01:14:15] Speaker D: Down now? [01:14:16] Speaker A: That sucks. [01:14:17] Speaker D: I think you can buy it on PS three on a US PlayStation account. Other than that, you got to get a physical copy from the US. I keep hoping they're going to just on the sly, release it onto PSN. [01:14:33] Speaker A: That sucks. [01:14:36] Speaker D: Plus, rather, because they never tell you about which PSP games they've added, they just add them. [01:14:42] Speaker A: So every so often you just check too? [01:14:44] Speaker D: Pretty much, yeah. Because I noticed recently they added the two, the three PSP apescape games. [01:14:53] Speaker A: I didn't know there was three. [01:14:56] Speaker D: Just one that's a remake of apescape on the PlayStation. Two of them are like Warioware type games, right. Called Ape Academy. [01:15:06] Speaker A: I saw Ape Academy. I didn't realize it was another ape Academy game. Yeah. [01:15:10] Speaker D: And they added them without any kind of announcement, which one day they were there. [01:15:15] Speaker A: Tony. [01:15:16] Speaker D: Phil, it's almost like they don't want you playing them. It's weird. [01:15:21] Speaker A: Don't want you realizing you're paying for all this stuff here, not playing it because we're not telling you about it. [01:15:27] Speaker D: I'll get an email that'll tell me the new releases on PS plus and all it'll tell me is the PS four and ps five stuff that's coming. It never mentions the retro stuff. [01:15:35] Speaker A: That's stupid. No idea, Jeff, was your game of the year or why you were awarding your pedsy two. [01:15:46] Speaker C: I'll be awarding my pedsy to Final Fantasy 16, which is one of the free games that I've played of 2023. I've been playing it quite recently, been enjoying it so far. Pretty mature story. [01:16:10] Speaker A: Lots of sex and violence. Yeah. Titties everywhere. [01:16:15] Speaker E: And doggos. [01:16:16] Speaker A: And doggos. [01:16:17] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:16:20] Speaker A: Is he as good as the one from tales of Tales of Asperia? [01:16:25] Speaker D: Has the best dog. It smokes a pipe and it's got a sword. [01:16:30] Speaker E: Yeah. Togo is that highly skilled. But he looks cute. Does he fight? [01:16:38] Speaker C: He does, he does. [01:16:44] Speaker D: He attacks enemies for you and finds items. [01:16:52] Speaker C: Yeah, I've been enjoying that so far. Maybe I'd have a bit of difficulty with the battle system because I'm not really that good with action games, but I seem to be getting by so far. [01:17:06] Speaker A: Are you getting on with it then? Because obviously Final Fantasy, since I know twelve, has kind of changed the battle system quite a bit now, and it's more and more actiony than it was turn based. So are you happy with that change, Jeff? Are you happy that they've changed it to be more actiony than turn based? [01:17:26] Speaker C: I mean, I wouldn't say I'm more happy than not. I've always enjoyed turn based stuff, but I'm not unhappy with it. I know some people have sort of complained that the combat is pretty simple. [01:17:43] Speaker D: Hurts my phone, so kind of stop playing. [01:17:47] Speaker A: Just get a bird to tap the button, view like Homer on the keyboard. Just don't set off a nuclear power plant. [01:17:57] Speaker C: I've been getting through it all right. [01:18:01] Speaker A: I haven't played a Final Fantasy game and finished them. The one I've enjoyed the most is Final Fantasy six on the Super Nintendo and Final Fantasy nine for the PlayStation one, I think. Yeah, but I played Master PlayStation. [01:18:20] Speaker D: Too long, I thought. [01:18:24] Speaker A: Yeah, I never finished it. [01:18:25] Speaker D: Also, I can't really good, but it drags on for far too long. Fair enough, but it depends on your player style. If you just want to play it, it probably doesn't. But if you want to try and do everything in it, it takes far, far too long. [01:18:38] Speaker A: It's ridiculous. That's fair enough. But I'm not that kind of person, so it won't take me that long. [01:18:44] Speaker D: I started twice, got really far in it, and just got bored by the end? [01:18:48] Speaker A: No. That sucks. Final Fantasy 16. Have you played Final Fantasy 15? Is it better than that? Worse than that? [01:18:57] Speaker C: I have played FF 15 when it released. I wouldn't know whether to make it higher or lower, to be honest, because I did enjoy 15, but I'm enjoying. [01:19:10] Speaker A: 16 as well, so I don't know. [01:19:14] Speaker C: Where I'd rate it so far. I'll reserve judgment until I finished it. [01:19:22] Speaker D: 15. Was there a moment I forgot who the villain was because he's barely in the game. [01:19:31] Speaker C: Yeah, he gets some focus in some of the DLC, but he sort of. [01:19:35] Speaker D: Crops up once near the start, and then you don't see him for hours and hours and hours. And then suddenly he comes back and it's like, come on, who are you again? Why should I care who you are? [01:19:47] Speaker C: One thing that FF 16 has done all right, is that it sort of made it so that it tells a story within the game. Watching the anime, having to read the novels, get off the dlC, all that stuff. [01:20:06] Speaker D: It's got a cool thing. It's quite good where it's got like a state of play sort of thing, where you can look at the state of the world currently. [01:20:13] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:20:14] Speaker D: And see what each faction is up to and who they're kind of arguing with and shit like that. [01:20:19] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:20:19] Speaker C: So if you're into your law and stuff, you can always go to that map room and. [01:20:27] Speaker A: Go to the guy. [01:20:29] Speaker C: In the library and listen to about all the estuary and character entries and stuff. [01:20:36] Speaker A: Yeah. Final Fantasy are games that, like I said, I play and I enjoy them for a little while and then I get fucking stop playing them. And it's a shame, especially with, like I said, six and nine, because them I would just enjoy in. I didn't stop playing them because I got bored. I stopped playing them because I'm a twat. There you go, Kerr 9000. What is your game of the year? What are you warning your petsy? [01:21:07] Speaker B: I got really stumped and basically came to an eyebreak situation between two games. [01:21:18] Speaker A: I'm in the same boat, actually, the. [01:21:21] Speaker B: First one of which disagree. [01:21:23] Speaker A: Seven, because. [01:21:25] Speaker B: And I'm treading the exact same ground here. Six was a bit disappointing to me. Three, four, five were extraordinary games and I couldn't get enough of any of them. Six, I fell off it. And seven really does bring it back and makes it into what it should have been. But I think we've covered that quite a bit. So the other one is fire Emblem. Engage? [01:21:56] Speaker A: No. [01:21:56] Speaker D: All right. [01:21:56] Speaker A: I wasn't expecting that. I just punched my mic. You had a big fud because I accidentally just punched my mic when I went to scratch my chin. Final fancy. Engage, fire emblem, engage. No, I did not punch one of the children. They're all in bed. So how is fire Emblem engage compared to previous fire Emblems? Because I haven't really heard much about it. From Fire Emblem awakening onwards, I'd always hear quite a lot about fire Emblem with engage. I haven't really heard anything about it. [01:22:32] Speaker B: I think one of the problems is that for a lot of people, awakening is like really the high point of Fire Emblem. A lot of people see that as the perfect fire Emblem game. And to be honest, with the amount of times I've replayed that game, I am probably in agreement with most people because there's the whole thing with you. [01:22:52] Speaker A: Having kids who sort of travel back. [01:22:55] Speaker B: From the future to now, so you get to meet your own kids as grown ups. There's none of that in engage. The engager's thing is that there's rings and there's like the souls of previous warriors in the rings who are basically people from the old fire Emblem games like Ike and Mika and other people like that. So it's good that you get relationships with these rings and you talk to them, but you don't have kids or anything, so it's missing in that way. But it's just a really good tactical game. And I do have a thing for this sort of Final Fantasy tactics. Fire emblem disagaya. [01:23:35] Speaker A: That probably one of my favorite styles of game. Yeah, I've not played engage, but it seemed quite interesting the way it showed, like the people combined. I didn't realize it was as simple as their souls were in rings. It's a bit cruel. You get this hero who saves the kingdom and he dies, and then they trap his soul in a ring so other people can use them as a bit mean. Pastance. [01:24:04] Speaker B: I think they're like copies of them. They're not the real them, if that makes sense. They've got their memories and stuff, but it's just great because some of the old characters mean a lot to me. And I suppose that's something disagira and Fire Emblem have got in common, because although they're constantly introducing new characters to you, they know the sort of fan favorites and they'll work them back in. In the background or into DLC or they'll always find a way to bring them back. So that while you're enjoying the game and the new story, you can go, oh, it's him that I loved. [01:24:35] Speaker A: Oh, she's back. Yeah, I get that. It's always nice when someone you really liked pops back up in a form of media that you've enjoyed and it's like, oh, I miss blah blah blah. And then they turn up again. You're like, yay. [01:24:54] Speaker D: I'm not playing teaser the kingdom until the tingle dlC. [01:25:01] Speaker A: Yeah, there's an island. There's Tingle island. Maybe that's the tingle you don't get to see. Yep. But yeah, fire Emblem is a game, I think. Fire emblem, a lot of the time I don't end up getting them because I always want to get the collected editions and I don't end up getting them. All right, well, fuck you, Nintendo. If you're not going to put out enough copies, I'm not buying in your game. [01:25:29] Speaker B: I got the collectors of engage, but it was like crazy because when they went up on sale was like 04:00 in the morning or something, and it wasn't announced. They just randomly popped up on a load of sites. And I was on my way to work and I noticed it had popped up and I was like trying to buy it on different sites and preorder it and it wasn't working on my phone. And luckily my missus had woke up when I had and I texted her and went, oh, this is out. [01:26:01] Speaker A: Can you just order it me from. [01:26:04] Speaker B: Anywhere and I'll sort the money out? We have to. And she stayed up until she could manage to get it preordered somewhere for me. [01:26:13] Speaker A: Nice. I had issues trying to get the Xenoblade Chronicles three special edition, and I've got that now. Eventually I managed to get it, but I still haven't got the base game because it doesn't come with a game. Did. In America, you'd get both the game and the collector edition. [01:26:33] Speaker D: Wasn't got a war ragnarok like that. [01:26:35] Speaker A: I have no idea. But the thing is, one thing about it is a lot of collector editions, you see, it's like 80 quid for the collector's edition, and then you have to buy the game separately. The collector edition was like 20 quid. [01:26:48] Speaker B: That's not bad then. [01:26:49] Speaker A: So it was like 20 quid and then you buy the game separately because in America it was altogether and it was like 70 quid, $70 or $80 or something. So because it couldn't be released at the same time in Europe, for some reason they had to release it separately. [01:27:08] Speaker B: Sorry. [01:27:09] Speaker A: Knocking out crack on the Xenoblade games seem to go up and down in. [01:27:14] Speaker B: Price all the time. For Switch, like there's some kind of demand issue and then more get printed and it's the same with all one, two, three and is it Torna or whatever? [01:27:23] Speaker A: Yeah, Torner's DLC for two, like Standalone DLC. I guess you can play it on its own or as DLC, but Xenoplade games, I fucking adore that, what I played of them, but again, I've not finished them because I think the issue with me is if a game is really big, I'll be like wanting to play something else as well and then I'll play something else and then I'll take my attention and then I'll play something else and then I'll take my attention, then I don't end up going back. I think that's the problem for me with long games sometimes. Yeah. [01:28:03] Speaker B: And it's like being a content creator, you're on this train of wanting to play other things, to review them or go on podcasts about them. [01:28:11] Speaker A: Yeah, I try and play games for the podcast now, but I try and pick shorter games that I know are not going to take up too much time because I don't want to be like, hey, can you play this really long game I'm finishing in two weeks, please? It's like, no, I'll just play what I can and see what other people are up for. And usually most of the games I've picked for the podcast have been shorter games because it's something that's manageable between what people are doing normally. Yeah, there you go, my petsy. The game of the year for me, I was actually struggling with and it's going to be quite a boring choice actually between the two games. One of them is the Legend of Zelda Tears of the kingdom because I actually prefer it to Breath of the wild. Breath of the Wild, I play for 55 hours and finish the game, which compared to most people I know, that's really short. Most people I know who played the game that I've spoke to put in like 100 and 5200 hours. I put in 55. I finished the game. I enjoyed it, but I don't think it was amazing. Whereas teaser the kingdom, even though weapon degradation is still there and it seems to be worse unless you combine your weapon with something else, it seems to have more happening in the world. Like the world in Breath of the Wild was more bay than it is in teasers of the kingdom. Fortunately, I don't mind the exploring and going around doing stuff, which is rare for me because open world games, I'm kind of like on. As you all probably know, I'm not a massive autumn world game fan, but, yeah, I've enjoyed tears of the kingdom and the other game. Another boring choice is probably Baldasgate three. Another game I've not yet finished, but I still am plugging away a day and it's just fucking sublime. Any of you guys played any of those games? [01:30:16] Speaker D: Played a tiny bit of the first one and didn't like it. [01:30:20] Speaker A: Well, Balder's gate, yeah, I can understand that. But Boulder's Gate, the older one, is a bit more archaic now compared to. [01:30:31] Speaker D: Since then, I have played Pillars of Eternity and that is that style of game. [01:30:40] Speaker A: I think you'd enjoy Balda's Gate three because it's fucking ace. [01:30:43] Speaker D: Pillars of Eternity is meant as a tribute to the engine that those games were made in, the Infinity engine. [01:30:50] Speaker A: All right, fair enough. I didn't know that it's an engine Bioware made. [01:30:59] Speaker C: Yeah, I was going to say I've not played tears of a kingdom because I don't have a switch, but I know a lot of people really enjoyed that. Again, I've not played Boulders Gate, but I've heard Boulders gate free in particular. It's been really well received because it's like a full on game, really well developed and everything. Lots of content. Was it relatively cheap compared to other aa games? [01:31:28] Speaker A: Yeah, I think it was around 50 quid compared to the 70 quid price tag. You can get it on PlayStation five, Xbox Series X and PC. So it's available to you, Jeff. You got no excuses, you bastard. [01:31:42] Speaker D: I think Wallace get three should be disqualified as well. [01:31:45] Speaker A: Why? [01:31:46] Speaker D: Because technically it came out in 2020. [01:31:50] Speaker A: Early access, and it didn't have most of the game. So it's okay. Just like grounded. That didn't come out fully until like, a few years after it was originally released. [01:32:00] Speaker D: That's true. [01:32:01] Speaker A: And I remember playing it when it first came out. [01:32:03] Speaker D: Actually, that might have only gone into full release in 2023. Actually. [01:32:07] Speaker A: I have no idea. I remember playing grounded when it very first came out and you had a small ish area to walk around in and you get close to, like, the pond or something, and it would just be blocked off and it'd be like, this is currently under construction, stuff like that. [01:32:25] Speaker D: I got a full release in September 2022. [01:32:28] Speaker A: So it's actually quite late then. Jesus. [01:32:32] Speaker D: It was in early access. July 2020, full release September 22, and it's still adding to it. [01:32:39] Speaker A: Yeah. So they should. I'm not paying game pass for nothing. True. [01:32:48] Speaker D: Usually DLC is not included in game pass. [01:32:50] Speaker A: That's true. That's true. [01:32:53] Speaker D: Robin. Bastards. [01:32:55] Speaker A: It is a cheek. How dare they. Have you played Balder's guilt teaser the Kingdom? Kerr and Prinny played some of Tears of the kingdom, but while I enjoyed. [01:33:06] Speaker B: What I played, I bounced off it because there were so much other things coming out I wanted to play, but I've not touched Boulders Gate three. It looks my sort of thing, but I've just got a massive back. [01:33:23] Speaker E: I'm kind of in a different place with Zelda. I never played what was it? Breath of the wild. So I didn't see any point in playing tears of the kingdom because it's connected. But I have watched people twitch stream it and I know that there's so much more in tears of the kingdom, the crafting and all sorts of different things, so it expands the game vastly. Of course it looks amazing and I think everyone's happy with it. Whoever waited however many years for this game and good for them. I'm just one of those people. I'm a person of habit. I like the older games. I liked that they were two D and the style of them and stuff. So I don't know, I just never really jumped onto the 3D zeldas much. But Boulders Gate, so I don't play them. But my brother is a massive fan, so I've seen all the different boulders gate. I've seen him play it now. I remember when they first released Boulders Gate free so many years ago and then it was in development. So I've seen what it looks like from then to now. Now I think it looks great. And I think I love the fact that it's so needlessly gory. I love it. There's also this famous scene where you kill a squirrel for no reason or something. And I finally seen the full context of why. Because he starts on, you take that guy down, man. And I was just like, I love it. It's out of the ordinary, shocking. And that's stuff that I'm kind of used to in old school, like animes and stuff like that. [01:35:07] Speaker A: You don't have to kill the squirrel. [01:35:13] Speaker E: But it's kind of fun, right? Because it kind of reminds me of fable. So that's why I'm looking at that game and thinking, oh, you never know because my brother actually got kind of turned off by the new how it looks like now. So I was just thinking, because obviously I don't pc game, but I'm just thinking maybe one of these days when he's not around, I might load it up and try it out for myself. [01:35:36] Speaker A: And see how I feel. Well, yeah, I've been really enjoying Baldar's gate three. And if you've played divinity original sin, it's by the same developer. I think it's larian. And I played a bit of divinity original sin with Jasm a few years back and we both enjoy playing that, but that had a cool system where it doesn't seem to be in dungeons and in dungeons and dragons. It doesn't seem to be in gate three, which is a Dungeons and Dragons game. That's not the point. In Divinity original sin, me and Jasm were, like, doing certain things and we would pick a different out option. So say he was like, oh, you can attack this orc who's trying at the beach. I said yes. Jasm said no, because Jasm's a nice guy. And then to see who wins the decision, you play rock, paper scissors. I won. We attacked the orc, he fucking destroyed us. It might have been nogger, but it's really fucking good. Yeah, it seems to have a lot of options. You don't have to fight constantly. You can discuss things. It just depends on your dice rolls, like, some of the outcomes and how you have to do things like real dungeons and dragons. It's like, I've been playing dungeons and dragons for the last something like eight months for the first time. And it's like, we have these plans, we enact these plans, the dice disagrees with our plans and we have to do different plans. Just the way it is. It's been great fun. Yeah. [01:37:23] Speaker E: And that means you have to kind of deal with not being prepared for stuff and actually it might turn out way better or just hilarious. The outcome. [01:37:32] Speaker A: Yeah, it's good fun. I would recommend to everyone here, as you all have access to it, to get Buldar's gate three now. [01:37:48] Speaker C: Especially Jess destroying tree rats. Bad mouth me. [01:37:54] Speaker A: Well, I'm pretty sure it attacks you. You can be like, what's going on? Or you can just full on run up and pelt it at a wall. Just like. [01:38:09] Speaker C: Don'T want to hit a. [01:38:14] Speaker E: Squirrel stuff. [01:38:18] Speaker C: Is that what it's teasing me for? Because I can't pronounce it. [01:38:24] Speaker E: Probably. [01:38:26] Speaker A: When I played. I played builders gay three with two of the people I played D and D with. It was a day where we jumped on that specifically, and we did that, where the squirrel attacked us and the person who was hosting the game kicked it, killed it, obviously. And every so often we'd be searching through loot and all of a sudden you'd open a chest and there'd be this fucking dead squirrel in it from where one of the people decided to take it, carry around with them, and chuck it in chest at random. It made me laugh. It's cruel, but so funny. [01:39:07] Speaker D: I'm not mental. How dare you. [01:39:11] Speaker A: Is there anything else you would like to discuss before we leave, guys? On the game of the years on the pedsies? [01:39:20] Speaker C: I guess I have any games that you're looking forward to in 2024? [01:39:29] Speaker A: Honestly, Jeff, I honestly can't even remember what's coming out. Is that coming out this year? [01:39:34] Speaker D: What's that? The thousand year door remake? [01:39:38] Speaker A: Yes, I believe that's coming out. Yeah, that's a game I'm looking forward to fucking cracking. [01:39:43] Speaker B: Infinite Dragon. [01:39:47] Speaker D: Should do like a remake of the first pit of Mario as like digital download or something to hype it up, I think. [01:39:53] Speaker A: I don't think they will because I think it's on Nintendo Switch online. [01:39:58] Speaker D: I haven't got NSO at the minute. [01:39:59] Speaker A: Because can't afford it. You can't afford it. Just doesn't want to afford it. No, I want to see. [01:40:06] Speaker D: You can get a subscription to it. You've got to pay up front for a fucking year of it. [01:40:10] Speaker A: Yeah, it's the expansion pass as well. [01:40:14] Speaker D: You can get the regular one on like a monthly subscription, but if you want to get the expansion, you've got to pay for a year in advance. I don't want a full year of it because I don't always use it. [01:40:24] Speaker A: You want to say to someone, yo, guys who's got a space for a family pack and then give them like a fiver. [01:40:33] Speaker D: Because I want to play. I've been wanting to play a Mario advanced three for weeks now. And then my NSO expired. [01:40:44] Speaker A: That sucks. [01:40:45] Speaker D: I could just emulate the Snez version of Yoshi's island or emulate the GBA version of Yoshi's island. I've got two fucking laptops I can emulate on, but I want to play on the switch for some strange reason. [01:40:57] Speaker A: Because it's always meant to be. [01:40:59] Speaker D: It's because I've got this thing with piracy. If I can do it legitimately, I will. I've got the means to play it legitimately, so I'd rather play it by the legitimate means. [01:41:10] Speaker A: Yeah, fair enough. [01:41:11] Speaker D: There's a logic to it, I think. [01:41:13] Speaker A: Yeah, no, I agree with her. I'd rather use real hardware and stuff. [01:41:17] Speaker D: Anyway for all like, PS two games. I don't have a PS two or any means of capturing a PS two and PS two games are getting quite expensive now. So there was no way I was paying like. I think Shadow Heart is like nearly a 40 quid game now. I'm not paying 40 quid for a PS two game. [01:41:35] Speaker A: Unbelievable. [01:41:36] Speaker D: I thought you're paying 40 quid for a new game. [01:41:40] Speaker A: I know that feeling. 70 quid can fuck off. [01:41:44] Speaker D: I've been playing shimmer gamma tense digital devil saga recently. How much does that go for? [01:41:51] Speaker A: At least a fiver. [01:41:52] Speaker B: Or the PS two one. [01:41:54] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:41:55] Speaker B: And that's only half a game. [01:41:57] Speaker D: Yeah. That's like a 30 quid game at CX. I'm not paying 30 quid for a PS two game. It's like ancient. [01:42:06] Speaker A: Yeah. Honestly though, I can't remember. Like I've seen game the game awards. I've seen e three. Not e three, but the equivalent of e three for last year. I can't remember what's coming. [01:42:22] Speaker D: Vowed, I think is this year what game avowed. [01:42:28] Speaker A: Avowed is this year. I thought he said out. I was like, out. [01:42:33] Speaker D: I think Avowed is this year. [01:42:35] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:42:36] Speaker B: Mario and Donkey Kong, march of the minis. That peach superstar thing. [01:42:41] Speaker D: They don't even know what that is yet. [01:42:43] Speaker A: Yeah, it's like a weird. [01:42:44] Speaker B: Like a dragon infinite wealth thing. [01:42:47] Speaker A: I got no interest in that peach game. I'd rather super princess Peach too. Yes. [01:42:51] Speaker D: That's what I was hoping for. That's what I thought it was. [01:42:53] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:42:55] Speaker D: Super Princess Peach is a great game. [01:42:58] Speaker B: I think with that, the fact that her powers came from her emotions and it was like she cries and stuff. [01:43:03] Speaker D: Everyone says it's sexist on there. [01:43:06] Speaker B: Yeah. I don't think it fits with some modern ideals and things so much. [01:43:11] Speaker D: It's a really fun game. [01:43:13] Speaker B: Oh, it is. It's a great game. [01:43:15] Speaker D: It's almost like a wario. Like a Wario land game. [01:43:19] Speaker A: What about Prinny and Jeff? What are you looking forward to this year then? [01:43:29] Speaker E: Jeff, you go first. [01:43:32] Speaker C: I was just going to say tekken eight and Final Fantasy seven. Rebirth. [01:43:38] Speaker E: Yeah. I second Tekken eight. Tekken eight is like my priority. Final Fantasy rebirth after. But. Yeah. We've been waiting too long for this game and it better be good. [01:43:50] Speaker D: Just say another code is out soon. Actually. Didn't know that. [01:43:54] Speaker A: Another code? Recollection. [01:43:57] Speaker D: Recollection. Yeah, that's out. January 19. [01:43:59] Speaker A: Cool. Tekken is a game series that I haven't played since Tekken tag tournament. Either one or two on the PlayStation. [01:44:06] Speaker D: Two releases for this year. There's those two made of remasters. [01:44:14] Speaker C: Peds if you get tech and eight you can come on Penny Stream and I can get your ass on it. [01:44:20] Speaker D: My favorite game is tech on the purse. [01:44:22] Speaker E: Yes. Crossplay. Yeah, it's the first one on crossplay. It's such a big thing because street fight have been all over that for years. [01:44:30] Speaker A: Yeah, I tell you what I did pick up today was Street Fight six. [01:44:35] Speaker E: Do you like it? [01:44:37] Speaker A: Have yet to play it because I downloaded it a long ago. [01:44:41] Speaker E: I'm tempted to get it on sale. I really do want to pick it up, but this will be my first ever Street Fighter. [01:44:48] Speaker A: Street Fighter has always been fucking awesome. It really has. But I'm just awful at them. [01:44:56] Speaker D: Alpha is my jam. [01:44:59] Speaker C: I think you'd like Street Fighter, Penny. [01:45:02] Speaker D: Street Fighter Alpha three. That's my game. [01:45:05] Speaker A: Yeah, I used to be half decent. [01:45:07] Speaker D: At it as well. [01:45:10] Speaker A: I used to be really good at all the games I played, but then I stopped playing them and I got bad. [01:45:14] Speaker D: I used to be good at Street Fighter three, and then I started try playing online one day. Turns out I am not good at Street Fighter three. [01:45:21] Speaker A: It's funny. Oh, yeah, I'm kicking everyone's ass. You go to a tournament where there's more people. Why did I come last? I'm so good. [01:45:31] Speaker D: I could once you see it with any character, pretty much. I was like pretty decent at it then. Yeah. Just try playing it online and just get me ask constantly. [01:45:41] Speaker A: It's because people cheat online. [01:45:43] Speaker D: I did get pretty competent at virtue of Fighter. Is it four. [01:45:50] Speaker A: For a while ever. [01:45:50] Speaker D: On the virtual fight again, it might be five on PS three. I got pretty confident of that online and actually got a pretty decent win loss ratio. [01:45:58] Speaker A: Virtual fighters is a tough fighter, if you ask me. It is probably the hardest to get to grips with. [01:46:06] Speaker D: But the thing is what I think. [01:46:07] Speaker A: What the 3d fight does, all I. [01:46:09] Speaker D: Did was just pick one character and just stick with them. Got really good with one character. [01:46:14] Speaker A: It's a way to do it. Are you into virtual fighter then? Prinny and Jeff, because I know you like your fight. Well, printy especially, I find virtual fighter is very difficult to master. Fucking fighting game. [01:46:32] Speaker D: I find it you need to master the attack for when they're on the ground and rolling when you are on the ground. [01:46:41] Speaker A: But you stick on limp Bizkit and you'll be fucking sorted because that comes. [01:46:46] Speaker D: In so handy because you can avoid a lot of stuff. You press the right two buttons and your character will just roll on the floor to avoid ground attacks. It's really handy. [01:46:55] Speaker E: So you got to remember, virtual Fighter was one of the first fighting games in mechanics are different, but also, for some reason, virtual fire has always been slower. So all these new fighting games have come along, Tekken and all that, and virtual fire, I don't know why they're a step behind. Now. I say that, but then I can actually say I played a lot of virtual fighter five. So I played virtual fighter, I think, three on Dreamcast, which I thought was amazing back then, but even now people were like, no, it wasn't that great. Then I played four, was disappointed, played five again, was disappointed. Then they did ultimate showdown, which I have. They've made it a bit faster. But still the backgrounds are all confined. There's no open backgrounds like Tekken is, or like street Fighter open backgrounds. And then they've added so many DLC packs because obviously Sega have access to, like, yakuza and all that. So they've added Yakuza, DLC and other games and stuff, and they've tried to make it cool in that sense. But again, the complexity of moves and stuff is still nothing compared to Tekken and Street Fighter. And trust me, Virtual Fire was maybe my first ever fighting game, and I do have a soft spot for it, but I can't play it the way I can just turn on Tekken and just do an online match or just have a match of, like, jeff or you guys. Also, customization is so much more better in Tekken. At least I can say because I've not done it in Street Fighter, whereas you just have pre made packs in virtual Fighter five. Or you can slot, like, certain things together. You can't change the colors or this or that, or, like, dead or alive. We never speak of dead or alive because you have to spend thousands of pounds. Yeah, it's ridiculous. [01:48:49] Speaker D: I don't buy the costumes that aren't that stupid. [01:48:52] Speaker A: I don't care what anyone says. The best fighting game is fighters. Fucking mega mechs for the Sega Saturn. And if you disagree, you're fucking wrong. [01:49:01] Speaker D: Strip fighter two on the pc engine. [01:49:04] Speaker A: And the best bmx game is BMXX. [01:49:08] Speaker D: That's actually not a bad BMX game. [01:49:11] Speaker A: I've not played it. [01:49:13] Speaker D: One of the characters in strip Fighter two doesn't move. Like how Zangief spins. Yeah, it's like that. But she attacks with a turts. [01:49:23] Speaker B: Oh, wow. [01:49:27] Speaker A: I could do that as well, to be fair. [01:49:31] Speaker D: Yeah, she spins around, like, slaps the other character with her titties. [01:49:35] Speaker A: Jesus Christ. Well, I think that is going to be us on that bouncy note. That is going to be us. Thank you for everyone taking part tonight. It's been a pleasure as always. We'll be back in a fortnight. Hopefully I can get someone who's up for some Warhammer orcs game. I can't remember. It's called blood, teeth and shooters. Blood and teeth. Shooters. Blood and teeth with an f. See if someone's up for playing that because I've had it for ages. Wanted to play it, but I wanted you on the podcast, so I hopefully get someone on for that. So that'll be in two weeks. Next week there'll be a film podcast. We're just waiting on printy to pick a film so we can then watch the film and then we can then discuss the film. No, I'm not watching Stroke Mon. But thank you again, everyone. So is there anything you would like to plug Prinny before we leave? [01:50:40] Speaker E: I twitch stream all these long jrpgs that I never finish, so feel free to come along and pop into my chill streams, which is doomed. Underscore Prinny. And I interview people, voice actors and stuff. So feel free to check that out on my YouTube link is somewhere on my socials. Find me. I'm on Twitter x as kitty. Find all my stuff there and see you soon, dudes. [01:51:13] Speaker A: Jeff, what about you? What would you like to promote? [01:51:18] Speaker C: I'd like to promote drinking and good sleep. [01:51:25] Speaker A: Jeff said he was going to go at 12:00. Whatever happens, it's 23 minutes past. Fuck you, Jeff. [01:51:33] Speaker D: Jeff's bedtime now. [01:51:35] Speaker E: That's why Jeff wasn't very happy right now. [01:51:39] Speaker A: Well, I'll spit in this coffee. He'll be fine. [01:51:42] Speaker C: Not my coffee. [01:51:45] Speaker A: Well, I'll get a barista to do it. [01:51:48] Speaker C: Okay, yeah. Thanks for the podcast. [01:51:51] Speaker A: No problem, dude. For those who want to, which you should check out Jeff on Twitch, because he's not saying it, which is Twitch TV. Jeffyard. F-F-Y-A-R-D. [01:52:07] Speaker D: When I first saw the word barrister, I thought it was just like someone from Newcastle Barista. I just thought it was like someone from Newcastle had written like, barrister in a Geordie accent. What do you do? I'm a barrister. Then someone pointed out it was actually someone who makes coffee, and I was like, okay. [01:52:34] Speaker A: What would you like to plug, man? [01:52:38] Speaker B: I'm Ker 9000 on YouTube. On Twitter TikTok. Yeah, I'm on all of them. And I've got plenty of horror and video game and Sci-Fi stuff up. [01:52:52] Speaker A: It's not on Twitch, though, unfortunately. [01:52:55] Speaker B: And check it out. It's my birthday now, so there you go. There's a reason to check it out. [01:52:59] Speaker A: Happy birthday, dude. [01:53:03] Speaker C: Happy birthday to care. [01:53:09] Speaker A: And comedynes. What would you like to plug, man? [01:53:12] Speaker D: Yeah, I'm cummadines on Twitch, Twitter, Xbox Live, psN. Feel free to add me on any of them or follow me on Twitter. Follow me on Twitch. I'd be very grateful. [01:53:28] Speaker A: And I'm peds. You can follow me on peds, stuff like Pedz's But yeah, thank you guys. It's been a pleasure. This will be up Wednesday. Hopefully I will catch you all again very soon, either in streams or on Grkade or. I'm not on Twitter anymore. I use blue sky. So like mine's blue heads at blue sky social or something. I'm not sure exactly, but yeah, I will catch you all very soon. Thank you again. Bye bye. See you. Bye.

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