Gone Home with Hypes - Episode 30

November 29, 2023 01:08:28
Gone Home with Hypes - Episode 30
Pedz' Game Shack
Gone Home with Hypes - Episode 30

Nov 29 2023 | 01:08:28


Show Notes

On the 30th episode of Pedz' Game Shack, we have returning guest Hypes.

Currently Playing: Hypes has been playing Secret of Monkey Island, an old Point & Click game, as well as Half-Life and The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

We Play Together: The game of the episode is Gone Home. This is an early Walking Simulator which is an interesting game and set the standard for future games in the genre, but does it hold up when compared to newer titles?

Saying Hello: 00:16

Currently Playing: 4:14

We Play Together: 37:56

If you’d like to get in touch or suggest a game get in touch via Bluesky - https://bsky.app/profile/pedz.bsky.social

You can also Check out my blog which has articles as well as reviews of various games with more being added – https://pedzsgameshack.com/

Check out my Twitch streams over at – http://www.twitch.tv/p3dz

Check out my reviews and Clip Montages over at - https://www.youtube.com/@pedzreviews

Head on over to https://www.twitch.tv/hypes1 to check out Hypes' live streams.

The music on the podcast is created by Rolemusic and is royalty-free, the track is called The White and is from the album The Black Dot. If you would like to check out their library of music go to – http://rolemusic.sawsquarenoise.com/

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:25] Speaker A: Me is hypes. How you doing, dude? [00:00:29] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm all right. Thanks. [00:00:30] Speaker C: You? [00:00:31] Speaker A: Yeah, I'm doing well. Doing well. I've been playing some pickross, which is why I lost track of time, because I was concentrating, and it takes a lot of work to concentrate because my brain is crap. [00:00:45] Speaker B: Cross. [00:00:45] Speaker C: What's pick cross up to nowadays, it's just doing one. [00:00:49] Speaker A: So we are on the switch. S Nine is the latest one, I believe. S Nine. Yeah. I think the DS ones were E. I think they just got, like, different names. I don't think it's like ABCDE. Don't quote me on that. [00:01:12] Speaker B: Yeah, it does ring a bell now. E, maybe. [00:01:14] Speaker C: Yeah, I had some on the DS. I haven't picked up any on the old switch. [00:01:19] Speaker A: Yeah, I've got all nine on the switch and the Mega Drive and Master System one. And also there's supposedly E set coming. The DS one is coming to switch. I think it was DS or three DS, and it's going to be like E plus or something, I don't fucking know. But it's come into the how much they cost? [00:01:46] Speaker B: How much are they costing? [00:01:47] Speaker A: They vary between the older ones are like, a couple of quid, and then the other ones are like a tenor ish. The newest one is like, ten pounds, and you get a lot of hours out of them, to be fair. [00:02:00] Speaker B: I suppose you do. I suppose you get a fair amount of hours. [00:02:03] Speaker C: Yeah, I do. Yeah. Takes you so long now. Well, as long as you get good. [00:02:14] Speaker B: Use out of it, that's all right. [00:02:16] Speaker A: Yeah. So then, for anyone who is new to the show, we tend to do three segments. Not all the time. Sometimes we just do two. The three segments are currently playing where we discuss what we are currently playing. Not exactly rocket Science top News, where we discuss the news. That segment we will not be doing today because I haven't looked at any news and I can't think of any. And the third segment is Top News, where we discuss the game of the episode, which we will obviously discuss later, even though you know the game title, because you'll see it in the title of the episode on your podcast service that you use. So it's gone home, obviously. Anyway, let's ignore the stupid little tangent I went on there. I would like to know, Hypes, what are you currently playing? [00:03:17] Speaker C: What am I currently playing? [00:03:20] Speaker B: Well, I am currently playing The Secret of Monkey Island. [00:03:24] Speaker C: So, you know, one of those new games. [00:03:28] Speaker B: Secret of Monkey Island, I guess, is what I'm really playing, as well as our special mystery game. [00:03:35] Speaker C: I've just finished playing Half Life, not. [00:03:40] Speaker B: For its 25th anniversary, but because I've never played it and I didn't know it was its 25th anniversary, so I've just finished playing that. And I'm also still occasionally dipping in and out of Tears of the Kingdom, which I've not get very far into at all. [00:03:56] Speaker A: So then we'll start with the first game you mentioned there, which was Secret of Monkey Island. That's the first one, isn't it? There's Secret, then Return, then Something else and something else and something else. [00:04:08] Speaker C: There's secret. [00:04:11] Speaker B: Then there's Monkey Island Two. Return of Le Chuck. [00:04:17] Speaker A: Yeah, that's the one. And then I thought it was Return to Monkey Island. LeChuck's Revenge. [00:04:25] Speaker C: It might be. [00:04:27] Speaker B: I'm looking at the icon on my screen, it just says Monkey Island Two, special Edition, goddamn you, whatever it says. But the third one well, not the. [00:04:39] Speaker C: Third one, obviously there's multiple ones, but. [00:04:43] Speaker B: The new one that came out last year now, yeah, that's meant to be. [00:04:48] Speaker A: Like a follow on from the third from the second game. Yeah, because it's by like the original. [00:04:53] Speaker B: Is called Return to Monkey Island. [00:04:57] Speaker C: So yeah, so, yeah, I got that. [00:05:04] Speaker B: Last year with an intention of playing it once I had a decent PC. [00:05:08] Speaker C: And perhaps streaming it. [00:05:09] Speaker B: That has only just happened. [00:05:13] Speaker A: That's fair. I played through Secret to Monkey Island a couple of years back and I think I played it on the Xbox One. Okay, so it was like five years ago or something and I thoroughly enjoyed it. What are you finding of it so far? [00:05:32] Speaker B: Oh, well, it's just bringing back memories. This was a game I played when I was twelve or whatever when it. [00:05:39] Speaker C: First came out on the PC. Playing it on my old three eight. [00:05:43] Speaker B: Six on my Windows 3.1 with my eight disks. Eight floppy disks. And your Wheel of Pirates that you needed to log in. [00:05:52] Speaker C: No, I loved it. [00:05:53] Speaker B: I loved it. [00:05:53] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:05:55] Speaker B: I just liked the humor. I particularly liked I suppose everyone likes the sword fighting, the insult. Sword fighting is always the best. Your characters as well. Stan's Ship, Emporium back on Melly Island, all the pirates trying to sell you other games in the Scum engine. [00:06:21] Speaker C: Collection, but no. [00:06:23] Speaker B: Yeah, bloody pirates. Yeah. Good humor. Good Humor. Meat Hook with his talking tattoo, the Cannibals. I haven't got back to them yet. [00:06:32] Speaker C: I've just about to leave Melly Island. [00:06:35] Speaker B: And head towards Monkey Island on my second playthrough. [00:06:39] Speaker C: Nice. But yeah, no, I loved it as a kid. [00:06:42] Speaker B: Got incredibly stuck at one point and we had to send off days of pre Internet where you had to send off hint guides and whatnot. Those are the days I had to spend good money and you couldn't just type it into Google. How do I do this? Right, okay. Right, done. [00:06:59] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:07:00] Speaker A: I think that's the thing with Monkey Island and various other point and click games. It's like, generally speaking, most puzzles are okay, but then you have some puzzles that are rather obtuse and it's like there's no logical reason why any of this would actually happen or work if you did this one thing. It just doesn't make sense. But yeah, it's still really enjoyable. I think a lot of pointer clicks have a good sense of humor in there anyway, which helps. I think the better ones do anyway. [00:07:36] Speaker B: It's a lot of the old Lucas Arts ones. Really? [00:07:39] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:07:40] Speaker B: I had Indiana Jones on the last Crusade. That was another one we had when we were younger. [00:07:45] Speaker A: Is that the one you made me play for an hour and I got like two screens, maybe. [00:07:49] Speaker B: I don't think you got out of the college. [00:07:53] Speaker A: I think I got out of the college just as I ended. [00:08:01] Speaker B: But no, I love that one. I love the film. [00:08:04] Speaker C: And then a few years ago, perhaps it was during the pandemic, I got. [00:08:10] Speaker B: A load of them on Steam and a load of the other Lucas Arts ones. Loom I played I think I finished it. The dig Indiana Jones and the fate. [00:08:22] Speaker C: Of Atlantis and the other Monkey Islands. [00:08:26] Speaker B: Apart from this most recent one. But yeah, there's loads of them. I do like a point and click. Oh, yeah, I got Grim fandango as well. But I loaded that up the other day because I obviously didn't get far. I think that's got some obtuse puzzles. They've all got their slight quirks and. [00:08:44] Speaker C: Different sort of controls and whatnot. But yeah, I've always really liked point and clicks. [00:08:52] Speaker B: I think they're good fun. [00:08:53] Speaker C: I played Thimbleweed Park a couple of years ago. [00:09:00] Speaker B: I enjoyed that. [00:09:01] Speaker A: Yeah, I think I have that, but I haven't played it. Whereas one game I did play which I really enjoyed was Dark Side Detective. [00:09:09] Speaker C: Oh, yeah? What's that then? [00:09:11] Speaker A: It's a point and click game. [00:09:14] Speaker B: I've not heard of that. [00:09:15] Speaker C: Is that new? [00:09:16] Speaker A: It is. Dark side detective is pretty new. The newest one is Dark Side Detective to I can't remember the actual subtitle because my brain is shit. I haven't played that one. I got it on release and I just haven't got around to it because I'm shit. But one thing I found about Dark Side Detective, it isn't too taxing to get through in the sense of there doesn't seem to be too many obtuse puzzles at all. And it's just generally really funny. Basically, Dark Side Detective is about a detective who does detective in. [00:09:56] Speaker B: That'S definitely. [00:09:57] Speaker A: The verb for the Dark Side thing. And it's basically like an alternate universe kind of thing and it's really interesting. Okay. Really good sense of humor as well. [00:10:09] Speaker B: Oh, I see. It's all pixelated, pixel art. I do. Like, really good I can see the other one. The sequel is the dark side, Detective. A fumble in the know. [00:10:19] Speaker A: Yeah. And a lot of the stuff there's a lot of references to games and films and other stuff and it's done in good ways. Like, it's not ah, look, you're like Peter Venkman from Ghostbusters is actually some thought behind. There a lot of the time, though I will say the chapters of each case is named after like a film or something. And it's quite clear what that is there. But it's really fun. I only got stuck once in the game, and that was in the DLC where you had to break something. And I thought I tried the thing that I knew would do it, but I clearly didn't, because when I went back to Drew it, I was there for, like, an hour trying to work out what to do, and I was streaming it, and then I was like, for fuck's sake, I thought I did that. And it didn't work. So that's why I've been trying other things. I ran on stream. [00:11:20] Speaker C: Yeah. So the sequel called Fumble in the. [00:11:23] Speaker B: Dark, that just reminds me of what is it? Oh, leisure suit. Larry. Those are my click games. I don't think I ever really fully played them. I've never played my steam. [00:11:34] Speaker C: I think I must have picked them up cheap or Free. [00:11:37] Speaker B: Yeah, wasn't it one of the Leisure. [00:11:39] Speaker C: Suit Larry's, one of the devs came. [00:11:42] Speaker B: Onto, like, Grkade and asked for input or something. [00:11:45] Speaker A: I can't remember. [00:11:48] Speaker B: I seem to remember that. [00:11:49] Speaker C: And it was something that I think. [00:11:51] Speaker B: They ended up putting. It might have been they ended up putting something like Wally John Black into the game. [00:11:57] Speaker C: Something. Yeah. [00:12:05] Speaker B: There'S lots of pointer clicks. So, yeah, I'm looking forward to trying out the new one, certainly. [00:12:10] Speaker A: Yeah, definitely give Darkside Detective a call. [00:12:12] Speaker B: And yeah, I will. I'll add that to my wish list. [00:12:14] Speaker C: And definitely worth playing. [00:12:17] Speaker B: Add it to the huge number of. [00:12:19] Speaker C: Games I've got to play now. [00:12:21] Speaker B: I've got a decent PC that can well, I mean, awesome. Red Drive. [00:12:25] Speaker C: I can finally play. Yeah, I think I sort of counted. [00:12:31] Speaker B: All the games from my various libraries. These games that I've been picking up. [00:12:35] Speaker C: For free over the many years. Or cheap on steam. GOG. [00:12:40] Speaker B: Epic. Whatever else. Like 365 a game a day. [00:12:47] Speaker C: But I'll never get around to them. [00:12:49] Speaker A: Yeah, you will. Literally. You'll be the anti Jar and play every game and finish every game within. [00:12:57] Speaker B: I don't think I'll play. [00:12:58] Speaker A: Really good time frame, unlike Jar. Spent 20 years in Hyrule Field. [00:13:05] Speaker B: Yeah, but no, there's obviously big games. [00:13:08] Speaker C: From the last 25 years that aren't. [00:13:10] Speaker B: Nintendo ones that I've got to play. Yeah, I'll hop onto various ones of those. [00:13:15] Speaker C: Yeah. Looking forward to it. [00:13:18] Speaker A: You'll be taking a while doing that, man. [00:13:20] Speaker C: Yeah, a long while. Yeah. [00:13:23] Speaker B: I started with half life. [00:13:25] Speaker A: Half Life. I don't think I ever finished half life. I think I got, like, right near the end and just didn't finish it because I suck. [00:13:31] Speaker B: Trust me, that'll do. Do not finish it. Oh, my God. I was enjoying Half Life until the end. [00:13:39] Speaker A: Sure. I did finish it, actually, because there's a thing with, like, two different ends. [00:13:44] Speaker C: I think there's a choice. [00:13:48] Speaker B: You can choose at the end, apparently. I think I just did. [00:13:52] Speaker C: What? Spoilers. [00:13:54] Speaker B: I mean, 25 years later, spoilers the man told me to do because I. [00:13:58] Speaker C: Didn'T want the possibility that he would. [00:14:01] Speaker B: Turn bad and kill me. And I'd have to do that whole end bit again. [00:14:05] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:14:08] Speaker B: I've started streaming with my new PC, so I was streaming that and I was just so stressed at the end I had to go and have a sit down in a dark room afterwards. [00:14:18] Speaker A: Yeah, I think I finished it and did that because I think that then it continues into the second one doing the other option. If you don't know what it is and you want to know, I'll tell you. Tell exactly what it is. If I remember correctly, you walk into a room and it's full of guns and you die. Okay, I might be wrong, but I'm sure that's what happens. [00:14:40] Speaker B: No idea. No. Yeah, well, don't quote me on it. I picked up all those games several years ago. [00:14:46] Speaker A: Yeah, same year, like a big bundle of, like, Valve games, which had pretty much all of her in there. Portal, portal two, portal six. Oh, wait, they can't count past three. No, can't count past two. [00:15:00] Speaker B: They can't cancel three. Yeah, Alex. Yeah, I might pick up Alex, but I'd need to spend a load on a VR thing. [00:15:07] Speaker A: Yeah, that's the thing. It's like, I really would like it. [00:15:09] Speaker C: But. [00:15:13] Speaker B: I was seeing Metaquest, we're doing an offer. Try it for 30 days and if you don't like it, send it back. I'm like, oh, well, there you go. [00:15:24] Speaker A: Cool, I'll try it for 30 days. [00:15:28] Speaker B: Cheap way of doing it. [00:15:30] Speaker A: I wouldn't do that. That's naughty. It's like when you see mattresses, oh, keep them for like, six months and if you don't like them, give them back. It's like, okay, I'll try all these different fucking mattresses and have really nice sleep for a couple of years. [00:15:43] Speaker B: I mean, they say you must be able to do it. Statutory rights are not affected. Try it. All your money back. You could get so much free food and things. Yeah. I wasn't entirely satisfied with this. [00:15:54] Speaker C: Yogurt, can I please have a refund? [00:15:59] Speaker A: Why wasn't you satisfied? It didn't taste as good as your advert made out? [00:16:02] Speaker C: Yes. [00:16:04] Speaker B: Wasn't orgasmic. [00:16:09] Speaker A: So half life. [00:16:11] Speaker C: Half Life. [00:16:12] Speaker A: How did you find it then? Half Life? [00:16:16] Speaker B: Yeah, it was good. [00:16:20] Speaker C: The cinematic start of the game was good. [00:16:24] Speaker B: I think that might have been the only bit I'd ever played before, but that obviously worked its way into many other games. So sort of set the standard there. Yeah, it was mostly good. There were some annoying quirks, which probably is 25 years old. [00:16:42] Speaker C: The jumping was really annoying. [00:16:44] Speaker B: It was a lot more platformy than. [00:16:46] Speaker C: I thought it was going to be. And the fact that I could seemingly. [00:16:51] Speaker B: Sometimes fall down a cliff and survive and other times fall off a box. [00:16:56] Speaker C: And die was really annoying. [00:16:59] Speaker B: I never quite knew when I could just jump off something and land, and. [00:17:03] Speaker C: When I had to try and find. [00:17:06] Speaker B: Another way down or use a ladder, which always never quite seemed to connect and work the. [00:17:14] Speaker A: Have you played any of the other half life games or are you going to play through them all now? [00:17:19] Speaker C: Well, I thought I had, and I seem to remember something about being out in a dark bit with aliens, but. [00:17:30] Speaker B: That didn't have occurring. Half life too. Half life. So maybe I might have played a. [00:17:34] Speaker C: Bit of Half Life too. [00:17:39] Speaker B: Instead. [00:17:41] Speaker A: Yeah, it could be. I can think of an area that may be what you're on about, but that would be half Life, too. [00:17:48] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:17:49] Speaker A: And little. [00:17:54] Speaker C: I've done Portal and I. [00:17:57] Speaker B: Think I've certainly done some of Portal, too, if not completed it. [00:18:01] Speaker C: I did the co op with my brother. [00:18:06] Speaker A: I really like portal. [00:18:09] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:18:10] Speaker A: Alex is too pricey. [00:18:12] Speaker B: Yeah. No, I'm tempted to play it again. I think there's been a community mod or it's probably always a community mod. [00:18:19] Speaker C: Or prequel community mod released I read about the other day. [00:18:24] Speaker A: Yeah, I think I saw something try that. [00:18:27] Speaker C: I might even try my try my. [00:18:33] Speaker B: Wife to play Portal, see how she gets on. Because she doesn't game apps at all. So it's a little puzle game. [00:18:38] Speaker C: It's quite easy. See how she gets on with it. [00:18:40] Speaker A: How can you not game? [00:18:41] Speaker C: And then she'll finally understand what the cake is about. [00:18:44] Speaker B: I know. Right. [00:18:49] Speaker A: So with Half Life, then, how did you find the physics? Because Half Life was considered at the time to be great for its physics. Do you think they stand up still, considering they were like a benchmark? Or do you think things have moved on progressively better? A lot of it was like physics based puzzles and stuff, I remember, as well as all the platforming and mitering. [00:19:18] Speaker C: Yeah, I suppose it was okay. [00:19:21] Speaker B: I'm trying to remember puzzles now. There was obviously going around the rails and trying to work out where to. [00:19:26] Speaker C: Go and opening doors. [00:19:28] Speaker B: The physics the only physics I remember know, falling off a box and dying instead. [00:19:33] Speaker A: I might be thinking of halfway. [00:19:36] Speaker B: Maybe, but certainly they must have changed the physics in Zen in the alien planet, because suddenly you could jump a lot further. [00:19:46] Speaker C: But, yeah, the jumping was always just a bit awkward. [00:19:48] Speaker B: I suppose it was revolutionary for its time. [00:19:52] Speaker C: Looking at 25 years later, it doesn't obviously stand out. [00:20:00] Speaker B: No, I enjoyed it and I enjoyed the story. I just didn't enjoy the end bit. Maybe that's Val's fault. They updated it to the 25th anniversary version, so maybe it would have been great in the original version. [00:20:15] Speaker A: Yeah, that's what it is. [00:20:18] Speaker B: Apparently the ending is I watched the documentary. Apparently the ending was rushed as well. From what I've heard other people say, nearly everyone hates it, which is weird for like, a hugely praised game that everyone hates. The end. [00:20:32] Speaker A: Yeah. If I remember correctly, half life one is really, really liked. Half life. Two is loved. Half Life Two, episode one is not very much liked. And Half Life Two, episode two is also beloved by people. But I don't think I started half life two, episode two, to be honest. Which is a shame because it's supposed to be really good. [00:20:53] Speaker C: Oh, well. [00:20:56] Speaker A: And what was the other game you said, other than Breath of the Wild? Or did you only say Tears of the Kingdom? [00:21:04] Speaker B: I might have only said Tears of the Kingdom. Well, obviously our Game of the Week game. [00:21:10] Speaker A: Yeah, we talk about that in a bit. Do you know with Teaser Kingdom, how far you into it then? Because you saw me streaming it the other day, like a week or so ago. Because I haven't been able to stream as much because I've been busy with shit. [00:21:24] Speaker C: But yeah. [00:21:27] Speaker A: Are you as far in as me? I think I've done three dungeons. [00:21:31] Speaker B: No, I've done one. [00:21:34] Speaker C: I've still only done the and you know, I sort of load it up. [00:21:40] Speaker B: For like an hour, a week maybe and try and get to this. [00:21:46] Speaker C: I don't know, I think I'm probably. [00:21:47] Speaker B: Trying to get to the Zora temple running across, and I'll be like, well, I can't get up that mountain. I don't have enough strength. Can I run around it? Can I walk around here? [00:21:54] Speaker C: So I finally encountered my first Zora somewhere, but the last time I had. [00:22:01] Speaker B: To save it and now I still need to make my way up this mountain to wherever he's told me to go. But yeah, it's just so much traveling. Like, oh, I'll load it up for an hour. It's just an hour of walking, 1 hour of being on my horses. It's just too fast. I need to first unlock all the. [00:22:21] Speaker C: Hours and then the various shrines and. [00:22:24] Speaker B: Just start fast traveling. Live place. [00:22:26] Speaker A: Yeah, that's what I do. I do fast travel. Like a lot of people say they were on fast travel. A game world is clearly boring if you're fast traveling. It's like, well, no, I just haven't got fucking 7 hours to travel across the map and back. [00:22:39] Speaker B: That's the thing. It's not really a game for just. [00:22:41] Speaker C: Dipping in and out of playing 30. [00:22:44] Speaker B: Minutes because you don't get anywhere. Or you'll run along, you'd be like, oh, well, I'll stop here and help this man put up his sign. Or I'll stop here and kill some goblin things. [00:22:56] Speaker C: Yeah, no, or stop here and do a shrine. But yeah. [00:23:03] Speaker B: I don't know. [00:23:05] Speaker C: I love soldier. I'm just not feeling this one. [00:23:08] Speaker B: Perhaps I need to go back at the start again or dedicate some time. [00:23:10] Speaker C: To really playing it and go through it because everyone seemed well, lots of. [00:23:15] Speaker B: People seem to love it and say it's better than Breath of the Wild, which. [00:23:23] Speaker A: I'm personally preferring it to Breath of the Wild. I've enjoyed it more and I've put in more time than I did into Breath of the Wild. By the amount of time I put into it. I'd finish. Breath of the Wild. As in kill. Anyway, whatever. Exactly. But the thing for me is, I do prefer the traditional style Zelda games. [00:23:46] Speaker C: Yeah, me too. [00:23:47] Speaker A: I prefer the slightly open but narrative, really driven and gated kind of thing, where instead of the hool, you can go anywhere, you can climb anything, but at the same time, by the time you've spent an hour traveling, you'll have seen three monsters and lots of trees. I think that's an issue. That's why I'm not a big fan of Autumn world games in general. Like, most of the open world games I've had the most fun out of have been like Saints Row, two onwards, Breath of the Wild. I did really like tears of the kingdom. I'm preferring but things like Saints Row and many other open world games I've really got into have been co op and I've been playing them in co op and that's why I think I've enjoyed them so much. Like, I don't even like GTA, like a lot of people do, I just think it's shite. [00:24:45] Speaker B: They're all on my list. [00:24:47] Speaker C: I've got three, four Liberty, C, San Andreas, whatever they are on my thing. [00:24:56] Speaker B: I'm playing a GTA. Well, no, that's not true. I have played a GTA since two. I played Chinatown Wars on the DS. [00:25:02] Speaker C: That was a game. Yeah, but no. [00:25:05] Speaker B: Yeah, open world games. I've got Skyrim on my desktop, ready to play at some point. [00:25:11] Speaker C: That's open world, isn't it? [00:25:12] Speaker B: Or is it not? [00:25:13] Speaker C: I don't know. [00:25:14] Speaker A: Skyrim is world and I like Skyrim, but again, I don't spend major amounts of hours traveling around and doing all the side quests and getting all the best shit. For me, it's like exactly. I'll do some of the side stuff, but at some point I'll just be like, I just need to crack on, I'm just not going to finish it. It's not a fault of the game in a sense, I guess. [00:25:39] Speaker B: One games then. [00:25:42] Speaker A: Exactly. But I think in some ways it's like it's part of because of the way I am with the games. I want to play many games and get enjoyment from different games and what have you, but at the same time, I just don't find open worlds engaging enough to spend fucking 700 hours on there and do everything because it just gets boring. [00:26:05] Speaker B: That's the thing. When I do finally put some proper time and sell, do I have to stick to the objectives, go to this. [00:26:12] Speaker C: Do this, do this and decide questions? [00:26:14] Speaker B: I'll just wander around and enjoy the world because otherwise I won't do anything. [00:26:18] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:26:22] Speaker B: I'm not a huge fan of. [00:26:23] Speaker C: The crafting things and my weapon being. [00:26:27] Speaker B: A stick with a stone on it. I want proper weapons. I prefer the Breath of the Wild weapons. I mean, maybe they exist into it's, the kingdom. [00:26:34] Speaker C: I just haven't got far enough. [00:26:36] Speaker B: Yeah, I prefer having a master sword or a bigger one sword or whatever and just it doesn't break. But, yeah, it is what it is. [00:26:46] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:26:48] Speaker B: I want my Game Boy Zeldas back as well. My handheld Zeldas. Where were they? [00:26:51] Speaker C: Where were they? In Nintendo. Haven't had one since. A link between worlds. [00:26:58] Speaker A: Well, technically, you've had Links Awakening on the Switch, but I know you mean a new one. I liked it. I thought it was really good. I'm a big fan of Links Awakening. The only issue I had with it, really was, like, the frame rate and the stuttering you'd get occasionally. But I liked the look of it and everything. I thought it looked really cool. I liked it was really cute. [00:27:21] Speaker C: Yeah, I think I played through the DX version. [00:27:25] Speaker A: Yeah, I played through the original and DX and then the Switch, but obviously not, like, right after each other. Like several years. Several years apart. [00:27:35] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:27:41] Speaker B: I'm not sure we'll ever get one. [00:27:42] Speaker C: With the amount that's goat of time that goes into the newsholders now. [00:27:48] Speaker A: Yeah, unfortunately. [00:27:51] Speaker B: Hey, we got it's a 2D Metroid and we've got a 2D Mario, so. [00:27:55] Speaker A: You know yeah, I have been playing that, actually. [00:28:02] Speaker B: I had no real interest in it. I thought it was another you, but people have not you are new, but people have been saying, yeah, it's like. [00:28:10] Speaker C: Supposed to be a sequel to Yoshi's. [00:28:12] Speaker B: Island or Super Mario World or whatever, and it's supposed to be really good. [00:28:15] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:28:15] Speaker A: From what I've played of it, I've only done two worlds because I was trying to get through a couple of other stuff, like Sonic Superstars, so I could do a review. And then I was going to try and do a couple of other reviews. I did gollum, and so I've been doing Super Mario Wonder as when I can, and so far I've been really enjoying it. It's not, like, extremely difficult. There have been like, I'm only two worlds in but to be fair, there are two worlds in two levels in World Two that I did actually find rather fucking tough. [00:28:49] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:28:50] Speaker A: It's all timing based and tough for me. [00:28:57] Speaker B: Yeah, I've got time for timing based. I just want to jump. [00:29:00] Speaker A: Too impatient. You do jump a lot, but it's all timed. [00:29:07] Speaker C: Yeah, well, I might pick it up at some point. [00:29:15] Speaker B: There's loads of games to play. [00:29:18] Speaker A: I think it'd be worth when it. [00:29:20] Speaker B: Goes down in price. It obviously won't. [00:29:22] Speaker A: Yeah, I was going to say that, but I think it'd be worth grabbing if you like the 2D Mario games, because it's genuinely very good so far. Obviously my opinion may change as we progress through it, but who knows? [00:29:37] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:29:37] Speaker B: Mind you, it's been years since we've. [00:29:38] Speaker C: Had a suppose we'll be waiting till Switch Two for that. [00:29:44] Speaker A: Yeah. Switch you. [00:29:48] Speaker B: Yes. [00:29:49] Speaker C: Super Switch. Virtual Switch. Switch Three. 3d Switch. Don't know. No. Yeah, but there's been no funny if. [00:30:02] Speaker A: It'S called 3D Switch, because three DS. [00:30:05] Speaker B: 3D Switch three DS, three DS perfect. [00:30:07] Speaker A: Switch perfect. [00:30:10] Speaker C: If it's anything like, if I know. [00:30:12] Speaker B: Nintendo, there'll be a name that doesn't make any sense whatsoever. [00:30:18] Speaker C: But I suppose it's got to be essentially a switch. [00:30:24] Speaker B: To really, hasn't it? They're not going to make any major changes to it, are they? They're not going to go back to just a box. [00:30:32] Speaker C: It's got to be the whole handheld. [00:30:35] Speaker B: That could be plugged in. And surely that's what's been so successful. [00:30:41] Speaker A: I'm sorry. Right. At the end of the day, I'm not a massive fan of handheld gaming anymore. I used to be to play handheld games all the time. I just find it awkward with a little screen and compared to the TV, I don't know why, because if you've got it close to your face should be bigger, but gives me a fucking headache after a bit. But I did prefer Nintendo having two separate systems for one simple reason. Well, I'll say one simple reason. The simple reason is the diversity. When you had your Nintendo Wi U and your three DS, or your Wi and your DS and your Snez and your Game Boy and whatever else, and your Game Boy Advance with the GameCube, they had different styled games that really suited handheld play. Whereas personally, I found the Switch hasn't really had that from Nintendo. Not really had a lot of handheld style games that you would have, like the kind of out there kind of shit that you'd get on the handheld consoles. And I think that's one major blow from it being slammed together, missed out on it. And it's like a lot of people are like, yeah, but back in the day, back in the day when the switch was announced, I was like, but people like saying no. Yeah, but you'll get things faster or you'll get the same kind of games, but it's all on one platform because the teams will all be working on one platform instead of separated between two. But that doesn't seem to have happened at all. [00:32:16] Speaker B: No, it's not like you've got the joint libraries equivalent, is it, really? [00:32:22] Speaker A: No, you haven't even got the Wi U library. Oh, sorry, you've only got the W. [00:32:27] Speaker B: Yeah, except good old Starfox Zero. That still hasn't made it its way across. But yeah, I mean, I suppose back. [00:32:36] Speaker C: In the day, handheld gaming was meant. [00:32:39] Speaker B: For journeys and short blasts of gaming. [00:32:42] Speaker C: Whereas now, with the Switch, any game. [00:32:46] Speaker B: You don't really have to do a short blast. You can play a bit and then you just pause it. You don't need to reach somewhere or get to a save point. You just switch it, put it in standby. So, yeah, there's no real games that. [00:32:58] Speaker C: Are really designed for short blasts, perhaps, are they really? [00:33:02] Speaker B: You just kind of have to pick up where you left off. [00:33:05] Speaker C: There's no specific, like you've done a. [00:33:07] Speaker B: Level or you've done a specific thing, like, Roselda, I can't do a short blast. Oh, I've walked along a road and. [00:33:12] Speaker C: Up a hill a bit. Yeah, it doesn't work, but, yeah, no. [00:33:16] Speaker B: I was a big fan of the handheld games, 2D Zeldas, which became the handheld games when they moved into 3D. Your 2D Metroids, which became the handheld game, albeit only once on the GBA. But, yeah, I suppose does Metroid Dread. [00:33:36] Speaker C: Count as the handheld game that they've produced? [00:33:39] Speaker B: They produced the 2D version, but then again, they haven't made the 3D version. When will that ever come out? Who knows? [00:33:47] Speaker A: Never. [00:33:48] Speaker B: But, yeah, you've lost. [00:33:51] Speaker C: I love the Mario and Luigi games. I really, really liked them for their game by advance. [00:33:58] Speaker A: I didn't play them past the second one, but I think I bought a few of them. I just never got around to playing them. But I really liked Superstar Saga and Partners in out. [00:34:10] Speaker B: You missed out on some good ones. Bowser's inside Story is I know, I've got that. [00:34:14] Speaker A: I know. I've got. [00:34:17] Speaker C: I really liked Dream Team bros. That was really good. But the last one paper Jam Bros. [00:34:27] Speaker B: I don't know if there was one. [00:34:28] Speaker C: As well before that. [00:34:30] Speaker B: I mean, they added paper. Mario in. It just became a mess. [00:34:35] Speaker A: I really liked Mario games. Yeah, I think they did. Those two Paper Mario games were great, but I haven't really enjoyed them since. And I haven't played. [00:34:44] Speaker C: Sorry. [00:34:45] Speaker A: I really liked Paper mario and I loved Thousand Ador. I enjoyed Super Paper Mario. I didn't go into it thinking, I'm going to get the same experience as the first two games because it was clearly aiming for a different style of game. It's more platformy and it doesn't have the same kind of RPG system or anything like that, or Battle system, what have you. So I was fine with that. Then when they went down with the other games, what was the three DS one called? Or the wi u one. Sigma Star. [00:35:15] Speaker C: Shite Sticker star was kind of really. [00:35:19] Speaker B: The first one I fully played. We had an N 64, but we never got the Paper Mario for that. Then I didn't have a GameCube, but my brother did. [00:35:28] Speaker C: So I played a bit of Thousand Year Door and I've played a bit of it throughout the years, either on. [00:35:35] Speaker B: The GameCube or trying to emulate it. [00:35:37] Speaker C: But Nintendo haven't made it available until recently. [00:35:42] Speaker B: Recently. When it's coming up? [00:35:44] Speaker C: When it's going to be a full. [00:35:45] Speaker B: Priced version rather than just GameCube virtual console version, which a bit ridiculous. And, yeah, I never got SuperPay Mario. I have since picked up SuperPay Mario. [00:35:58] Speaker C: I'm not able to pick up Thousand Year Door because of its price and. [00:36:03] Speaker B: I'm not sure I'll pay for the full price for the Switch version. [00:36:08] Speaker C: But, yeah, I have played the original on the virtual console. [00:36:14] Speaker A: I really like the original. Not as much as Thousand Year Doll. [00:36:17] Speaker C: But I don't think I finished it. [00:36:19] Speaker B: I got quite far and then got stuck and then I've left it. So I must go back to it. [00:36:23] Speaker C: And finish it off. Not do a jar and leave it. [00:36:27] Speaker A: Yeah. All Jar is allowed. [00:36:30] Speaker C: Yeah. Sticker Star I played and I enjoyed. [00:36:33] Speaker B: Because it was the first one I played through and I hadn't really played the others. [00:36:37] Speaker C: I know with the original Paper Mario. [00:36:42] Speaker B: And Thousand Year Door, they were introducing all these sort of unique characters, the unique Goombas, the unique Coopers. [00:36:49] Speaker C: And then that sort of faded away with later versions. I did get color splash. [00:36:57] Speaker A: Yeah, I got color splash. [00:36:58] Speaker B: Probably picked that up at the end of the Wi. Use Lifespan for yeah, I picked it. [00:37:03] Speaker A: Up for really cheap as well. It's not usual for Nintendo games go really, really cheap often. But I couldn't pass it up. [00:37:10] Speaker B: No, I was playing that. That must have been during the pandemic. [00:37:13] Speaker C: I was playing that and I enjoyed. [00:37:15] Speaker B: Bits of it, but then it just. [00:37:16] Speaker C: Got utterly repetitive and I think I just abandoned that. Yeah. [00:37:23] Speaker B: I think Origami King is much of the same. [00:37:26] Speaker C: I think a few people like it. [00:37:27] Speaker B: But I don't think it's anything special. [00:37:30] Speaker C: It feels like they've just been losing. [00:37:33] Speaker B: Their way since the since the second game. Really? [00:37:36] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:37:37] Speaker A: Sham, it's time to move on to we play together. And we to play together is, like I said, the section where we talk about the game of the episode, which, as I said, is Gone Home. I would like to know exactly what you think of Gone Home. Do you enjoy dude? [00:38:12] Speaker C: So, yeah, gone Home, yes, sort of. When you suggested the games, I found. [00:38:21] Speaker B: Out I had it. [00:38:22] Speaker C: It was on one of my prime games. [00:38:25] Speaker B: I think I must have picked it up free at some point. [00:38:26] Speaker C: And then I started and I thought, I've played this before, but I don't know where and I don't know on. [00:38:34] Speaker B: What, because it wasn't installed. But, yeah, I went into the house and I thought, this is very familiar. [00:38:45] Speaker C: But then I carried on playing. I'm like, Well, I've not done this. [00:38:48] Speaker B: So I don't know where that's come from. I started it initially at some point, and I don't know how and on. [00:38:53] Speaker C: What, and then gave up. [00:38:56] Speaker B: But, yeah, did I enjoy it? [00:38:59] Speaker C: I like a point and click. Is it a point and click? I mean, you point and click. So in a way, yes. But are there puzzles? No, I mean, there's the bare minimum of puzzles and really you pick up. [00:39:14] Speaker B: A tape and put it in a tape recorder. You have to find two pieces of paper to find a combination and you have to work your way around this army, this house. Blimey, the size of this house. [00:39:28] Speaker A: I want a house. [00:39:31] Speaker B: Oh, it turns out there's a whole other wing. Oh, it turns out there's a secret bit. [00:39:34] Speaker C: Oh, turns out how many flipping rooms. [00:39:37] Speaker A: In this house foyer is bigger than my house? [00:39:41] Speaker B: I know. Yeah, tell me about it. [00:39:45] Speaker A: Fucking ridiculous. [00:39:46] Speaker B: And the basement is just entire basement, whole other floor. [00:39:52] Speaker C: So, yeah, gone home. I enjoyed it. What is it? [00:39:56] Speaker B: It's the story of some girl who's. [00:39:59] Speaker C: Evidently been away traveling, possibly an American girl traveling the world, or Europe, maybe just Europe, probably a gap year sort. [00:40:10] Speaker B: Of thing after uni. And she comes back possibly early to. [00:40:15] Speaker C: Her house, and there's nobody there at the family home. [00:40:20] Speaker B: She has a sister and a mother and father who all aren't there. And you end up walking around the. [00:40:26] Speaker C: Home working out what's gone on. [00:40:32] Speaker B: It's not a point click, it's an interactive story. I suppose it is. [00:40:40] Speaker A: I assume it's one of the earliest walking simulators. [00:40:46] Speaker B: Yeah, walking simulator would be because that's what you do. Walk and look and click click on a thing, pick it up, look at it. No, it's just a SideCat. I can't do anything with it. Can't do anything with this. Oh, it's a letter. I can read this. Oh, it's tape. I can listen to this. [00:41:00] Speaker C: Oh, and memories come up. [00:41:02] Speaker B: Oh, I've opened the cupboard. [00:41:03] Speaker C: Oh, there's the dad's secret porn stash. [00:41:09] Speaker B: There's the sister's secret porn stash. [00:41:12] Speaker C: Yes. So, yeah, it had an interesting enough. [00:41:18] Speaker B: Story for me, if anyone's not played it. [00:41:22] Speaker C: It seems like the mum and dad are having issues. The mum's got a job seemingly burning down forests or something. The dad is a failed author and her sister is a lesbian, and she. [00:41:44] Speaker B: Comes out to her parents and they're not accepting. [00:41:47] Speaker C: And then her girlfriend goes off and. [00:41:50] Speaker B: Joins the army and she's all upset. And. [00:41:56] Speaker C: Then her girlfriend perhaps doesn't go. [00:41:59] Speaker B: To the army, and she runs off with her at the end. And so there's nobody in the house. [00:42:03] Speaker C: Because I don't know where the mum. [00:42:05] Speaker B: And dad have gone. Are they moving house? I can't quite understand. [00:42:08] Speaker A: No, I think it does explain in there that they were going away for a weekend on there or something. I think it was that weekend they were going away for something like that anyway, I think. [00:42:20] Speaker C: Yeah. And the mums seemingly perhaps having an affair or something. There's letters in there that hint about that. [00:42:30] Speaker B: The dad's obviously not happy. The dad's father is dismissive of his work. [00:42:37] Speaker C: And there's also some weird. [00:42:41] Speaker B: Seance Ouija board stuff going on with the sister. [00:42:44] Speaker C: And the former is it the former. [00:42:47] Speaker B: Owner of house or the dad's former boss or his uncle who gave him the house and possibly molested him? [00:42:55] Speaker C: I thought it was going to be. [00:42:55] Speaker B: Really spooky at one point when you first make it down in the basement and you go along and then I found a cross there and I picked it up, and then the lights went off. I was like, oh, blimey. And then I expected that to happen throughout the rest of the game, but just didn't. I was like, oh, okay. [00:43:12] Speaker C: It's not it's not a horror game. Yeah. What did you think of it? Sorry. [00:43:21] Speaker B: Okay, good for you. [00:43:24] Speaker A: The story is pretty good, and I guess it's obviously a very progressive story. It is a progressive, very progressive story. I think the game came out in 2013, and I guess it was trying to I don't know if the people behind it had been through that scenario themselves. Not the whole going around that, but going through realizing who they are and coming out to their parents life experience. Yeah. And then their parents are, like, very not angry, just completely like, no, you're not kind of thing. Which weird, but it's just interesting. That the story. I actually rather enjoyed that the walking around was kind of a nice kind of house, but I think it needed some more interactive stuff, because even when you found something, it's like, oh, yeah, there's a secret passage. It marks it on the map for you and stuff. Instead of going to a general area and you can try and work it out or something, it marks it and things like that. And obviously, for me at least, it was very short. I finished it, like, really quickly. [00:44:46] Speaker B: Yeah, I finished it considering yeah, you mentioned this on Sunday or whatever. [00:44:55] Speaker C: It's not long, which is good. [00:44:57] Speaker A: Nothing wrong with, like I've played other walk in simulators, like Dear Esther, I think it's called, and Firewatch, and they. [00:45:10] Speaker C: Are. [00:45:14] Speaker A: A lot more interesting to play. [00:45:17] Speaker B: Firewatch has been on my to playlist. Is that a walking simulator? [00:45:20] Speaker A: It is a walking simulator, and it's really good. And it's got an interesting story as well. Different to this. Obviously have the exact same story. That would be stupid, but I think this is like Maybe earlier walking simulator game, so maybe that's why it's a little bit lacking compared to the latter games like Dear Esther in comparison to this. I played Dear Esther for the first time, I think, for this podcast. Don't quote me on that. Maybe did. And it has a lot more going on because you don't speak to other people. You go through a house, but the house is, like, gets weirder as it goes on. It's like more bits of the house have been built on and stuff. And then you play through a previous person you read about, I think, like a family member, and then you kind of play through their part, I believe, whereas in this, you'll pick up something that's seemingly random, and then you'll just get, like, this diary X thing given to you, like info dump, then. And it's like, well, how am I getting this information? Because you don't find the diary until the end of the game. I get what it's doing, though. It's like trying to give you the information as you go along so you know what's going on, and then you find it, and it's like, oh, let me explain what's going on. So it makes sense what they've gone with, but I just think it needed more interactions with things. I know it's a walk assimilate, and they tend not to be highly fucking adventurous, so to speak, but this seemed to be very simple. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but I think, to be honest, out of the ones I've played, I wish I'd played this first and then played the ones that went on a bit. [00:47:26] Speaker B: Like, okay, yeah, so I've played it first, so that might be better. Yeah. [00:47:31] Speaker C: It started off you're in a house. [00:47:33] Speaker B: You'Re not sure what you're doing. You're clicking around, right? Working things. [00:47:35] Speaker C: And then you get to the her sister's room, and then you're like, oh, I need to get into this locker. [00:47:43] Speaker B: How do I do this? And you think, oh, it's going to go like this. I need to solve puzzles now. I opened the basement, and now I've gone in. [00:47:49] Speaker C: But then it just sort of doesn't. [00:47:52] Speaker B: Add any more puzzles, really, apart from finding your way around the house. [00:47:56] Speaker A: Yeah, and that's the thing. I think the other games, like I mentioned, did do a little more because I'm like Dear Esther. Like I said, I think it was dear Esther. That game, when you play as the different family members, I believe they have, like, a slightly different gameplay style, so to speak. It's not, like, really different. It's still a walking simulator, but I think there's, like, a little bit different about it. Like, you have to do certain things. And with this, it was literally walk into a room, click on things like to open cupboards and stuff like that, just to find a tape or a note, and then you'd get some info, and then you'd leave that room and go to another room and do the same thing. There wasn't enough variety to the searching and the exploring. Obviously, the exploring, you're walking around a house, so that's not really a negative. It's more, like I said, the interactions and the engagement in that respect. But the good thing is for me is I was interested in the story, which is one of the reasons why even if I wasn't doing the Pogas, I'd have continued to play through it because I wanted to see how it all panned out. [00:49:21] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:49:22] Speaker A: And I think that's the strength of games like this is they do do good stories. Don't get me wrong. Obviously some games do have really good other games have really good stories. But these kind of games are, I think, more focused on story than a lot of other games that think, oh, let's sort out combat, and then we'll maybe make a story to go with it. [00:49:45] Speaker B: Turns out I own Firewatch, so perhaps. [00:49:47] Speaker C: I'll play that soon. Yeah. [00:49:52] Speaker B: See how these walking simulators are. [00:49:54] Speaker A: Yeah, I would play that, and then I would also play Dear Esther and look at some other ones. I'm sure it was, dear. [00:50:01] Speaker C: Esther, I just checked. [00:50:03] Speaker B: Turns out I've got Dark Side Detective and Dark Side Detective fumble in the dark. Also in my library. [00:50:07] Speaker A: How the hell have you got all these games, man? [00:50:10] Speaker B: I think that's on Amazon games. Perhaps I'll play them as why not? Yeah, I look forward to yeah, but. [00:50:21] Speaker C: No, yeah, it was nice and short. It was easy. That was playtime. It was good enough story. Yeah, I didn't pay for it, so that was good. Yeah. [00:50:38] Speaker B: I'm not sure why I want to pay loads, but yeah. [00:50:44] Speaker C: Is it a game? [00:50:46] Speaker B: That's the question. It's an interactive story walking, simulate you thing. It's not much of a game, but. [00:50:56] Speaker C: It'S cross between a film and a. [00:50:59] Speaker B: Book and a game. [00:51:01] Speaker C: And it was good. I enjoyed it. [00:51:03] Speaker A: Very different to the last game we played for the podcast. [00:51:08] Speaker B: Yes. [00:51:09] Speaker A: Violent for a start. [00:51:11] Speaker C: Yeah, I mean, I hadn't finished it. [00:51:14] Speaker B: And turns out I nearly had. I just needed to see one more screen and then I finished that. What was that? What was the game? [00:51:20] Speaker A: Inside. [00:51:22] Speaker B: Yeah, that was dark and scary. [00:51:27] Speaker C: No, I really enjoyed that. Yeah, I'd probably rate inside more than gone home. [00:51:37] Speaker B: Both relating to not being outdoors. [00:51:41] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:51:42] Speaker B: Inside, I prefer better. [00:51:44] Speaker C: This was good, but it certainly wasn't as terrifying. [00:51:49] Speaker A: Yeah, I think inside is better because it's got a better gameplay. It's as simple as that, really, for me. Not saying that can't have simplistic gameplay and it be and be a bad game, but it's not really a game game. [00:52:14] Speaker C: No, but it's good to have these. [00:52:19] Speaker B: Different things and what definitely conversations of different genres. [00:52:24] Speaker C: It was good. [00:52:28] Speaker A: Agreed. I think I think this is one that's worth playing. If you haven't played it, I think you need to temper your expectations when going into this. I think it is considered to be really good, but I think that is probably one the story is actually interesting and I think maybe because it was kind of like at the forefront of Walker similars at the time, so I think that may be one of the reasons. But yes, it's definitely worth playing. Did you find everything in the game? Because one thing I forgot to even look for is the safe in the father's office. [00:53:17] Speaker C: That was it. No, I unlocked a draw in his office, I think, so maybe that was it. [00:53:27] Speaker A: Yeah, draw, that's the one, yeah. [00:53:29] Speaker C: Was there a safe as well? No, I didn't go to a locker, but then I'm sure actually there was some other combination that I just briefly. [00:53:38] Speaker B: Saw and then didn't go. But perhaps I'misremembering there was safe in the bedroom. [00:53:44] Speaker A: A locker in the bedroom? Like a school locker style locker? Yeah, the set of drawers with the combination in the dad's room. And then there was a safe in the basement. But they're the only ones I saw. [00:53:57] Speaker B: The safe in the basement. [00:53:58] Speaker A: I didn't go to safe in the basement. I did, and it was full of fucking like heroin and needles. [00:54:06] Speaker B: Damn. Missed on that. [00:54:08] Speaker A: And you could get high now. You couldn't. [00:54:12] Speaker B: Yeah, but it was finding the dad's copy of Gentleman Magazine and then her sister's copy of Gentlemen magazine and be like, oh, what? Seriously? And then there's obviously one letter at some point in the game, and she. [00:54:29] Speaker C: Starts reading it, and then she's like. [00:54:32] Speaker B: No, I'm not reading that anymore. Of that. And you go and click on it. [00:54:34] Speaker C: And she's like, no, click on it. [00:54:35] Speaker B: Definitely not. Absolutely not. Damn. I want to know what it said. [00:54:41] Speaker A: Yeah, exactly. Yeah. I just remember DRS. I played on stream. I didn't do it for the podcast. That was fun. Fun game. Yeah. Would you recommend this game if people were listening to this now? Because I think the only people listening to it are the people who take part when they're not on the episode. [00:55:03] Speaker B: If you've got it for free, sure. [00:55:05] Speaker C: Definitely play it. If you can get it cheap. [00:55:08] Speaker B: Yeah. If you've not played one, it's a bit different. It's interesting. No, I wouldn't spend a fortune on. [00:55:15] Speaker C: It, but it's a nice, short, easygoing game and a decent enough story. [00:55:23] Speaker B: Just don't expect too much from it. [00:55:25] Speaker A: Yeah, I would agree with it. I think that's one good thing about the walking simulator is, like, you get a nice little story out of it, but it's also usually the ones I've played, they quite relaxing. I've had a really hard day playing some really scary game. Let's just play some the end of half life. Yeah, let's just play some Firewatch. Let's play some gone home. Yeah. Funnily enough, I played through this yesterday, last night. But funnily enough, I started playing and I started playing to the moon. And then I thought, let me just double check that I read his message correctly. And then I read again. I was like, oh, fuck, I bet you playing. [00:56:11] Speaker C: Yeah. How is to the moon? [00:56:13] Speaker A: I literally saw the intro and then thought, Wait a second, I'm thinking you actually said gone home, so let me go double check. And I was right. You did say gone home. Otherwise we'd had a very awkward conversation tonight. [00:56:27] Speaker B: Yeah, no, I think I'd prefer to the moon, but I had gone home already. [00:56:33] Speaker C: That's fair enough. [00:56:34] Speaker A: And I completely get that. Makes perfect sense to me. [00:56:38] Speaker C: Lay what you have indeed. But yeah. [00:56:42] Speaker A: I don't know why the fire seemed so familiar. Maybe it remind you of Resident Evil or something. [00:56:46] Speaker B: I don't know, layers of feel, maybe. I did install it on my old laptop. But then why would I install that one and not one of the many. [00:56:56] Speaker C: Other games I had? [00:56:59] Speaker B: I don't know. [00:57:00] Speaker A: Maybe something you specify on and you noticed it was a small game and you thought, Why not? Yes, maybe you were drunk and you fell on your laptop and accidentally installed it. [00:57:13] Speaker C: Maybe. [00:57:14] Speaker B: Or maybe I just saw a video. But no, I've almost certain I've played that beginning but then not really done. Anything else? [00:57:24] Speaker C: Yeah, don't know. [00:57:26] Speaker A: First thing I did, I went into the house and I went straight left and into a bathroom. [00:57:31] Speaker B: Into the bathroom, flushed the toilet and turned the tap on. There you go. Lovely. [00:57:34] Speaker A: Exactly. Yeah. Every bathroom I went into, any room with the toilet flush the chain. [00:57:41] Speaker B: Pedro was trying to be the Wet Bandits. [00:57:42] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:57:44] Speaker B: Unfortunately there were no plugs or anything. [00:57:47] Speaker A: To plug up the holes anyway. The sinkhole with like you couldn't even pick up toilet roll and stuffer in there. [00:57:58] Speaker B: That was the thing that was disappointing. Nothing was interactive really. I couldn't pick up my bottle of Coke and pour myself a drink. [00:58:07] Speaker C: I couldn't stick a bag of vegetables. [00:58:10] Speaker B: In the microwave and turn it on. Just all of the fish. [00:58:16] Speaker A: One thing that irritated me in the game is when you get to the kitchen, the fucking noise on the fridge, man. It's like damn. Yeah, I enjoyed it and I would recommend playing if you can get it for a low price, which you probably can. Or if you've had it free with something, just give it a bash. [00:58:39] Speaker C: I can curse short. [00:58:41] Speaker A: An enjoyable story too. [00:58:44] Speaker C: Yeah, progressive story. [00:58:48] Speaker A: Yeah. I think that is going to be us. I think we spent more time talking about other games than the main game. But I don't care. It's my podcast and I'll do what I want. [00:59:00] Speaker B: I can be so childish sometimes, mad with power. [00:59:05] Speaker A: My thoughts are always simple. You do the podcast and you talk about the stuff. And however long the podcast is, be it 15 minutes or 6 hours, that's fine. As long as you're having fun doing it. Like the twitch cast that we just do for G arcade regularly. That would regularly last three to 4 hours. [00:59:29] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:59:31] Speaker B: Just a nice chat, isn't it? [00:59:32] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:59:34] Speaker A: And that was live as well. [00:59:36] Speaker B: That's true. [00:59:36] Speaker A: No editing. Then again, I don't do much editing on this. [00:59:43] Speaker B: Take out your racist views and things. All that libel you've just said previously. I can't believe you said that about the King. [00:59:52] Speaker A: I know. Like old sausage fingers for those who are listening. Literally the editing for this for me is literally maybe cut the end off the start the end of the podcast. And if there's too big a space then I'll try and make a little bit short, smaller or if I fart really loud while like someone's talking then I'll mute myself. [01:00:22] Speaker B: Is that what that was? [01:00:23] Speaker A: No. The dog makes a lot of noise barking snoring like he's doing right now. [01:00:29] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:00:30] Speaker B: Well, I hope I'm at least audible in this one. [01:00:33] Speaker C: Yeah, good. [01:00:36] Speaker A: Is there anything you would like to plug? Maybe your twitch stream. [01:00:41] Speaker B: Yeah, well, sure. I've recently started streaming now that I've. [01:00:45] Speaker C: Got a decent PC I've streamed Half. [01:00:49] Speaker B: Life and I'm currently streaming The Secret. [01:00:50] Speaker C: Of Monkey Island and then I don't know what I'll stream. Perhaps a bit of Aolder scrolls, perhaps. [01:00:56] Speaker B: A bit of Firewatch, perhaps some more Monkey Island, perhaps Half Life, too. [01:01:00] Speaker C: I've got so many games to play, who knows? [01:01:03] Speaker A: Yeah, give me a list of games and I'll play oh, Dark Souls. Play Dark Souls. [01:01:08] Speaker C: I did play the remastered version on. [01:01:11] Speaker B: The switch a few years ago, so I might get Elden Ring. Play that. [01:01:15] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:01:15] Speaker A: Get elden ring. I want to see you play through that. I know we're supposed to be ending the podcast and stuff, right? But Elden Ring and Dark Souls, the only two from software games. I played that style of game and I liked Dark Souls, but I fucking loved Elden Ring. And ninja. Blade was awesome. [01:01:36] Speaker B: I don't quite get the whole Dark. [01:01:38] Speaker C: Souls, bloodborne, Demon Souls, Elden Ring, they're. [01:01:44] Speaker B: All sort of the same, but also not. [01:01:46] Speaker A: Yeah, they are similar. [01:01:53] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:01:53] Speaker B: Only haven't had Nintendo consoles for the past however many years. I'd only managed to get Dark Souls remastered. [01:02:00] Speaker C: So I am looking forward to giving Elder Wing a shot. [01:02:04] Speaker A: I'm looking forward to tuning in. [01:02:07] Speaker C: Yeah. What's my stream? I don't know. Hypes one, maybe? Sure, give me a follow. Yeah. [01:02:16] Speaker A: Twitch TV. [01:02:19] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:02:20] Speaker B: And don't forget to like and subscribe. And click the bell notification. [01:02:28] Speaker A: I think that's for YouTube. We talk about Twitch right now. [01:02:33] Speaker B: Don't forget to follow and subscribe. No, I haven't got subscribe set up. I've got anything set up. All these fancy things that pets have. [01:02:42] Speaker C: With commands and I haven't got a lot set up. [01:02:46] Speaker B: Emojis and subscriptions and bits and yeah, mine is basic. Perhaps I'll try and add some stuff. [01:02:54] Speaker C: But yeah, no, I quite enjoy it. [01:02:58] Speaker B: I enjoy the chat the most. [01:03:00] Speaker A: Yeah, exactly, the chat, that's all I want. Yeah, exactly. People popping in, having a chat, spending some time. Like, I've set up all the subs and the donations, but I don't get much in the way of subs and I don't get any donations or anything like that. I'm perfectly fine with that. It's there for if people want to do it, but honestly, if you're there chatting, then that's great. If you're there just watching, lurking, that's great. But the main thing for me is a friendly community, which I've made friends from Twitch who have met in real life. [01:03:34] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:03:35] Speaker B: Can you connect discord up to Twitch and people speak? I suppose you run the risk of anyone jumping in and being you can. [01:03:44] Speaker A: Set up discord so people can jump into a chat. You can set up your own discord to do that and then you can invite people in or for me, I can't remember exactly what if you do, like exclamation mark discord, it'll give me an discord link to my discord. So you can just join. But you just got to be careful then, when people do that, because someone could join in and give, say, racist remarks or something, but that's why you could just do it on a person by person basis. [01:04:11] Speaker C: Yeah, but no, that's what I enjoy, having a little chat with people. Exactly. And having a chat with pets now. Exactly. Good fun. [01:04:21] Speaker A: It is good fun having a chat with me. [01:04:24] Speaker B: It is. I highly recommend it. [01:04:26] Speaker A: I do. I go in the bathroom and I look in the mirror and go, hey, buddy, how are you doing? And then I'll wait for a reply. [01:04:33] Speaker B: And then the reflection replies. It's amazing. [01:04:35] Speaker A: It is, yeah. It'd be funny if that happened. I think I'd be a little freaked out. [01:04:40] Speaker B: I've taken too much lithium. [01:04:46] Speaker A: Enough. [01:04:47] Speaker B: Yeah, that's true. Perfect amount. [01:04:51] Speaker A: Exactly. I think that is going to be us, though, for this episode. Thank you very much, Hypes, for taking part, man. It's always a pleasure. [01:04:59] Speaker C: Always a pleasure. [01:05:00] Speaker A: I wonder what game I'll have you play next time. Maybe it'll be something well, we've had a side scrolling platformy kind of weird game and now a Balkan similar, so the next one is definitely going to be some kind of, I know, action adventure or platformer or no, not a platform. We done platformer action adventure or stripper game or something. [01:05:30] Speaker B: Excellent. I look forward to it. [01:05:35] Speaker C: It's going to be something larger than Gone Home. [01:05:38] Speaker B: Just give me a bit more notice. [01:05:39] Speaker A: Yes, definitely. The thing is, this is still recording, so people can hear. This is like, I want to do the podcast. I love doing the podcast, but I don't want to keep nagging people to take part. I'll be like, right, I need to sort out podcast in two weeks, I need to speak to someone to see about it. And then I'll spend my time thinking, who shall I ask? Shall I ask the same people all the time and then they get fucked off with it because I feel like I'm nagging them? Or do I ask a bigger variety of people and feel like I'm putting pressure on them as well? And because it's like something people are voluntarily doing, none of us are getting anything for it other than we just having a chat and stuff. So then I feel like I'm pouring pressure on other people to play games or watch films for the Puxy crew reviews. So I feel then like, we get. [01:06:33] Speaker B: The enjoyment and the endorphins that come with speaking with pets. [01:06:37] Speaker A: Yeah, well, if people are happy with taking part, that's great. I'm happy with that. And I don't think anyone actually has an issue with taking part. It's just I feel like a dick going like, oh, can you take part in my podcast again? Can you take part in my podcast again? You know what I mean? [01:06:53] Speaker B: It's just like, yeah, you could switch it up. Well, you have got your different podcasts, haven't you? [01:06:59] Speaker A: Yeah, the movie one is shorter as well. It tends to be apart from the fucking Doctor Who episode and the zombie versus which were hour an hour and a half for Doctor Who, because. Matt and me and Kerr were talking. A lot of Doctor Who usually lasts about 30 minutes, whereas this tends to last an hour. If it's shorter or longer, then it's shorter or longer. And same with the other one, as we found out with Doctor Who. There you go. It's all good and I enjoy doing it. And everyone who's taking part has enjoyed taking part. So they're the main things. And if people listen, then great indeed. So, yeah, that is going to be us. Thank you, everyone, for taking part. Taking part. Thank you, everyone, for listening. [01:07:48] Speaker B: Thank you, me. Thank you. [01:07:50] Speaker A: And me. [01:07:50] Speaker B: Thanks for listening. Thanks for stopping by. [01:07:53] Speaker A: I will catch you again in a fortnight with another game. I'm not sure what game that is going to be. I need to speak to someone about it. And in a week, for the Pugsy Crew reviews sorry, Pugsy Crew views. It's a different podcast that I used to do Pugsy Crew reviews and then I'll have to find out what film we do in there as well. Maybe Hyde sponsor take part in that. I can pick a really shit film for him to watch. [01:08:17] Speaker C: Excellent. I love it. [01:08:19] Speaker A: Actually, the guests always pick the film. [01:08:21] Speaker C: Oh, there you go. [01:08:22] Speaker B: Even better. [01:08:24] Speaker A: Bye. Bye, everyone. Bye.

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