On the 12th podcast Episode, my true love gave to me an Aaron from 1518. OK, he isn't from 1518, but that is when Pentiment is set.
Currently Playing: Aaron has been playing Sonic Frontiers, Death Stranding and Sommerville. All very different games. I quickly talk about a few games I have been playing, including Pokémon: Violet.
Top News: The main topic of Discussion is Xbox's acquisition of Activision Blizzard King before under the eye of the FTC, but a little chat on the new Mario Movie and a Splinter Cell radio play is also lightly touched upon.
We Play Together: As the title of the episode says the game of the show is Pentiment. A tale of mystery and intrigue set in 1518 Bavaria.
Intro: 0:00
Saying Hi: 0:16
Currently Playing: 3:19
Top News: 27:08
We Play Together: 45:45
If you’d like to get in touch or suggest a game get in touch via Twitter – https://twitter.com/_pedz_
You can also Check out my blog which has articles as well as reviews of various games with more being added – https://pedzsgameshack.com/
Check out my twitch streams over at – www.twitch.tv/p3dz
Check out Aaron who streams over on - www.twitch.tv/aayl1
Aaron's Twitter handle is https://twitter.com/aaronayl1 if you would like to give him a follow
As said by Aaron check out GRcade, it's a forum to talk about Games + Stuff - https://grcade.co.uk/
The music for the podcast is created by Rolemusic, the track is called The White and is from the album The Black Dot. If you would like to check out their library of music go to - http://rolemusic.sawsquarenoise.com/
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