It's the seventh episode of the Game Shack and Jenuall is the newest guest on the podcast.
Currently Playing: Jenuall is currently playing through Xenoblade Chronicles 3, which he seems to be enjoying but does it stack up to Xenoblade 1 or 2? Chat also veers off from Xenoblade to Elden Ring and Breath of the Wild, where the discussion revolves around how the games hooked them, or not.
Top News: The topic of discourse for this episode is the Grand Theft Auto VI leaks and the hacking of Rockstar Games. While the internet has a questionable take on Rockstar deserving the hack for taking too long is discussed, the fact that people are unhappy with how the game looks when it's such early footage is also talked about.
We Play Together: The game for Episode 7 is Medievil for the PlayStation 4, a remake of a PlayStation 1 title. How will Jenuall and Pedz find the game, will it live up to its well-regarded reputation?
Currently Playing: 1:46
Top News: 33:00
We Play Together: 46:02
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The music for the podcast is created by Rolemusic, the track is called The White and is from the album The Black Dot. If you would like to check out their library of music go to -
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