Episode Transcript
[00:00:00] Speaker A: Foreign hello and welcome to the 39th episode of Pets's Game Shack. Today we have returning guest cur9000.
[00:00:24] Speaker B: Hiya.
[00:00:25] Speaker A: How you doing, dude?
[00:00:27] Speaker B: I'm doing well. How are you doing, mate?
[00:00:29] Speaker A: Yeah, I'm doing well. I'm doing well. A bit tired. I need a pee. But I meant to go before we started and I forgot so I'm just gonna have to hold it in like a big boy.
But yeah, I'm doing good. I'm glad you're doing well. I'm glad you're doing well.
We are here today to talk about a game called Tavern Talk. It is a.
[00:00:53] Speaker B: So the visual novel, I'd say.
[00:00:55] Speaker A: Yeah, it's like a visual novel with some gaming mechanics in that you make drinks. So if you've been here before when we've played Coffee Talk, if you've listened to the. Yeah, because it was called Coffee Talk where you're a barista and you make coffee and tea and chai lattes and various other things for people. There's about 10 drinks or something for people. And this is a very similar kind of game except for it's set in a. I would say a fantasy setting but that was also fantasy setting with vampires and so on and so forth. This is more of a like dnd kind of set in.
[00:01:41] Speaker B: In.
[00:01:42] Speaker A: In the fantasy old timey stuff.
[00:01:46] Speaker B: I'd say Coffee Talk was modern times that just happened to have vampires and orcs and stuff but it was very present day fied. Whereas this is like a dnd oldie worldy thing.
[00:01:58] Speaker A: Yeah, exactly.
I would. It's. I think that's the big difference is just the set in. Because you have your fantasy characters in both.
Because not everyone's a human. Like one of the things in Coffee Talk was the human was writing a novel about everyone being human and how. And like someone was saying. And they're like oh, that's a bit, you know, thing he's saying, only he was and say not. Yes, but there's still going to be differences with different races of human and stuff like that. So it's not just what you think it is kind of thing. So there you go. Whereas this sort of what I've played a bit doesn't goes on a very different route.
[00:02:42] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:02:42] Speaker A: So far. Like it still has the emotional things and it has like a trans character has which is fable.
It has like various different ways it tries to target your heartstrings with the. The way the wolf and the werewolf and so on and so forth. Like I'm not that far into I'm only in actual too, so like I'm not really, really in there. But from what I played of it so far, like it's you set. Like in the other game in Coffee Talk, it's made by a different company. It's just similar premise really in. In that game it's more about giving them the right drink for.
For them to get on with a day. Whereas in this it's giving them the right drink so they can succeed in the quest. I don't know what happens if you fail a quest.
[00:03:36] Speaker B: No, I don't seem to have failed. It just seems to be different ways you succeed. Like they succeed by sneaking or they succeed by going in all, you know, fists and sword, but they always seem to succeed.
[00:03:46] Speaker A: Yeah. I'm wondering if you give them the wrong drink because he usually says you can either give them a drink that will increase their intelligence or their stealth or something or one that will increase the toughness but also make it fireproof or something because you can add extra ingredients in this. Whereas a wonder if you just give them something that was good for like oh, it can either be stealth or defense, but you give them something that's good for the charisma. I wonder if they don't succeed and they just fail.
[00:04:17] Speaker B: Yeah, I wish I'd have tried that, to be honest.
[00:04:19] Speaker A: I'm gonna have to know.
Load up another save and go. Let's have a look. May as well might be worth it.
[00:04:29] Speaker B: I do think, you know, if I'd have not read into it and I'd not look, I could have believed it was made by the same people as Coffee Talk.
[00:04:35] Speaker A: Yeah, it's such a similar game.
Maybe they were inspired by Coffee Talk. I don't know which came first.
[00:04:45] Speaker B: Yeah, Coffee Talk I think came first.
[00:04:47] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:04:48] Speaker B: I did a little bit of reading into this company. I know the next thing they want to do is a dragon romance simulator that's set in the same world as this. But they've done all sorts of things in the past like kids education games, things that look a bit SimCity, FIED basketball training manager. It's really a weird portfolio. There's a tactical based game, things that's supposed to teach pupils German, economics and stuff.
[00:05:20] Speaker A: So you know, big variety of games then.
[00:05:24] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:05:25] Speaker A: Software.
Yeah. I didn't realize in this you seem to be a mysterious bartender, whereas in the other one you're a mysterious barista. But what I liked about Ray is when like one of the characters you're talking to, it's like ah. Because he breaks the fourth Wall quite a bit in this compared to Cough Talk that I remember.
And one of the characters comes in like, ah, there's no point saying much to this person. They just repeat the same phrase that they programmed to say and then you, like, answer with a different phrase to what they expect. I'm like, ah. So they program me with more phrases, stuff like that, which is pretty fun. Like, I've not met loads of characters. I've met Fable, which is the first one. The rogue guy who seems to change his name every time you. He comes in.
Last time I was. Oh, yeah, I can't remember what it was. Not Amethyst, but something beginning with A. Whereas before that it was Blaze. Before that was something else.
The dwarf, the vampire. Oh yeah, the cat girl.
[00:06:38] Speaker B: Scully yet?
[00:06:40] Speaker A: Scully? No, I don't think so.
[00:06:42] Speaker B: Oh, it's a skeleton.
[00:06:43] Speaker A: Oh, that's awesome.
[00:06:45] Speaker B: Ook. It can remember being alive and then basically coming up out the grave. But apparently most skeletons are supposed to be like feral, but he just carries on talking and wearing a top hat.
[00:06:59] Speaker A: Yeah, I've put it. I've put in a fair few hours. The thing is, my Steam stats, I played it for nine hours.
It's definitely not been played that long because I've left it on when I've gone to do other stuff. But like I said, I'm only on chapter two, like in the middle of trying to investigate, like some of them are why the sky fell.
The stars from the sky fell.
[00:07:21] Speaker B: So I'm still thinking that carries on for a while because I think I'm further than you if I've met Scully on that. And I still don't really know why it fell.
But no, I think there's some really good characters in here. I like the vampire.
Yes, I like Scully. The thief guy that keeps changing his name's pretty cool.
The Molina, I think she's nice and funny and, you know, I feel quite warm to her. There's nobody that. I'm like, oh, they're flat or they've got. They don't deliver anything.
[00:07:58] Speaker A: Yeah. And I think one thing is the cards are written well enough where the characters both swell off each other. Like the. The. The dwarf whose name I forget. And the vampire is a name I also forget.
Alphonse. Yeah. Them two together are actually pretty funny because they very, very different.
[00:08:21] Speaker B: Yeah, it's a very odd couple, isn't it? Yeah, the dwarf's very like serious and down to business at work. And the vampires forgetful and a bit clumsy and a bit silly. Kind of thing.
[00:08:34] Speaker A: Exactly. And that's the thing. Like the dwarf is literally like, yes, it's just about money and earning stuff and getting all.
Whereas the vampire's like, ah, let's just have some fun.
Once I get my cape back and some sunscreen.
[00:08:54] Speaker B: Yeah, I like the sunscreen thing.
[00:08:56] Speaker A: I. I have only just got the sunscreen, well, the saliva to do the sunscreen. So I'm assuming that there all goes well. But obviously I was after I did it, the quest. A little bit of spoilers here. They.
She killed the wyvern.
[00:09:16] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:09:17] Speaker A: Kalin, I think her name is something like that.
Whereas I. I wondering if you do it in a different. Because I picked. Whatever I picked was wrong. Maybe I should have not wrong, but the one I picked, it's like, yeah, I had to kill it. And I'm thinking, I wonder if I did it differently, then she wouldn't have had to have killed alive and just got the saliva by sneaking again and sneaking back out.
[00:09:44] Speaker B: I mean, that's. That's a good thing about the game is there's clearly a lot of replay value because you can do a lot of things in a lot of different ways. And it does get the old curiosity flowing of what would have happened. I would have things differed because you think like Butterfly Effect. If that creature's not killed and how does she then interact with this person? And is the guilt not there? You know, I mean it.
[00:10:06] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:10:06] Speaker B: I wonder how in depth it is.
You'd have to play it a lot to find out, I suppose. Yeah.
[00:10:12] Speaker A: There's only one way to find out.
[00:10:17] Speaker B: But it's one of those games that I'd have loved this. Like back when I was in school and everyone was playing the same sort of games and you'd go away and have your weekend and then you'd meet up and talk about it after because of the fact that you'd all have your own little tale that would be similar but different.
[00:10:36] Speaker A: Yeah. In a strange way, while the Internet's good for a lot of things, it's kind of spoiled, that kind of thing. Because 90% of the time now you'll just have people who go on the Internet and they'll just get the information before they've done it. Especially.
[00:10:50] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:10:51] Speaker A: Like. Like I stream myself, so I can't really say, like, especially people watch streams. But like I either watch streams, I just stream. But when I watch streams, I tend not to watch games I haven't played. I'll like go in the channel and just do something else while I'm Lurking this or like, you know, I can just listen to bits and bobs occasionally because I don't want stuff spoiled for me. Terrible.
But like, you don't really get it. You. You get like, we've got Grkade, for example. You do get a community where you go on there and you have a chat about things about like the differences that have happened in your version of the game to theirs. But a lot of the time you'll have.
You'll have it already.
You'll have options which a lot of people will go, oh, do you know what? I'm just gonna look at the best route or the best class and the best stats and the best this and the best that. Then you don't really get. And then everyone like min maxes and it's not an everyone thing. I'm exaggerating a bit, you know, but it comes to the point where I think, even though a lot of things are very diverse in the ways you can play them, I think most things you'll see will be very similar because they seem to like, look at things to do the game the best they can, if that makes sense.
[00:12:10] Speaker B: This has made me think, have you ever played the Walking Dead games? The like, point and clicky style ones by Telltale? Yeah, those ones I played one and two I loved at the end of those how it would tell you the percentage of people who made a decision. It's like, yeah, 50% of people let Bob die. 50% people saved Bob. I always found that really interesting because it's. It's strange to see whether your morality and your thoughts kind of fall in line with everyone else or you've picked a really weird hill to die on or.
I wish more games did that. It's neat.
[00:12:51] Speaker A: Yeah, I, I know that like there are this, like other games in the. In the genre will do that kind of thing, but not. Not many bigger games. Like, which would be cool. I don't know. They'd implement her in some games, but it'd be cool to find out.
Be interesting to see how like Skyrim, for example, how many people sided with one.
The. I can't remember the Imperial and the. The people from Skyrim.
I can't remember the names of the groups. I haven't played Skyrim for years and when I played it, I played it as a stealthy assass passing kind of person, which. Oh yeah, in Oblivion, I didn't. I played it very different. I just hacked everything to death.
[00:13:48] Speaker B: Which is Oblivion. Oh, I loved that game. I did it 180 hours on my first playthrough, I couldn't come off it.
[00:13:57] Speaker A: I played it for a bit and then I stopped playing it and I can't remember why. And then I went back to it and just kind of like went through the story quite quickly with doing some side stuff. But it was the same with. There was must. There must have been a reason. It was the same with Fallout 3.
I was playing through it and I got to a point where it glitched and I couldn't use my right stick to turn because I was playing around the 360. So I couldn't turn left or right. I could only look up and down.
So for a while I tried playing it just like clicking vats as I'm walking to hopefully lock onto something to turn.
I can't do this. And I had to like reload a save for some reason. It. It was like I lost almost all my progress. That's the only save that would work.
So I'm not sure if I just fully restarted. And again I just went through mainly the story doing some side stuff. The problem is, is with Bethesda games like the Good, but the. The jank seems to get in the way for me and somehow break it.
Same with Skyrim. I did this. It must just be Bethesda games. I did the same with Skyrim. I played it for a bit, enjoyed it, stopped and then man. And then I came back to it a lot later and was like, ah. Then I went through it and played through it.
[00:15:16] Speaker B: You know, it's like a challenge of big complex games, isn't it? Because the more the world around you moves and the more things that happen, the more things can go wrong. To crash it and bug it up.
[00:15:26] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:15:27] Speaker B: Sort of simple linear games. If you can only go left or right, they'll be play tested to the point where every piece of ground's been trodden. Something like Fallout Skyrim where you can go any direction, do anything at any time, anything can come at you from an. There's so many calculations going on that you couldn't play test it for long enough to sort of discover every human possible cock up before releasing it.
[00:15:51] Speaker A: Yeah, exactly.
But one. One of my favorite things of Skyrim was when the. When I saw a video of the Thomas the Tank Engine mod for the dragons. Oh yeah.
Better than Skyrim itself, huh?
It was fun.
Yeah. So, tavern talk anyway, as we've gone on a bit of a tangent as usual. Yeah.
Taven talk like I need to play more of the game.
I don't know If I prefer it to Coffee Talk, because I finished the first Coffee Talk, I didn't finish the second. I think it was taken off game pass or M play to. Yeah, I can't say I prefer it over that. One thing I do like is I like the whole D and D like setting because I like D and D. It's fun.
And also I prefer making weird drinks to just normal coffee.
More interesting.
[00:16:54] Speaker B: I'm about seven hours into this, whereas I finished the two Coffee Talks, I think, because I used to write and the central character of Coffee Talk was a writer and it was. It just, you know, sometimes a game appeals to you because you see something in yourself in it or. And I don't think that's quite happened with this, but I still do think it's a blooming good game and I'd really, you know, recommend people to check it out, particularly if they like things in this sort of field.
[00:17:24] Speaker A: Yeah, I would agree with that.
To me. See, there's not one that I prefer over the other. They both. They're both so similar, if that makes sense.
[00:17:36] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:17:37] Speaker A: And I.
I don't remember if Coffee Talk had the whole. You can pick a diff. A few different options when you speak in or.
And I. I know that in Coffee Talk that you can have different endings depending on the drinks you give the people throughout the story.
[00:17:57] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:17:58] Speaker A: So like the one who does the writing for me, her book didn't sell very well and so on and so forth. But one of the things that you need to do in that is when she say, no, I want my coffee to stay awake. And you're like, no, you should really go to sleep. I made her the coffee to stay away, so she kept carrying right in. Whereas I think the one. One of those choices going throughout is you make her a tea and she goes to sleep instead.
[00:18:21] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:18:21] Speaker A: And then she ends up writing a better book. Oh, well, it does better. Not saying she writes it better, but it's that kind of thing.
[00:18:29] Speaker B: Yeah. Which I thought was them trying to like, teach you the value of taking time out and not burning out sort of thing.
[00:18:35] Speaker A: Yeah.
Whereas in this, it seems to be.
Doesn't. It seems to be aiming for different threads. Like, it doesn't seem to be going for that kind of thing. It seems more about, so far, family and accepting people for who they are really.
[00:18:58] Speaker B: Which, I mean, it's great to have that sort of message in games. Oh, yeah, definitely.
[00:19:05] Speaker A: I can't agree with you more, though.
What do you. What would you say about this game in general, though? Recommended to people. You would.
[00:19:22] Speaker B: Yeah, I definitely recommend it to people, I think.
I don't know about everyone else, but I like playing different types of games at once because they sort of give you different feelings. Like you'll have a shooter for the action. And this is a nice game to relax with. If you want to just, like, slowly play something and chill out and not be too engaged and not feel, like, frantic. You just want to play slowly and, you know, take in a stuff, then it's great and it's a real nut. Or if you've played a lot of action, getting. You want a nice palette cleanser. It'd be fantastic for that sort of thing.
[00:19:58] Speaker A: Yeah. Lovely game.
See, I say this, and I don't mean it insultingly, it'd be a nice game to play just before bed because you can relax more to it.
[00:20:08] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:20:09] Speaker A: It's not like, oh, it's boring, you'll fall asleep.
It's so. It's a nice chill game. It's gonna be less adrenaline pumping than the last shooting game where you blow everyone's faces off and rip them to pieces.
I'm thinking of Doom.
[00:20:27] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:20:28] Speaker A: I was playing Doom Eternal the other day.
Speaking of, you've been up too much in the way of gaming recently.
[00:20:51] Speaker B: Well, I've been playing Ni no Kuni.
[00:20:57] Speaker A: Mentioned.
Oh, nice. And it's a replay again. Several replay.
[00:21:05] Speaker B: No, I've played it a few times and dropped off about five hours into it. Unlike the PS3 and stuff, but this is the farthest through it I've been. I just think it's worked me better as a switch game.
I've been playing Fortnite, which is normal for me. And then I've been playing a lot of the boxing.
[00:21:27] Speaker A: The Southern North Star.
[00:21:30] Speaker B: Yeah, a bit of that one. And a bit of the fitness boxing as well.
[00:21:34] Speaker A: Fortnite I am really played much of recently. I am played it tidy for a while now, which I kind of gutted about because, like, I think I missed out on bloody Godzilla as a character.
[00:21:45] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[00:21:47] Speaker A: I kind of hit and there was a whole.
[00:21:50] Speaker B: There was a whole bit where you got to be Godzilla as well.
[00:21:53] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:21:54] Speaker B: To a certain point on the map, you became Godzilla. And that was brilliant.
[00:21:57] Speaker A: Yeah, but it was.
That. Didn't play it then. But I was kind of. I just haven't. The last couple of seasons, I just haven't been asked to play it. I get like, it's. With Fortnite, I was like before. Before it became season based. I was playing it quite a lot then, I think I played the first C. The first chapter or two. Is it chapter and seasonal, season and chapter.
[00:22:19] Speaker B: I can't remember which way around to do it.
[00:22:22] Speaker A: One or two seasons or chapters, whatever it was. And then I dropped off then and came back to it in chapter two, season two, something like that. Season two, chapter two, whichever way around there is. So I left there a while and then go back with it. But I used to play a lot with my kids mainly and none of them seem to play her as much. Even my youngest who was really into Fortnite for Christmas he had a meta quest 3 oh yeah.
And every day as soon as he comes home from school until he goes to bed, he's on that VR and I'm like dude, you need to limit there. I'll start taking it off him because it's getting on my nerves.
Like yesterday I was like, oh, I'm gonna stream. And then he's like oh, can I play all my VR? I was like fine, just play on your V there. And like I could have still streamed but I'd have him fling about in front of me and stuff like that.
Yeah, making loads of noise. So I thought I'd just leave it.
You have fun. You have fun on your bloody VR playing Gorilla tag with your friend.
I said to the Mrs. Yesterday like all those games he's got access to on there, Beat Saber Power Wash Simulator as of today because I grabbed him a three month trial of Meta Quest plus and of all the games he has access to on there, he plays mainly Gorilla tag which is some weird game where your gorillas with no feet I don't think and you use your arms to get around. So he's just there flailing his arms around. I'm just sitting there laughing at them because it looks like I've not really watched until like we played VR before but I've never watched them just for a while playing something like that. And I said to the Mrs. Like yes, I said he does look bloody stupid.
You think to myself, do I look that stupid when I'm playing VR?
[00:24:19] Speaker B: I played on this King Kong VR arcade machine and I got Mrs. To record it and like bugs are flying at your face and stuff and you, you can see them and it feels like they see you're there swatting. And then I watch the footage and it is just you swatting at thin air, going mental.
I think it's not, it's not possible to look dignified while doing VR. Everybody will look stupid and you just have to run with it.
[00:24:49] Speaker A: Exactly.
[00:24:50] Speaker B: Probably better in your home, though, instead of on a King Kong arcade machine in public?
[00:24:55] Speaker A: Well, if everyone's having a go, making themselves looks foolish, it's probably not too bad.
But, yeah, I do enjoy playing on the VR.
How are you finding the Fist of the North Star game then? Because it was obviously reduced to £4, wasn't it?
[00:25:14] Speaker B: Yeah, it's pretty good. I mean, the only thing that gets me is when you play the fitness boxing, you do punches and you do blocks as well.
Star doesn't seem to have a blocking maneuver. When you punch and then enemies are going to punch you back, you punch the exact same way you were punching to block their punches. So you're like punching their fists and I'm like, see, it's bizarre. Oh, why don't they, like, have it as blocks? Because that would feel more natural and make more sense that you're blocking somebody's incoming attacks instead of punching a punch. But, oh, well, other than that, it's good because obviously you sort of forget the exercise, don't you? If you're fighting something and you. Yeah, it just becomes a game and the more gamified it is, the more you'll do.
[00:26:06] Speaker A: Yeah, that's one. One thing I like about Beat Saber is you're flailing about chopping up these things in VR and it's just like, it's tiring, but at the same time you're enjoying it because you're having fun. Listening to some music, chopping up some things, some. There's some good games like that. Like I said, the more gamified there is, the. The more you don't mind doing it.
Compared to just traditional exercise, it's like, oh, let's go for a jog, because that's fun.
I saw something before with VR, like, it's probably in arcades and stuff, but someone had the VR in the house and it was like this big round stand thing they could stand on, so they were able to run around and the. The thing under them would move.
[00:26:53] Speaker B: Oh, wow.
[00:26:54] Speaker A: So they were able to like, run in the game and. And stuff like that and play it like as if they're in the game. And I was like, I won that. That looks cool.
So it's like this big square thing with like a round bit in the middle and it must move like a.
I don't know how it works, but it works. Looked really cool.
[00:27:13] Speaker B: That sounds awesome.
[00:27:15] Speaker A: It does. Does sound awesome.
Anything else you've been playing, man?
[00:27:23] Speaker B: No, I think that's about it, really.
[00:27:25] Speaker A: That's fair enough, to be honest. I haven't really played Lora games. I've been playing a bit of picross again because me and the missus enjoy playing picross together even though it makes me feel like stupid sometimes. And half the time I'm like, I haven't got a clue where the misses Just carries on with the puzzle and finish this. I'm like, ah, I helped. I did, I did some of the squares and then one game we finished recently was Divinity Original Divinity Original Sin 2.
Oh yeah, that was a good game.
I'm surprised the missus played it with me though, because we played the first one and know that you didn't enjoy. I'm surprised she played the first one is what I mean, because we played. We. I stuck it on and I thought, oh, it's kind of, you know, an old school RPG style game in. In the vein of Baldur's Gate and so on and so forth.
I'll stick it on. She probably won't like it though, because I just didn't think she would because it's like a, you know, an rpg.
And then we end up spending over hours in like over 100 hours in that game.
[00:28:31] Speaker B: Oh, wow, cool.
[00:28:32] Speaker A: In the first one. And then as soon as we finished the first one, we jumped straight into the second one and spent over a hundred hours in there as well.
So this is surprising how much we enjoyed it. I especially loved her thieving.
She's naughty. She would always get. I'd be in the middle of a conversation with an important NPC and then all of a sudden it stops because she's decided to try and steal something she wasn't allowed to take. And the person who was talking to me turns around is like, hey, you stop that. And then they'll just make me have to either redo the conversation or that's it, the conversation's over because they pissed off or something. I don't bloody know. And that. The second one, I think it's just as good as the first one really. I don't think I prefer it either because I.
The second one seems to improve in some things, like story in that. But like the first one, you could go to the.
In the different chapters you go to different areas, but you always get access to all those areas. In the second one, when you finish the first chapter and go into the second one, you go to a new area, you can't go back. And then we go to third area, you can't go back to the other two. And that kind of sucks because it'd be good to Go back and do.
[00:29:54] Speaker B: Some of the questions.
[00:29:56] Speaker A: Yeah, but these.
Some changes that took a while to get adjusted to as well. With the.
In the first game it was like you do certain spells and it have a certain amount of chance of affecting them depending on certain stats. In the second game it would be. It'd be the same. It. It would affect them depending on the shields. So it was. It had a magic shield and a physical shield which was different to the first game. You just add, I think you had a shield. Maybe. I can't really remember any shields in the first game, but some things would be affected once they. Once the physical shield is completely removed, other things will be affected if the magic shield was completely removed, whereas it'll always affect them if that happens. But if the gauss shield, then your skills won't have any effect. It'll just take some shield off or take some magic shield off. And it kind of. It was kind of weird to get used to and it took a good while but. And there were some points in the game where it was really hard.
It's like, right, we'll have to go and try and level up. Oh, we've killed everything we can. We've done all the quests. Let's try this again. And then we'd still be struggling. And then it's like, right, we'll just try again. And then we finally do it. And the final boss was Take man.
[00:31:25] Speaker B: I've found a few bits in NI no cooney where I've been like skipping through, killing everything, no problem. Then you beat something and you're like, that seems darn near impossible. So you have to do the walk around in a circle, fight the same things again and again until you've gone up two levels and then try again.
[00:31:41] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, that's. That's one thing I say about Dark Souls is like, yeah, they're hard games, but they're RPGs. If you want you can just go back to older areas and kill stuff over and over again to level up, then try the bosses again.
[00:31:59] Speaker B: Yeah, exactly.
[00:32:01] Speaker A: Like with Sekiro, it's different because it is not so RPG based. It's. It's literally to get better at the game, you need to improve your skills. And I dropped that game because it was hard.
[00:32:17] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:32:20] Speaker A: Yeah, that's the way it is. You know. You know, sometimes games are just a bit. A bit too much of a pain in the ass. I think it comes to how much enjoyment you get now if you're not enjoying it and there's just no Point, you may as well move on.
[00:32:34] Speaker B: Yeah. If it becomes a slog and you just grinding through it, you get to the point where now it's. It's too much trial and error and too. I'm not having fun. I could move on to something else and be loving every minute of it.
[00:32:46] Speaker A: Exactly.
Another game I've been playing. I don't know if you've ever played it.
The Incredible Hulk. Ultimate destruction on the Xbox years ago.
[00:32:59] Speaker B: Years ago. Yeah.
[00:33:00] Speaker A: I never played it. I played it recently. It's actually quite fun. That can have bits where I'm like, oh, this is quite tough. But generally speaking it's just fun. Smashing. Shit.
Pet smash.
That's quite fun.
[00:33:15] Speaker B: I mean the Hulk. The Hulk is just a character that's brilliant for video games, innit? Something that could smash through nearly everything, you know.
[00:33:24] Speaker A: Yeah.
I'm surprised they haven't made a more because I think the last couple of superhero games has been like Avengers, which was a gas game or gas whatever they say gamers as a service.
Which was all right. It was. It was an okay game. But the games and service buys were let it down really. And I think you get that with a lot of games. I know. I enjoyed Guardians of the Galaxy when I played that though. That was fun.
[00:33:59] Speaker B: Yeah, I played some of that and it seemed pretty good. I probably should have stuck with it longer, but there's always something shiny jumping in front of you there. Oh, well, look at that instead.
[00:34:09] Speaker A: Yeah, that is the problem with games. There's too. Too many coming out now.
[00:34:14] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:34:15] Speaker A: Which 30 years ago I wouldn't have been complaining about.
To be fair though, 30 years ago it probably was not as many, but there was still probably a lot more games coming out then you realize is just when you have no money because you're a child and you haven't bought for you, when you have a bought for you, you don't realize so much.
[00:34:34] Speaker B: You know, you're forced to play through the couple of games you've got because you're not getting another one for four months till it's your birthday or whatever or.
[00:34:42] Speaker A: Exactly. And that's the thing now it's like try and get what you can and things like Game Pass and PlayStation plus, stuff like that. Doesn't help with feeling like your backlog is just ever expanding.
Oh, there you go.
Anything else you'd like to add about Tavern Talk before we end man?
[00:35:08] Speaker B: No, just that I. I think it's well worth a try.
If you've never played a visual novel, it's not the Worst starting point. But if you have played a lot of them and you enjoy them and particularly like the D and D sort of thing, it's a good game. It's well worth putting on your wish list.
[00:35:27] Speaker A: Yeah, I would agree with that. It's a good fun game.
Obviously it's a bit slower and a bit more relaxed than your typical game, but there's nothing wrong with that. It's a good thing to, as Ker said earlier, palate cleanser between all your adventure and action games or as I said earlier, something to play before bed so you can relax and then doors off to sleep.
But as it stands, I enjoyed. I've enjoyed my time with that. I'm gonna carry on. I say that sometimes I do carry on and sometimes I don't because there's just so many games and then it's like try to play games on stream, try to play games to review, try to play games for the podcast.
Just too many games, but there you go. Anyway, thanks so much for taking part care dude.
[00:36:13] Speaker B: You're very welcome.
Really enjoyed it.
[00:36:16] Speaker A: I'm glad you did. Don't forget to plug your YouTube and stuff.
[00:36:23] Speaker B: Oh yeah, I'm Kerr9000 on YouTube and TikTok and pretty much anything else you can gear on.
I heard something earlier and I really wanted to say it.
Do you remember when it was on adverts that you'd go into the news agent and they'd be like this magazine available at all good news outlets?
[00:36:43] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:36:43] Speaker B: I'd just like to say Pedz's podcast available on all good podcasting places. So if you don't host this, you're by definition crap.
That's what the adverts were implying, weren't they? To make like places stock it because oh good retailers.
[00:37:02] Speaker A: Yeah, exactly. I remember. And it was very most the time you'd have to go to a newsagents and request them to order in because they wouldn't otherwise because they don't get enough people going in.
[00:37:14] Speaker B: If anybody wants to order and pay for, you know, another 400 podcasts and you happen to be rich and you're listening to this, you know. Yeah, we'll be on your platform.
[00:37:26] Speaker A: I agree with her.
Thanks man.
[00:37:32] Speaker B: You're welcome.
[00:37:34] Speaker A: Catch you later. Have a good one. And everyone who's listening, see you soon. We'll be back as soon as we can.
I know it's supposed to be fortnightly, but sometimes it just. Just doesn't happen that way. Take care everyone and bye bye.
[00:37:49] Speaker B: Bye.
Heads's podcast available on all good podcasting places.