On this episode of Pedz' Game Shack, my guest is Ashiwaa. A streamer and friend.
Currently Playing: Ashiwaa is a fan of getting Platinum Trophies on PlayStation and he's currently playing 2 games to get their Platinums. The games are Bloodborne and Resident Evil Remake HD. The discussion brings up Zelda, Devil May Cry, Crash Bandicoot and more.
Top News: Being outsiders of the game industry we don't have the knowledge of those who are involved, but we can form opinions of the information that is revealed to the broader public and with Hellena Taylor bringing up payments with Platinum over Bayonetta 3, Ash and I throw in our 2-cents.
We Play Together: Little Nightmares is the game of the show, Ash and I talk about what we like and dislike and compare it to Balan Wonderworld.
Intro: 0:00
Currently Playing: 1:28
Top News: 20:22
We Play Together: 31:44
If you’d like to get in touch or suggest a game get in touch via Twitter – https://twitter.com/_pedz_
You can also Check out my blog which has articles as well as reviews of various games with more being added – https://pedzsgameshack.com/
Check out my twitch streams over at – www.twitch.tv/p3dz
Check out Ashiwaas Streams over at - www.twitch.tv/ashiwaa
On the 29th episode of Pedz' Game Shack, we have returning guest Victor Mildew. Currently Playing: Victor tells us about playing Cross Code, Jusant...
On this episode of Pedz' Game Shack Pedz has a new guest who is known as Victor Mildew. Currently Playing: Victor has a list...