Crow Country with Hypes - Episode 37

November 14, 2024 00:56:15
Crow Country with Hypes - Episode 37
Pedz' Game Shack
Crow Country with Hypes - Episode 37

Nov 14 2024 | 00:56:15


Show Notes

On the 37th episode of Pedz' Game Shack, we have returning guest Hypes.

Hypes and I discuss Crow Country, a game in which you are agent Mara Forrest trying to find out what has gone on in the Crow Country theme park. The game harkens back to the PlayStation 1 era of survival horror like Resident Evil and Silent Hill.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:16] Speaker A: Hello and welcome to the 37th episode of Peds Game Shack. Today we're going to be talking about games like we always do on the Game Shack because it's a game podcast. We have Hypes returning. He is here somewhere. [00:00:32] Speaker B: Hello. [00:00:33] Speaker A: See Dildo, Great introduction. Yes. Anywho, as we've done for the last few episodes, we've kind of dropped the format. They used to be the format of games we play in at the moment and then news and then the episode game, so to speak. But we kind of just go straight into the episode game and see where we trail off. That's how it goes now. [00:01:01] Speaker B: It's all free flowing, just freewheeling. [00:01:04] Speaker A: Yeah, it's kind of. It's just freewheeling. Yeah. Just see how it goes and if it sounds better or worse, then people should get in touch and let me know and then I'll go back to the old format. But until then I'm sticking with this. Just because. Just because. Anyway, the game that we have both played this time is called Crow Country. [00:01:29] Speaker B: Crow country, not county. [00:01:30] Speaker A: Yes, yes, I believe it's Crow Country. Yeah, it is country. Yeah. Yeah. And it is about a load of birds and you fly around and make a country by breeding loads of. No, it's not about breeding birds. Basically it is a. It is a game that is kind of a homage to the PlayStation One titles like Resident Beaver and so on and so forth. Silent Hill. But I would say mainly Resident Evil, to be honest, from what I played this. But then again, I. I've only dabbled. Only dabbled in Silent Hill. So I could be wrong. [00:02:23] Speaker B: Someone who's never played Silent Hill or any of the Resident Evils, I am unable to correct you. [00:02:29] Speaker A: Well, there you go then. If you can't correct me, whatever the reason, it means I'm right. Simple as. Anywho, the game itself was. I finished it today. I finished it literally a quarter to nine this evening. [00:02:52] Speaker B: I was gonna say I saw you playing it. [00:02:54] Speaker A: Yeah, I was playing it today. I've been playing a like during there and then today I jumped on, I thought I'll play more of it before we do the podcast. And I was like, I think I'm near the end now. I want to carry on and add food. Waited around, done like, waited after my food, took the dog for a walk with the Mrs. Come back and then jumped on for another hour and finished it. And I was like, yes, this was a fun game and I rather enjoyed it. [00:03:17] Speaker B: I think I'm near the end, but I've not quite Finished. [00:03:21] Speaker A: Ah, well, I finished. Like I said, literally just finished it. Unless there's more than one ending. And also more. I didn't get like all secrets and like that, but I did get. I think there's 15 secrets. 15 secrets. And I got six of them. [00:03:40] Speaker B: I don't remember finding any secrets. Oh dear. We'll have to try. [00:03:44] Speaker A: You may have found secrets, you might just not know about them. That could be true because there is spoiler alert. We're gonna probably talk spoilers anyway. And anyone who doesn't want to know about them can play the game and then listen and then see like, oh yes, I agree with what Pets and Hypes has said. Or no, pet and Hype are talking out of bollocks. Up to you. But there's a map piece you can find that if you. When you go on the map, you press like I was using Xbox. You press Y and you guess it shows the rooms with secrets in it did do that. Yeah. So that's all I know. I got six. Some of them I, I couldn't really. I couldn't be asked, even work out. And I'm. And I always thought you must get a flame thrower. But I never got one. [00:04:31] Speaker B: I mean, for ages I thought they were just taking the piss with the shotgun. [00:04:37] Speaker A: Yeah, so much shotgun shells. [00:04:39] Speaker B: Is there a shotgun? I've been picking up the shotgun ammo since the start. [00:04:43] Speaker A: I picked up pistol ammo from the start. Shotgun ammo from the start. A few magnum rounds. And I've got like 10 or 12 mini gas canisters. I assume that's for a flamethrower. Haven't found the flamethrower. And I finished the game. No, no, no flamethrower. But I'm assuming this day because one of the. Throughout the game as you play and you find notes and it's like little hints basically of things, but it's done in a like a story based way. So it kind of gives you a hint of what to do, but it kind of puts it into like a paragraph or two or of so and so is going to do this or this could happen. So blah, blah, blah, that kind of. So one of the things he says is like, oh yeah, can someone go. And the door's a bit rickety. Can someone go apologize? Not exactly fireproof, is it? So I'm assuming, all right, you gotta set that door on fire at some point. Never got to that door to set on fire. I'm assuming it's a door that I'd passed. Just never set on Fire. So I'm guessing some way. I don't know if way is a flamethrower, but I don't know. There you go. [00:05:57] Speaker B: Probably entirely true. Yeah. [00:05:58] Speaker A: Yeah. But I was. [00:06:02] Speaker B: I'd forgotten I'd picked up the gasoline canisters. [00:06:04] Speaker A: Yeah. I got a fair few and they seemed pointless. Well for me at the time. But now like pointless because I didn't get anything. Water. But there was one puzzle I didn't get done. It was in the train room. [00:06:22] Speaker B: Yeah. No, I've been there and I've no idea what that is about. Well, it's just a good save point for me. [00:06:27] Speaker A: Yeah. The train rooms are. But there's a train. Basically you've got the computer terminal. You use the computer desk and then it gives you like num letters each train cart. And then I'm like, I don't know. [00:06:41] Speaker B: Because I was there. Terminal in there. [00:06:45] Speaker A: There it is. It's behind the curtain. [00:06:49] Speaker B: Well, I'll just go and see what's in there then. [00:06:51] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. [00:06:52] Speaker B: But these things I got back and forth and backtracking and trying to remember what you've seen before. [00:06:59] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:07:00] Speaker B: That you now are able to access because there's the keys that you finally get. [00:07:04] Speaker A: Yeah. I got a silver key. I got. I got a silver key which is the second key I think. And I run around the entire place and unlock loads of stuff and I kept saving. In the first save room you go to, you can make like get in through the back of it through different exit. And I unlock loads of doors. And because of the way I was turning the camera angle I didn't see another door which had a silver lock on it. So spend ages ago. I know there's another key but I lock that needs a silver key but I can't remember where it is. Like run past it about 10 times. I probably wasted a good hour and a half looking for the door I was running past earlier. Felt like a idiot. When I took me a while to. [00:07:44] Speaker B: Work out change the camera angle. I was like why can't I shoot these things? I can't see anything. How am I supposed to know if there's something on that wall? [00:07:53] Speaker A: Yeah. I will say though that one of the things I dislike about the game is I find the combat not great. I find it a little bit like inaccurate. It's hard to judge it. Right. And it's a bit slow. [00:08:06] Speaker B: 100% I would agree. That's what I was going to say. Aiming the gun. I mean when you. You're sort of like facing towards someone Then you raise your gun, then suddenly, oh, no, hang on in a completely different direction. And then it takes about 700 shots. And you think, well, I should have killed this by now. Yeah. [00:08:23] Speaker A: So many things I shot. And I like used it up an entire thing of ammo and was like, well, I'm out of ammo now and I've shot this thing eight times in the face. And it's just going also with the combat. The bosses, I tend. I didn't die against a single boss. Right. Because while they would move around faster when they would attack, it would seem slower than the normal enemies. And the spiky enemies, they're a fucking nuisance. They like just randomly swing at you as you're walking past them. So a lot of the time I would get killed by them than I would other shit. Like certain enemies are more difficult than bosses. [00:09:03] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:09:04] Speaker A: And you also get ranked for your completion on the game. [00:09:07] Speaker B: Dude, the gas trap things that I've walked over, that got me a lot more times than the M than we did because I could just run away from them. But yeah, I think that's. Traps. I'd be like, oh, shit. [00:09:19] Speaker A: I think that's another thing that's annoying is like, you can get rid of the gas traps, but they'll come back at some point. You can get rid of the enemies, and then more enemies will spawn or for enemies will spawn in the same area. So a lot of the time you end up using up a lot of armor to kill stuff. So then have to kill the same thing again or stronger. By the. By the end of the game, I was just running around because I just couldn't be bothered. The good thing is, though, I don't. It's good and bad. It's a survival game, but if you're running low on ammo, you can just run back to your car and get. [00:09:54] Speaker B: Ammo up the boot or any vending machine. [00:09:58] Speaker A: Exactly. [00:09:59] Speaker B: Trash can. [00:10:00] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:10:01] Speaker B: But you know, it is only five clips. [00:10:05] Speaker A: Yeah. But yeah, that makes it a bit easier than the traditional like res or something where you have a finite ammo amount of it, that is. But I'm not sure because I played draw normal or whatever it was called survival horror mode. I wasn't sure I was. I was meaning to jump on before I jumped the game again before I jumped on you to just check if the hardest difficulty did that or if you actually have to conserve your ammo better, which would make sense. But I couldn't say. [00:10:37] Speaker B: I'd say you'd have no ammo at all. I find it quite hard just having the five bits that you managed to find from each Fender machine and then trying to do anything, really. That gives me enough of the scares. [00:10:53] Speaker A: Yeah. Oh, you. [00:10:55] Speaker B: How. [00:10:56] Speaker A: How do you feel about this game then? Because I. I rather enjoyed it. I don't think it's amazing, but it is good. [00:11:04] Speaker B: Really quite enjoyed it. Apart from some of the intricacies around the combat. It's. It's quite atmospheric. Yeah, it's made me jump a couple of times. [00:11:17] Speaker A: Quite funny at times as well, to be honest. [00:11:19] Speaker B: Been expecting that. Yeah, quite. Quite amusing. It's intriguing what's going on, why am I doing it? And, yeah, I've not played any of those, but it sort of reminds me of like point and click adventures when they sort of first went to like a 3D graphic. So, yeah, you know, although it's. It's not really like going around just clicking on anything. Will this work? Will this work with that or that work? [00:11:48] Speaker A: No, it won't. [00:11:49] Speaker B: You know, you. You know what you're supposed to do in. And it's unlocked in a sort of Metroidvania kind of style, you know, oh, I can do this now. I could do that. You still got that hint of, you know, point and click, walking around, not entirely knowing what you do, solving puzzles. [00:12:12] Speaker A: In such a way. [00:12:13] Speaker B: So, yeah, I really quite enjoyed it. [00:12:16] Speaker A: Yeah, it's rather fun game. What do you think about the visual style of the game, man? Because obviously it's. It's meant to be like a homage to the PlayStation 1. [00:12:25] Speaker B: So it's. It's that early sort of ed. It's a. It's a bit shitty. But, yeah, you know, visuals don't really bother me. So I find it quite good. You. [00:12:37] Speaker A: Yeah, I like the aesthetic, generally speaking. I think it looks quite nice. And it's. For me, while a nice game is good to look at a game that's not particularly nice to look at doesn't stop me from enjoying the game. If the game is good, that makes sense. Like, gameplay is king for me. So, like, I'm not being funny. You could have the sexiest looking game in the world, but if it plays like, I'm not gonna play it, I'm gonna be like, I'm done, you know. But obviously this was a specific style they went for. They thought, oh, you know what? We really like Resident Evil and what have you, and we really like PlayStation 1 games. Let's try and give her a kind of Resident Evil slash final Fantasy style of look. Thinking more character models, you know, it's not. [00:13:27] Speaker B: It's not. It's not going for a realistic look within that style of graphics. You know, she looks like a. To some extent of the character or other human characters look like that. [00:13:43] Speaker A: Exactly. [00:13:44] Speaker B: I think it really. [00:13:48] Speaker A: Jose, you cut out there. [00:13:52] Speaker B: So I. Well, I think it plays with its visual style perfectly. [00:13:55] Speaker A: Yeah, I would agree. I would agree. Are you tradition. Do you like this kind of survival horror game, then? I know you said you haven't really played Resident Evil, at least the ones back in the day, but is there anything else you played that's similar? [00:14:22] Speaker B: Maybe. I can't think. You know, I suppose it's. It's. In a way, it's all I'm gonna say. It's kind of like a puzzle castle. Yeah. What. What other survival horrors would you say there are? Pets? [00:14:42] Speaker A: Lord in the Dark? [00:14:43] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:14:43] Speaker A: Isn't that a survival horror? [00:14:48] Speaker B: Maybe. Again, I've probably not played a survival horror, but no, I enjoyed this. So, you know, to what extent is this really like Resident Evil? Well, I don't know, to be honest. It feels like Resident Evil has a lot more zombies and less puzzles. Is it? [00:15:07] Speaker A: No, no. The older ones especially are very puzzly and in the bigger games as well, so there's a lot more puzzling. Even like the first big tough enemy. I wouldn't say it's big tough enemy. The first main thing you kill is like this plant, right? You go into this room with this plant and they'll just fuck you up. But if you. What you're supposed to do is go somewhere else. Look at a formula that you mix together. It's just a couple of, like, oh, you use a bit of blue, use a bit of red, that kind of thing. Mix it up and then put her into a thing and then it waters the plant and kills it. So, like, even from there, you have puzzle and stuff, but you also have proper bosses that you fight, same as this. It's kind of like a decent split of each. You got your exploration, you've got your combat, and you've got your puzzles. Typically, though, from what I remember of Resident Evil, it's been a long time since I played it. When you kill something, it tends to be not coming back. You don't have to worry about, oh, there's. There's more enemies in the room. Except for certain points where hunters appear in the first game or the remake of the game where Crimson Head zombies pop up if you don't pop off the head or set them on fire. But, like, you should. You should give. Give it A try. If you've got access to PlayStation, an Xbox, a PC or even a Switch, I think you can. You can play Resident Evil remake or. Because that's more of a traditional Resident Evil game that's like. This is different in that, like Resident Evil. Resident Evil had fixed camera angles. It had a very specific control type. This. You can turn the camera. Controlling is much easier. I would. I don't know which has got the most clunky combat, to be honest. Because Resident Evil is kind of like you aim at something, but there's no like sights or anything like that is in this. You just gotta kind of guess. [00:17:12] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:17:13] Speaker A: And as they get closer to you, then you aim up and shoot them in the face. But if you aim up and they're distance away, they'll just shoot way above. Like it's kind of like three points of aiming low, medium and high. But it kind of feels okay. At least it did when I played in the last time I played the Resident Evil remake, at least was properly. Was back on the game. Cool. It was a while ago. [00:17:39] Speaker B: Yeah. So I enjoyed it. But I enjoyed the horror and the puzzle element more than the survival element. [00:17:48] Speaker A: Yeah. Let's understand. [00:17:50] Speaker B: Because that wasn't. That is. Is not that great. And Yeah. I just get frustrated when there's an enemy standing in front of me and I'm shooting him. [00:18:00] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:18:01] Speaker B: And then he kills me because. Yeah. [00:18:04] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:18:05] Speaker B: It's one frustrating thing about it, really. [00:18:07] Speaker A: I can understand that. I. I do feel that some of the enemies seemed a little bit of a pain in the ass to kill. Like the little bl. Ones with a weird face. Oh, the spindly man was a pain in the ass most of the time. I killed them by waiting till they got near a barrel, shot the barrel, then shot them a couple of times. And they were all right about that. [00:18:26] Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah. [00:18:27] Speaker A: But there was ones. They were like blobs and then they had a face on them. And them would take at least a clip and a half. I mean, I was shooting her in the mask slash face thing. I assume that's its weakest spot. But I couldn't see. Then again, maybe I should have used my shotgun more. [00:18:46] Speaker B: You know about headshots and things. But. Yeah, who knows if you're ever doing a headshot because you can't really see from the angle that you aim in and where you aim in and how close you have to be. Yeah. [00:18:55] Speaker A: But it does say one of the tips in that game is the closer you are to an enemy, the more damage it will do. The Problem is, is when you. Course they hit you. They hit you. [00:19:04] Speaker B: Yeah. The more damage it does to you as well. It's a very new game then, isn't it? Obviously, it's only come out this year. [00:19:12] Speaker A: Yeah, it's new. It's very recent. I remember it being mentioned on Grcade is when I first heard about her, I was like, crow Country I got to address. And then I popped in the front. Oh, that looks pretty good. I said. I was thinking to myself, I'm not really sure about the character, the design of the character, because while it does have the PS1 aesthetic, for me, they're a little bit too cylindrical and smooth, whereas from what I remember of PS1 games, they were a bit more, like, blocky. But I think. [00:19:44] Speaker B: Yeah, well, like I said, I don't think they're going through the realism. [00:19:47] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:19:49] Speaker B: Aesthetic with the character. They do sort of look like doll in that they have the sort of line for joints, in a way. [00:19:55] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:19:56] Speaker B: Don't they? [00:19:57] Speaker A: Yeah. But I. I think if. If you're. If you've never played this, for people listening, if you've never played a game like Resident Evil and you like this, play something like Resident Evil, because I think you'd get a lot of enjoyment out of it. And there's. I think the puzzles in Resident Evil. The puzzles in Resident Evil. There are more complicated puzzles in Resident Evil, but you ain't gonna go into Resident Evil, honestly. You're not gonna go to Resident Evil and go, oh, my God, I'm stuck. This is tougher than the Witness or something. Because that isn't gonna be the case. You know, it has its puzzles, it has its exploration, and it has its combat and stuff like that, but none of them are, like, stupid dot like this. There's no puzzles in Resident Evil where you're just. I never go back to it just because it. It seems to have, like, a limit on Morris doing so you can actually play the game. Whereas something like the Witness, after a few balls of playing, I was like, yeah, I can't do this, and stopped. Because that is puzzle only. You know, this is this. This game and Resident Evil and all that has a wider variety of mechanics. So I think it tries to do. Yeah. And does succeed in doing them well to. All right. Like the combat. This is all right. It could be much better. But I think, again, it's trying to invoke the sense of older games where combat was clunky. [00:21:30] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. So this is the first game like this. The games, the developers have done. [00:21:42] Speaker A: I have no Idea I don't think about the developers didn't even look. [00:21:46] Speaker B: I've just looked it up. [00:21:47] Speaker A: All right. Okay. Well it's the first game they've done at all. First game like this. Sorry. [00:21:52] Speaker B: No, no, evidently they did snippet clips. Did they? And snippet clips plus yes, according to Wikipedia they've also done Detective Grimoire games. Neville is a point and click and Detective Grimoire, Secret of the Swamp and Tangle Tower. So I can see where they've bought the sort of point and click puzzle elements into it. But yeah, evidently they've not done a survival or. Or 3D game as far as I can tell. [00:22:28] Speaker A: No slip eclipse is 3D if you. Well it's not like I can't even think of it if you do if this. No it's not. It's just too. [00:22:40] Speaker B: Plays on being 2D. [00:22:42] Speaker A: Yeah, I know and the thing is with that game, that is another puzzle game as well, isn't it? Yeah, it's all about snipping your clips until you fit them in the right shape. [00:22:55] Speaker B: I don't think I ever really played snippet clips apart from the demo when I tried a switch when they were an event. [00:23:05] Speaker A: Yeah, well snippet clips. I never finished it but I did play what I did play of. It was really good fun. I'm awful person who doesn't finish games a lot of the time but I did finish that with me and the Mrs. No we didn't finish up. I did play with the misses for a bit but then again the other day me and the Mrs. Finished Divinity. Original sins. It's not like we can't sit down and play a long game. We put over 100 hours into that and I was well shocked because it's not like it look like normally we play games together but it's stuff like overcooked or I don't know Templar like. Like pick up play easy go in. Well I wouldn't say overcooked as easy go in me snippet clips that was. [00:23:52] Speaker B: Released at the start of yeah lifestyle. You're like oh yeah actually perhaps I quite like to play it. And then you'd go to the Nintendo Switch store and it's probably about 20 quid and you're like why game that would be great to have been reduced now to about four pound fifty or whatever and you'd give it a go. You'd be like oh well actually yeah I might give that a go. But yeah, yeah the prices are shocking. [00:24:20] Speaker A: But yeah it's is. This has been a fun Game. Right. I enjoyed it. I don't know if I'll like do another playthrough of it or check out the other difficulties now because I meant to before I jumped on you and forgot. So it's kind of pointless. But like once I finished the game it was like oh, you've got a rank. Oh, you've unlocked this. So it does have that thing that Resident Evil even has where it's like oh, you completed the game without saving. You've infinite rocket launcher and like that. So you can just go like every enemy dead, dead, dead. And we're worried about that. Just enjoy. The problem is with that kind of thing is you already finished the game. It's like I don't care about going through the game with a rocket launch. [00:25:16] Speaker B: You've solved the puzzle. So it's not. It's not like it's a sort of RPG combaty game where you could improve or whatever. You know, I could kill the enemies better. I don't really care. Yeah, solve the puzzles. I know what the mystery was or whatever. Yeah, yeah. [00:25:33] Speaker A: But they tend to be. Tends to be with like Resident Evil there are like different things you can unlock by finishing the game in certain amount of time or with certain sale various things. And this gave me a rank at the end which you know, was okay I suppose. But I saved a lot. I've sort of saved like fucking 20 odd times or something like that 30 times. But every time I go past save room. Oh, I'll just save. Yeah, why not? And obviously it's like oh, you've unlocked this. So you've got so. And they looked like another at least two spaces for unlocks. I don't know if that is just out of the screen they went for or there is actually two other things to unlock so would be good to find out because it could make the game even more fun. Yes. Awesome. [00:26:28] Speaker B: Yeah. Well, when you've got your flamethrower, just walk around killing everything and then take your time to see what you can unlock. I guess that's the thing. Just a bit annoyed with all the. All the enemies that are all around and just too tough to kill. [00:26:46] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:26:47] Speaker B: Five bits. [00:26:47] Speaker A: Another. Another pain in the ass enemy was that big one that looks like it's holding a piece of wood and hits you as you walk past it because it does like two hits dead from. [00:26:57] Speaker B: And then doesn't quite die and you think oh, he's dead and he's not. It gets up and kills. [00:27:04] Speaker A: No, you kill him. Do you want to know a little Secret. You get him on his knees, right? Get him on his knees. You don't shoot him in the face. You go behind him and shoot him in the back. [00:27:17] Speaker B: Sneaky. [00:27:18] Speaker A: Yeah, that's. That's a puzzle in itself. [00:27:25] Speaker B: The backside. [00:27:26] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, just shoot him in the butt. I saw one of them later in the game and I thought, oh, it's facing the other way. So I shot in the bag and just turned around. I was like, oh, I shot you in the back. You should have died. [00:27:44] Speaker B: So, yeah, I enjoyed it. [00:27:48] Speaker A: Yeah, I enjoyed it. [00:27:50] Speaker B: I think it's got overwhelmingly positive reviews on Steam. [00:27:53] Speaker A: Would you add to the. How would you. If you was to review this game in the sense of out of 10, what would you give it and if you don't want to read it out of 10, would you recommend her at least? [00:28:05] Speaker B: I would certainly recommend it. You need a controller if you're playing on PC, which fortunately I did have. [00:28:11] Speaker A: Yeah, I use my Xbox. [00:28:13] Speaker B: I would give it a solid eight. Yeah, me too. Solid eight out. Eight out. [00:28:21] Speaker A: You don't have 108 up. [00:28:23] Speaker B: Captured. I loved it. I'd give it a solid four. No, yeah, 10. Play six. A sequel. [00:28:37] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. If there was a sequel or even if they followed up with another starlet. Yeah. Another game kind of in the similar vein of this. But yeah, I enjoyed it. And it's cool to see that they doing various different games because it just means that the next game they do could be something completely different again, you know? [00:28:58] Speaker B: Yeah. So, yeah, games getting puzzles being like, oh, I. I know how I can solve that. Whenever I get that thing. Getting a thing going. Oh, hang on. That might work with that. Going through it. Yeah. [00:29:13] Speaker A: I'm all flocked up. I'm awful at point and click games. I am, as you've seen, when I've streamed them before, it's like, what am I doing? What am I doing? [00:29:23] Speaker B: Years ago, when I asked you to stream Monkey island or India. No, that was at Indiana Jones. Got past the first bit. [00:29:29] Speaker A: I got to think the off the first bit and into like a cave or something. And eventually, yeah, I think. [00:29:36] Speaker B: I think several hours. [00:29:38] Speaker A: I think I got knocked out by some guy in boxing, I was gonna say. [00:29:42] Speaker B: I remember you getting to the box, which is not very far. [00:29:48] Speaker A: I didn't do very well that time. That was because I wasn't feeling well, so I couldn't think straight. [00:29:54] Speaker B: I love playing clicks. I'll always, always give time to point. Clicks? [00:29:58] Speaker A: Yeah, I like point and clicks. Have you played Dark side Detective? [00:30:07] Speaker B: No, it's on my Deck to play because you recommended it to me probably last time we played something or talked about point and clicks because I was playing a point and click at the time or what. [00:30:18] Speaker A: Yeah, it's definitely worth checking out one. [00:30:20] Speaker B: It's in my library to be played. Yeah. [00:30:23] Speaker A: You should play the first one and then I'll complete the second one at the same time and talk about that on you. [00:30:29] Speaker B: Because I played Firewatch for the first time. A few. Well, it's probably last year this time, which is sort of a. More of a walking simulator. Pointing click. [00:30:38] Speaker A: Yeah, I enjoyed. I thought that was really good to be honest. [00:30:42] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:30:44] Speaker A: To be honest with them. [00:30:47] Speaker B: I've still got the new Monkey island to play which I bought on release and I still haven't played. I'm playing through the Monkey Islands playing Monkey Island 2. I say playing. I've been dipping in and out of it over the last few months and I've just got stuck. [00:31:01] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:31:02] Speaker B: I don't know. Some people love Monkey island too, but I just can't get on with it as well. It's too different to Monkey Island 1. [00:31:07] Speaker A: Is it the Chuck's Revenge. I didn't. [00:31:11] Speaker B: Different graphical style. Different graphical style. Yeah. [00:31:14] Speaker A: Right. [00:31:16] Speaker B: So. But yeah, so I've got that to play. Yeah. There's too many point clicks to play. I. I did go through a stage in probably in. Probably in Lockdown where I played a good few of the old Luc Pointing clicks for the first time. The dig loom. But there's still countless stuff. [00:31:42] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:31:42] Speaker B: What's the salmon Max? Was that a point click or the. [00:31:46] Speaker A: Our Max point click? Yeah, I think so anyway. [00:31:50] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:31:51] Speaker A: How would you rate this in comparison to Insight or Gone Home? Because we Gone Home was the walking simulator where you go find. Go back to your house to find out what the fuck's gone on and Inside is just that weird game that. [00:32:09] Speaker B: Was a sort of point click. [00:32:10] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:32:11] Speaker B: Gone Home. Yeah. I mean it's. It's sort of a cross between them both. [00:32:21] Speaker A: Do. [00:32:21] Speaker B: Do I always do a pets game shack around Halloween and though I get these games because yeah in Inside was weird but yeah, really good. [00:32:39] Speaker A: I'll see you when we do inside. [00:32:42] Speaker B: Semi creepy in that you've come across an abandoned home and you don't know what the going on. [00:32:47] Speaker A: Yeah. Are you enjoying this as well? Obviously I think I was supposed to be considered one of the better. Gone Home was considered to be one of the better walking similars at the. To be at the beginning of the genre, like so to speak. [00:33:05] Speaker B: Yeah. No, I. I've liked Them all. Yeah, sure. I'd play any of them again if I. If I played one of them again, it would probably be inside once I finished Crow Country. But yeah, I'd be equally happy to see a sequel to Inside as I would to Crow Country. [00:33:30] Speaker A: Yeah, I do wonder what they'll do because the inside obviously was. Wasn't a follow up to anything. But the game they did before that was Limbo, which was like you're a kid again, trapped in Limbo. Like I remember it first being short. I was like, oh, that looks really cool. Because I like the. The art style of era. Like the visuals and stuff. And like it shows a little kid running along and then getting killed by a giant spider. And I thought, oh. [00:34:03] Speaker B: Yeah, I. I need look at Limbo as well. [00:34:08] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. [00:34:10] Speaker B: Where would I rate it? I'd probably rate inside, above Crow country and then that above Gone Home. But they're. They're different styles of games completely really. So it's hard to really put them in one against the other. [00:34:31] Speaker A: Nah, it's not. You just go, this is better than that one. [00:34:37] Speaker B: Just do it. [00:34:39] Speaker A: Is there anything you'd like to add before we end? Well, Crow Country. [00:34:46] Speaker B: I think that's all I've got to say about Crow Country. Yeah. [00:34:49] Speaker A: Right. Anything else you want to chat about before we chat? [00:34:55] Speaker B: What are you pets? I've. I've. Have you. Have you hacked your 3Ds recently? I seen. [00:35:01] Speaker A: No, I wouldn't do such a thing. I just bought all the games. [00:35:04] Speaker B: Exactly. No, I'll. It's hacking it to play games that you couldn't play there or anywhere else. [00:35:11] Speaker A: Yeah, that's the thing. I understand why. I was gonna say I understand why a lot of people would now want to hack the 3Ds. Like, I was like, system, isn't it? You can't. You literally can't get half the games because they download only or you pay 7 million pound on eBay. [00:35:33] Speaker B: Yeah. Oh, you could. You could buy j. Multiple copies of Fire Emblem Fates. Yeah, no, I. I installed a 3ds, not 3ds, a 3ds emulator on the 3ds. That'd be dumb. Yeah, I. I installed a Virtual Boy emulator on the 3DS and I played all the way through Virtual Boy Wario Land. [00:35:57] Speaker A: Oh, nice. I viewed it sort of like 3D. [00:35:59] Speaker B: Good intended. Yeah. No, I actually really enjoyed it. And now I kind of want to go through and play Mario Land games. I'm not sure how Many other hidden gems there are that Nintendo has never deemed suitable for us to ever see the light of day. [00:36:17] Speaker A: When you say you want to play the other Mario or Wario Land games, you mean just generally. [00:36:23] Speaker B: Wow. Yeah, yeah, yeah. [00:36:25] Speaker A: I played Wario Land 1, which is Super Mario Land 3, but I don't think. Yeah, that was really good. I had a bad end in the. [00:36:35] Speaker B: I think. I think I played maybe Wario Land three or whatever. One of them was the Game Boy advance game, maybe. And I think that might. One of the games that you got as a 3Ds ambassador, where you bought it too early and then they dropped the price and threw in a couple of ROMs. [00:36:57] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, it was 21st 20 for some GBA games on it. [00:37:01] Speaker B: GBA games. [00:37:02] Speaker A: I think I may have played another Wario Land game, but it was more retro Monday, where I used to do an hour of a retro game a week. And I think Matt may have been like, oh, play Super Mario Land through Super Wario Land 3 or Super Wario Land 4. So that's why I led to Planer. But it was only an hour. So, yeah. [00:37:24] Speaker B: So, yeah, I was enjoying that on my 3Ds. And now I've been playing some other GBA games, nice GB games that I have on it now. It's a nice little handheld to carry around. Not as big as the Switch. So, yeah, I'd recommend doing those things. What else have I been playing? I was playing Assassin's Creed for a while, but I need Assassin's Creed 2 for a while. I need to get back to that. [00:37:52] Speaker A: I like. I like the Assassin's Creed. [00:37:54] Speaker B: My first Assassin's Creed game. [00:37:56] Speaker A: Assassin's Creed 2 is a good game. I like. I like Assassin's Creed. I know a lot of people don't because it's rather repetitive for the. Not main missions, but the main missions are, at least from what I remember and what I thought at the time were really good. And also they were. You could tackle them however you wanted. Whereas like 2 onwards they became more scripted, which is a shame. But they're still very good. [00:38:28] Speaker B: Yeah, no, I've enjoyed it. And then what else am I playing on PC? Wooden ring I've gone back to now that it seems to run okay on my PC again for the while. For the most. I haven't played that for a while. I got to like a massive elevator that didn't work and then I. There were massive catapults and something suddenly started firing madness at me. So. [00:38:55] Speaker A: When I. When I last Jumped on Elden Ring. It was a couple of weeks ago. It was. I was going to do the dlc. [00:39:02] Speaker B: But I think you're in the same sort of place that I'd been. [00:39:07] Speaker A: That's it. [00:39:07] Speaker B: He had to do something else. [00:39:09] Speaker A: Yeah, I got the dlc, but it was after I'd finished the game and then I thought, oh, I'll just start new Game plus. And this was when I finished the game, like when I first played through it. I thought, I'll just give a new game a plus, a little go. And I jumped on, did a boss or two and carried on and never went back to when the DLC came out. At some point, I'll jump on. I jumped on. I was near the. I don't know, the Magic School or wherever it was. I was like, oh, how do I get the dlc? And then I looked online and according to that, you need to like kill a certain boss and do it then. And it's like quite a bit further into the game. So unless you can run over there. So I was like, okay, I'll just play a little bit. I'm going back to a sense because it's like while I want to play it and get to the dlc, I can't be asked to play up to that point and do the DLCs. One access to my DLC. [00:40:05] Speaker B: Yeah, it feels like you should just be able to play it when if you've bought it, you shouldn't have to do something to be able to play it. [00:40:11] Speaker A: Exactly. [00:40:12] Speaker B: It's quite annoying. [00:40:13] Speaker A: Cheeky. [00:40:14] Speaker B: And also, I guess I've been playing Golden Eye Source most recently with the other guys on Grcade, on Cheeky Devlin's retro shooter Wednesdays. [00:40:26] Speaker A: Yeah, I did tune in. I did tune into Jazz on Stream for that. [00:40:32] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:40:32] Speaker A: Yeah, you should give it a go. I played it before. I played Half Life Source before, Half Life Sauce, Golden Ice Sauce before, but it was years ago, so I don't know how much it's been updated. I don't know how much has changed, but it was like a couple of times and then that was it. It was fun. [00:40:52] Speaker B: Yeah, no, I think we've really. We've really enjoyed it. It's. It's sort of like. Bring back your memories of playing Golden Eye multiplayer. Yeah, just up really. [00:41:02] Speaker A: Is it, you know, is this the second week you've played it now or the first? [00:41:09] Speaker B: Yeah, I think they played three. Three week. Three weeks in a row. I think they've played for three weeks, but I. I've played it for two and yeah, yeah, it's. It's good going over all the levels and that's cool. [00:41:20] Speaker A: Guns. I know they normally do two different two weeks of one game and then move to another game and then it's pretty cool. I've played a couple of times with certain things, but usually on a Wednesday play do co op stuff with Cumber Danes. For those who have listened to the show before, you'll know who that is and that's why we tend to do on Wednesday. We've been doing it for years, so that's why I'm rarely really ever there. Otherwise if I don't jump into co op with combat, I'll jump in sometimes. I was there for Halo as well. Hallow and Halo 2, I think. [00:41:55] Speaker B: Hello. What have you been playing? How have you. How did you get on with Castlevania? Did you finish that dawn of Sorrow? [00:42:02] Speaker A: Yeah, I finished that. That was really good. I love dawn of Sorrow. [00:42:07] Speaker B: Yeah, no, me too. I've. I've got those installed on the 3ds now so I don't have to carry around my DS games and whatnot with me. [00:42:15] Speaker A: Yeah, don't blame me. [00:42:17] Speaker B: It was easier play them at some point. Yeah. Because I. Yeah, one of them I played and really loved and I can't remember if I finished it. I think it was dawn of Sorrow because some of the bits looked familiar. [00:42:30] Speaker A: Well, I love dawn of Sorrow. I finished it back on the 3Ds and I finished it. Recently I've been playing Order. Not of Order of Ecclesia, if that's how you can pronounce it. A Portrait of Ruin as well. But I've been playing that off stream and recording. Basically I was offered a free key for the game to do a review or streaming or whatever. I didn't have to actually do a review. It could just be streaming it. So I thought I'll do a review and then I thought there's some streaming Donna Sorrow because it's awesome. So like I've had a few games like that. Some of them and to be fair, I think actually every single one I've had, I've. I've actually enjoyed simply because it's been stuff that I. I've specifically gone up my way to request. I think if it was a game that was given to me at random, I would probably like. I've been offered games, I just never accept them because I thought, I don't think I'd like it and I'd rather just not bother myself or something. I don't like I don't know if I'd feel bad as well, though. Like, it's like, oh, here you go. Have a key. And I was like, okay, I'll play the game. And then it's like, I don't really like it. I don't want to be mean. So I'd rather pay for. For the game and say I don't like it and get it for free. And you know what I mean? [00:43:49] Speaker B: It's, you know, you can't. You can't just say something's good when because it's being offered to you. That's how. [00:43:55] Speaker A: Exactly. This is why I would rather not get the game practices. Exactly. [00:43:59] Speaker B: That's driver gate. [00:44:00] Speaker A: No, I don't. Which is why I would rather buy the game and do a proper, like, you know, not have to worry about anything. But at the end of the day, it's not like I'm a really popular streamer who gets millions of views or if I was to give it something negative, I don't know. Bother. [00:44:17] Speaker B: I started streaming again. I did a bit of streaming for Crow country and got, you know, zero viewers every time. Except one time when the lovely Jasm did pop in. [00:44:27] Speaker A: Yeah. I didn't pop in because it was Crow Country. Every time I see you go live. [00:44:31] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. [00:44:32] Speaker A: And also notification on my phone and then I jump in and then you'll end and I'm like, are you goddamn serious? It's like, you know, it's weird because. [00:44:41] Speaker B: Sometimes I will. I'll in the stream and then the notification will pop up on your discord. [00:44:48] Speaker A: Yeah, Stupid. [00:44:50] Speaker B: Even though it's like an hour. [00:44:51] Speaker A: It was. [00:44:52] Speaker B: It was an hour ago and it says on the notification. Yeah. [00:44:57] Speaker A: Bloody daft. Yeah. When it comes to, like, free games and if it comes to. And someone gave me a free game and it was crap, I'd say it was crap. But, you know, I'd rather just get a key of a game that I think I'm gonna like just because I don't wanna. I don't want to play things I don't like. More than anything, I don't want to play things I don't like. [00:45:20] Speaker B: There's far too many games, TV series, movies to watch to spend ages. Yeah, exactly. Crap game. Yeah. [00:45:29] Speaker A: But like I said, so far, everything I've had a. I've requested now I've enjoyed, which is a good thing. But, like, obviously there have been games that I have played and I've done reviews for that I thought were, for example, Paw Patrol on a Roll. I didn't get up for you though. I, I. Well technically my kid had that so I did technically play it for free and it was shaped I give it a 1 out of 10. [00:46:00] Speaker B: Played any new Switch games recently? I haven't played the Switch for ages to be honest. So you got the news, Elder? [00:46:07] Speaker A: I have got it but I haven't gone around to play in there because apart from what I've streamed I've mainly been playing divinity original sin 2. Me and the Mrs. Recently finished Divinity Divinity Original Sin which we really enjoyed. We put him well over 100 hours into it. Like I said earlier, it's a game that I wouldn't have expected to to enjoy but she really got into it especially when she was stealing everyone's and getting us into trouble and we didn't have to kill like guards and Nuisance man and divinity original sin 2 seems to be pretty good. It probably is better than the first one but going straight from over 100 hours of Divinity Sin into Divinity Original Sin 2. These changes that have been made and it's like you just got to get used to them. It's like the first game there was like you could use magic on someone and sometimes it affect them, sometimes it wouldn't in the sense of you've cast a poison spell. Oh, it's poison dumb. Yay. In this one is they've got a magic shield physical shield. The magic shield needs to be completely got rid of before any effects. That is that's magic damage will can be applied to them but it will always be applied if that's gone and it's like that's a bit weird because I'm not used to there and so on and so forth. But they both really good games and yeah, she's still causing me trouble. She's a nuisance with stealing things. The only game I've played recently on the Switch is Picross E Is it E? Yeah, because E me and the misses played through Picross S1 to the old one. [00:47:58] Speaker B: I thought you're gonna say there was a new one that was picross E like 24 or something. [00:48:02] Speaker A: He is to the three DS games. They are them but they've been ported to the switch and they are fairly new. They came out after the last S game I think the last Eskimos S9 which me and the missus finished before we started. E. Oh, there you go. We play a lot of. [00:48:22] Speaker B: Yeah, I did like a Picross. It's good fun. [00:48:26] Speaker A: It is but it gives me headache. [00:48:28] Speaker B: A few of them on DS and 3DS quite too stressful. [00:48:37] Speaker A: They just give me a headache. I don't think it's stress. I think it's just I this I for me, I think it's looking at the screen the way and the. The game itself gives me an addict. Because my missy was saying that she's always been like fine with it, but she sometimes gets like dizzy the next day. And then she's like, I realize it's when we play Picross, I get vertical the next day because she has issues with vertical. And every time she plays that, the next day a vertical plays up. Like now that's weird. But don't know if it's something to do with the tv, the game or no clue. [00:49:12] Speaker B: I know all in Picross makers. Vertigo. [00:49:19] Speaker A: Yeah, I do like Picross the challenging but fun. Good fun. Obviously. On the 3Ds, I think you got Pokemon Pick Cross maybe. And I think Zelda Pick Ross. Did you. [00:49:36] Speaker B: I can't remember now. Was that. [00:49:37] Speaker A: I think they're on three. Yes, I think, I think that the Zelda one you had to get through the points store. [00:49:45] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, but. [00:49:50] Speaker A: I don't think they like the Zelda one. If I remember correctly, I did a couple of the puzzles. I don't think it's like, oh, look, this is the master sword. It was like, here's a chair, here's a bucket. It's just like Zelda themed. But the items seem to not be anything to do with Zelda, at least from what I was aware of. I'd have to realistically double check that just in case I'm wrong. I wonder if it was the ds. Not the three ds. Yeah, I don't know. [00:50:19] Speaker B: There were. There were Picross games on the. On the ds. [00:50:23] Speaker A: Yeah. I think in Picross games go back to the snares, don't they? [00:50:27] Speaker B: Oh, maybe. Oh, I don't know. [00:50:28] Speaker A: I'm sure there was one Super Mario Picross, something like that for the SNES or the farm at Super Famicom. [00:50:35] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:50:36] Speaker A: Which is the Snares, but it's just in Japan. You know, I've actually got a Super Famicom. [00:50:45] Speaker B: Have you? [00:50:46] Speaker A: I got a Snares upstairs in the attic and a Super Famicom behind me plays games in 60 hertz. [00:50:52] Speaker B: This is great. Radio Pets. It's behind me. Where are you? [00:50:57] Speaker A: Yeah, well, I'm holding up to the screen. You can't see it, but I can. But yeah, I got a Super Famicom and Famicom and a game cube all set up behind me. [00:51:12] Speaker B: I got a SNES which I bought many years well ago, but many years after it was out because it was at one unique point in the. Let's say around 2012, maybe 2013, something like was still the only way to play Super Metroid ridiculously, at least on the Nintendo console without emulation. So I bought one play Super Metroid, then started buying all the classic games. [00:51:46] Speaker A: Fair enough. [00:51:46] Speaker B: And then they. And then I think sort of almost a month or two after I bought it, they finally added it to the. Because I, I even emailed Nintendo saying, you're going to release this on anything. No, we have no plans to release it. And then of course they finally do release it on everything and now you can get on everything. [00:52:04] Speaker A: Yeah, they lied man, they lied. [00:52:06] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:52:06] Speaker A: Should have brought back to us. Are you lying bastards now? [00:52:10] Speaker B: I've got, I've. I've got a mini SNES as well. [00:52:12] Speaker A: I got a mini Snazz but you. [00:52:14] Speaker B: Know, only once, you know. Yeah, I think I got a Mini available on the Switch anyway. [00:52:25] Speaker A: Yeah, I think I got mini Nez Snares and Mega Drive. I set them up once for a stream and then put them away and I've never pulled them back out. [00:52:34] Speaker B: Yeah, I like the idea of mini consoles. I say, you know, I'd have loved to have had a mini N64 but now they've released a lot of the games on the thing, the Switch, although still nowhere near as many games as existed on the Wii Virtual console shop to buy. [00:52:54] Speaker A: Yeah, this is, that's the problem like, and one of my big concerns with Nintendo is the like Eshop side of things in the sense of virtual console. It's like, oh look, here's your Virtual console games you bought. Oh, if you want to play them on your Wii U, you need to pay a little bit of extra money to upgrade them for the Wii U. Okay, we'll do that. Oh, guess what? All your Wii U stuff, you can't play around the Switch, we taking it all away from you. You want pay a subscription? Hell yeah. I think Nintendo like they make good. [00:53:31] Speaker B: Games but even more of us. [00:53:33] Speaker A: Exactly, exactly. I think like they, they make good games and stuff but some of the business decisions which obviously work for them a. For the consumer. Yeah, it's not fair, man. [00:53:48] Speaker B: It's all about, you know, the difficulties in preserving video game history or just playing some of that history. Yeah, it's just really difficult. [00:53:57] Speaker A: And if you try and pirate something because you can't get it anymore, then you'll go to jail for ever. [00:54:06] Speaker B: Nintendo don't like it, don't pirate things, pets. You wouldn't steal a quarry. [00:54:13] Speaker A: I would steal mine though. [00:54:15] Speaker B: Steal a policeman's helmet. [00:54:21] Speaker A: He wouldn't steal a card. I'm thinking a lot of people are watching this. Probably would steal a car. [00:54:29] Speaker B: Look out. Well, actually, no, I mean Grand Theft Auto. [00:54:34] Speaker A: Yeah, well, exactly. You would see the car in a video game. It may not be in real life, but still willing to do it. Therefore Nintendo are wrong because I said so. Right. Is there anything else you would like to add or are we going to wrap up? If you want to talk more, I'm happy to talk. I'm a very, very nice chatty guy. [00:54:59] Speaker B: You are a lovely chatty guy, pets. No, I think that's everything I've got to chat about at the moment. [00:55:04] Speaker A: Cool. Before we go, let's just to reiterate, would you recommend Crow Country? [00:55:13] Speaker B: Yes. [00:55:14] Speaker A: There you go. I would also recommend Crow Country. [00:55:17] Speaker B: Yes, I would. [00:55:18] Speaker A: When I first saw gifts available, I was like, yeah. But now I played. I'm like, yeah, I really like this. It was good. It was worth grabbing. I literally only grabbed it to play this for the podcast. I didn't, didn't already have it. I just thought pick it up. So there you go. Nothing wrong with that. So thank you again for tuning in. Hypes. Tuning in. Taking part. You're not tuning in, you're taking part. I'm. I need to tune in live. I. I need to tune in. I need to tune into my brain. Kind of out of sync at the moment. Thanks for taking part, dude. It's always a pleasure. Thank you for everyone who has listened. All one of you, which will probably be me when I edit it and bye bye. [00:56:10] Speaker B: See ya.

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